Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7075: call for battle

Chapter 7075 called the war

"Senior Xuankong, let us go!"

"We have no grievances in the past, and no enmity in the recent past. Why do you suffer?"

"We have full respect for the seniors, and please don't embarrass us!"

"We are just a group of ordinary warriors!"

For a time, begging for mercy and exclamations resounded through the square!

Many people even knelt down and kowtowed to him for mercy!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xuan Kong burst into laughter, and his eyes showed a bit of hideous meaning!

"Are you afraid? It's right to be afraid!"

Crack clap... clap la la!

His right hand shook rapidly, and he controlled the ball to spin rapidly in the air.

Accompanied by bursts of ear-piercing noises, strange black lightning was released from it, bombarding the surrounding void!

Everyone was terrified to the extreme, and they were all terrified by him!

The warriors who are closer, even feel doomed!

"Fellow Daoist Xuankong, stop quickly!"

The elder of the city lord's mansion scolded sharply, if the other party refused to listen, he would be ready to take action!

"Hahahaha! Explosion!"

With a wicked smile on his face, Xuan Kong shouted out the word "explosive"!

Hearing this word, the whole square was in chaos in an instant!



"My God!"

"help me!"

Crack... rumble rumble!

The bursts of exclamations were instantly drowned out by the terrifying loud noise!

Xuankong smashed the ball abruptly, causing a terrifying wave of spiritual power!

But what is shocking is that this huge wave did not roll towards the square, nor did it kill the warriors below.

Instead, it was wrapped in layers of powerful space films!



"Space Secret Art!"

"Xuankong, when did you practice the space secret technique?"

The powers in the VIP seats can't sit still anymore!

They all stood up and looked at Xuan Kong!

The elders of the City Lord's Mansion were all moved by it, with horror in their eyes!

"He actually practiced such a powerful space secret technique!"

"His strength can already be included in the top three among the ten VIPs!"

"No wonder he dares to be so wild, so he has enough confidence!"

The elders of the City Lord's Mansion were filled with emotion and their eyes were complicated.

The nine VIPs on the opposite side sighed silently and frowned!

Xuankong's methods once again exceeded their imagination!

The pressure on them is even greater!


The Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion let out a sullen breath, and quickly let go of his dangling heart!

"Fellow Daoist Xuankong, don't dare to play like this next time, you know, the moment you squeezed the ball, I almost couldn't help but shoot!"

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist Xuankong, your methods have made this city lord's eyes shine, and made a good start for this giant spirit ceremony!"

The city lord Ju Kun couldn't help cheering for him!

Although the scene just now was a bit messy, the atmosphere was also very tense.

But Xuankong, with his strong strength, added a great brilliance to this giant spirit ceremony, which moved all the warriors!

For him, it is naturally more face!

"Hahahaha, the city owner has already won the prize, and I'm just doing a little trick, but I found that a few VIP Daoists seem to be a little dissatisfied!"

"..." Facing Xuan Kong's almost provocative words, the nine distinguished guests were all silent.

Of course they won't accept it!

But can this be said clearly?

You have to save some face for the city lord Ju Kun!

"Hahaha, everyone is powerful and powerful, and it is normal to have some disputes with each other. If everyone obeys you, what kind of dharma meeting is there?"

Ju Kun waved his hands and laughed, disapprovingly.

"Hahaha, the Lord of the City is so enthusiastic, it's not in vain for me to do my best to preach for everyone!"

Ancestor Xuankong has already completed his dazzling skills and does not intend to continue to shoot.

Because if it goes on, the other nine VIPs might really be furious on the spot!

"Lord City Lord, Great Elder, and fellow distinguished guests, Xuan Mou's sermon has come to an end for the time being, please come on stage next!"

Xuankong waved his big hand, scattered clouds and layers of mad clouds and space thin films, and proudly walked to his seat.

"Wait a minute!"

The sixth-ranked black-robed old man suddenly stood up and stopped him!

"Daoist Shi Yuan, what's the matter with you?"

Xuan Kong looked at the other party and asked in a deep voice.

The black-robed old man's name is Shi Yuan, and his strength is not inferior to him.

Of course, that was before!

Now, he has the confidence to win the opponent!

And it is precisely because the original rankings of the two are equal among the crowd, so Shi Yuan couldn't sit still in the face of the extremely high-profile Xuankong!

"Fellow Daoist Xuankong, your sermon just now was very exciting, but Shi feels that there are still some shortcomings!"

"What's wrong?" Xuan Kong frowned, already guessing the other party's plan!

Obviously stimulated by his strong performance, he is going to give him some problems!

"Hehe, although Xuan's cultivation is not weak, it is indeed not strong and perfect, but no matter what, it is not weaker than fellow Daoist Shi!"

"Humph! Then let's see the real chapter under our hands, and how about a special sermon?"

This is what Shi Yuan was waiting for, and he decisively called the opponent to fight!

"Come here, I'm still afraid of you?"

Xuan Kong laughed, without fear!

"Sir City Lord, Shi Mou and fellow Daoist Xuankong have already negotiated, and are going to join forces to give everyone a special sermon. How about the city's plan?"

City Lord Ju Kun nodded and smiled!

"Since the two fellow Daoists have this intention, it's not easy for Ju to stop him. This is of course a good thing, but I'd like to ask the two of you to stop here, don't hurt the peace!"

"City Lord, rest assured, Shi will be measured in his shots, and he will never be seriously injured!"

"What a big tone, I want to see, how much skill do you have?"

The corner of Xuan Kong's mouth swept into a sinister smile!

In the past Djinn Dharma conferences, there were many people who preached on the spot.

But most of them are limited discussions and demonstrations that cooperate with each other.

The situation of calling a battle directly like this has almost never occurred!

And this special scene has also aroused everyone's great interest!

"The two ancestors are about to make a move, who among them will have the upper hand?"

"Senior Xuankong has already shown his cultivation, I'm optimistic about him!"

"Ancestor Shi Yuan ranks fifth among the ten VIPs, and is supposed to be higher than Senior Xuankong!"

"When the strong fight against each other, the outcome is only on the line. After all, there is still suspense in this fight!"

The warriors in the square were talking a lot, and they didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

Xuan Kong's performance is amazing, but Shi Yuan is also quite famous.

In a battle between the two, who will prevail?

"No matter what, this must be a long-lasting fierce battle. The strength of the two is almost the same, and there will never be a winner in a short period of time!"

"Yeah, but it's a good thing for us!"

"Yes, we can watch a unique contest!"

"This kind of preaching, I like it!"

The warriors exclaimed in admiration and were extremely excited.

Compared with a single mode of preaching, they actually prefer this kind of discussion between powerful and powerful people.

In particular, both sides have a little bit of real fire, and the scene must be extremely spectacular and intense!

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