Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7066: Xuankong shot

Chapter 7066 Xuankong shot

This is the display of the powerful talent of the Void Overlord!

And it's probably not the limit of the Void Overlord!

Nearly a hundred half-step god-building powerhouses attacked frantically, consuming a huge amount of energy.

On the contrary, Jiang Tian, ​​under the cover of the hegemony, was light and light!

Comparing the two, this severe consumption alone is enough to drag everyone down.

He can even be sure that even if everyone joins forces to break through this hegemonic domain, Jiang Tian will be able to condense more paths at will, causing everyone to fall into a frenzied state of great loss of spiritual power!

"You all step aside, this person must be shot by the old man himself!"

Ancestor Xuankong stepped forward, and the hanging hall behind him slowly descended with him.


"Ancestor Xuankong is about to take action!"

"Everyone stand back!"

Nearly a hundred half-step god-building great experts quickly retreated to make room for Xuankong ancestors!

"Do you really think it's amazing to be a mere Void Dominant? Shit!"

A trace of ridicule swept across the corner of Xuankong's mouth, and he waved his hand lightly. The flying hall behind him rumbled into the sky, and slammed into the Void Dominant Territory!



"My God!"

The faces of many warriors changed, and they exclaimed in surprise!

Although they have heard the name of Xuankong Patriarch for a long time, they also know that wherever he goes, he will control a huge hanging flying hall.

But no one knew that this flying hall was actually a powerful magic weapon!

"The Hanging Flying Palace is so thick and huge, its power must be extraordinary!"

"Needless to say? Absolutely kill the fairy treasure in our hands!"

"With such a huge scale, how powerful is it?"

Nearly a hundred half-step god-creators and more than a thousand outer god-level warriors all held their breaths and stared at this violent blow!

"Go back again!"

Ancestor Xuankong shouted in a deep voice, his icy eyes swept to nearly a hundred half-step god-building powerhouses.

Although they have stepped back, the distance is obviously not enough!

The spiritual frenzy stirred up by the Hanging Flying Palace is very likely to hit them hard.


"Go back!"

"Oh my God!"

"Is the power of the Hanging Flying Palace really so terrifying?"

While the crowd swept back quickly, they were suspicious.

The Hanging Flying Palace is indeed tyrannical, but the problem is that they have already withdrawn two or three thousand feet away.

At this distance, even if the aftermath of the Hanging Flying Palace swept through, how could it hurt them?

Although their strength is not as good as Xuan Kong, they are still half-step god-building powerhouses, and they all have strong self-confidence.

But the next moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

Crack... rumble rumble!

With the fall of the Hanging Flying Palace, the Void Domination Domain that Jiang Tian sacrificed burst apart!

Bang... bang rumbling!

The terrifying roar accompanied the rolling void and the giant waves scattered wildly, instantly engulfing the vast void!


"not good!"


"Go back!"

The face of the half-step god-building great experts who had retreated thousands of feet away changed greatly, and they went backwards!

There were about a dozen people who were slightly slower to respond, and were blasted out by the huge waves in the void, their breath was disordered, and they vomited blood on the spot!

puff puff... wow!


"What a terrifying magic weapon!"

"Is this really just a fairy treasure? How do I feel that its power seems to have surpassed the limit of the fairy treasure?"

"Transcendence? I don't think so!" Some people expressed doubts.

"I know that there is a technique of sacrificing and refining that can forcibly combine many immortal treasures into one. Could it be that this flying palace is such a heavy treasure?"

Everyone looked at the Hanging Flying Palace that smashed the Void Dominant Territory, and their eyes were full of astonishment!

The heart is full of awe and fear!


too strong!

Nearly a hundred people with the power of half-step god-building power and dozens of immortal treasures could not be blasted away, and they were broken by this flying hall in one fell swoop!

Its power is strong, and the end is terrifying!

"A large-scale compound magic weapon made by kneading and sacrificing fairy treasures!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered slightly, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How much eyesight do you have!"

Ancestor Xuankong had a sneer on his face, his words seemed calm, but in fact he couldn't hide the proud grip in his heart.

The Hanging Flying Palace is not just a flying magic weapon, but a composite treasure made by forcibly kneading dozens of immortal-level treasures plus hundreds of extremely rare refining materials!

Its power is completely superior to ordinary fairy treasures, and the destruction of the Void Dominant Domain with a single blow is the proof!

"Give me town!"

Ancestor Xuankong still didn't talk too much nonsense. He waved his right hand lightly, urging Xuankong Feidian Town to Jiang Tian.


bang bang bang bang!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the Hanging Flying Palace quickly fell, crushing the void inch by inch!

As soon as the space giant wave was formed, it was crushed by its mad power, showing terrifying power!

At the time of the Feidian Festival, several powerful space fairy treasures were integrated!

Those treasures have the powerful effect of disintegrating and suppressing space spiritual power, and they are the most useful to deal with space treasures and warriors with space blood talent!

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The Hanging Flying Palace crushed the void all the way, pressing down on Jiang Tian!

In just an instant, the void was completely crushed without any delay, and the whole process did not even encounter the slightest resistance!


There was an uproar in the audience, and everyone shouted wildly!


"Ancestor Xuankong is mighty!"

"I thought how strong that kid could be. Wasn't he killed by Ancestor Xuankong in an instant?"

"Hahaha, this is the price of arrogance!"

The audience shouted wildly, and everyone was applauding for Xuankong ancestor's shot.

At the same time, he is also very happy for Jiang Tian's arrogant fall!



Ancestor Xuankong did not show any joy, instead his face was gloomy and his eyes were solemn!

Although the power of the Hanging Flying Palace is super strong, Jiang Tian is not a vegetarian, how could he not resist at all?


He didn't know what to think, his face changed suddenly!

"Everyone be careful!"

Buzz Buzz!

At the same time as the voice sounded, more than one hundred Jiang Tian appeared in the surrounding void at the same time!

Finger shadows, sword intents, and fist shadows poured out from Jiang Tian's fingers and palms!

The half-step god-creator was immersed in cheers and ecstasy, and he hardly had time to respond.

In an instant, the heads flew up quickly, and the corpses fell into the sky!

Only less than ten people out of nearly a hundred people forcibly escaped with their lives!



"how is this possible?"

"He's still alive!"

"Instant killing technique, this is an instant killing technique!"

The crowd screamed in shock, horrified!


Ancestor Xuankong's face completely sank, and his eyes were so gloomy that there were two ice caves!

Under the circumstance that he used the Hanging Flying Hall to suppress him, Jiang Tian actually shifted his target and used powerful means to instantly kill nearly a hundred people!

Although it wasn't him who died, it was almost a disgrace to him!


More than a hundred Jiang Tian quickly disappeared, and in the end there was only one left!

Ancestor Xuankong didn't say much, and madly urged Xuankong Feidian to suppress Jiang Tian!

Bang, bang... bang!

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