Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7076: Two people flank

7076 Two people flank

For them, this is a rare opportunity!

But no one thought it was!

This expectedly inextricable contest was decided in an instant!

Crack... rumble rumble!

Ancestor Xuankong used the same method just now, and threw a ball with gray clouds and ripples in the space.

A loud bang shook the ancestor of Shi Yuan into the sky!


Pfft, wow!

Ancestor Shi Yuan screamed and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, almost fainting!



The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was stunned!

The remaining eight VIPs stood up instantly, their faces extremely solemn!


"Can the difference in strength between the two of them be so big?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The faces of everyone are extremely ugly!

If you were yourself, would you be able to withstand the blow of Xuankong Patriarch?

That's really not the case!

"Damn! You actually... sneak attack?"

Ancestor Shi Yuan took an elixir and pointed at Xuankong and scolded him angrily!

"Sneak attack? Hey, the fight has already started, I just shot faster than you, why is it a sneak attack?"

Ancestor Xuankong was full of contempt.

Wanting to save face for himself, Shi Yuan's excuse was too childish.

at this time!

The eight VIPs also shook their heads secretly.

Ancestor Xuankong did not make a sneak attack, but hit this violent blow when the two were in a formation!

Although it is somewhat careless, but once defeated, it can only show that Shi Yuan's strength is not good!

Can't blame each other!

"Humph! Shi Mou is not someone who can't afford to lose, this time, I admit it!"

Shi Yuan took the medicine pill to suppress his breath, and wanted to walk back to the VIP seat.

But if you stay here, you will inevitably have to come forward to preach.

He is a defeated general, so what face is there to talk about?

"Lord City Lord, fellow Daoists, Shi Mou confessed today, farewell!"

"Shi Daoyou don't have to be like this!"

The city lord Ju Kun made a statement to keep him, but he also knew that he could not keep the other party.

After all, after losing such a big face, who would have the nerve to stay here and let everyone see a joke?

"Hehe, fellow daoist Xuankong is indeed stronger than me. It seems that this opportunity has improved you a lot. The remaining fellow daoists should be careful. Better, go!"

Shi Yuan left a meaningful sentence and resolutely escaped!

The expressions of the remaining eight VIPs became even more ugly!

Although Shi Yuan's words are provocative, is it not true?

If they fought against Xuankong, would they be able to resolve the blow just now more calmly?

I'm afraid it's a little difficult!

"Let Ku come to experience the skills of fellow Taoist Xuankong!" An old man with the surname Ku in a yellow robe stood up!

He was fourth in the seat, and his strength was almost the same.

Seeing the fiasco of Shi Yuan's defeat, naturally he can't play stupid, he can only fight!

"Cough, if Brother Ku doesn't mind, I'd be willing to learn from fellow Daoist Xuankong with you!"

The sixth-ranked old man surnamed Song took the opportunity to join!

"Ku is naturally no problem, but I don't know if Fellow Daoist Xuankong has the courage to 'preach' with the two of us?"

The old man with the surname Ku said with a smile.

In his opinion, Xuan Kong may not dare!

However, Xuan Kong agreed without thinking about it!

"You two don't need to cover up, let's go together!"

"If anyone else wants to, just come with the two of them, I don't mind fighting one against three!"

Xuan Kong is full of self-confidence and full of arrogance!

The remaining six looked at each other in dismay, and really wanted to take the opportunity to teach each other a lesson, but after all, they couldn't hold their faces!

"No need, I prefer one-on-one!"

"You come first!"

Several people's speeches were also very cautious, and they did not discuss or predict the outcome of the two sides.

"Go ahead!"

Xuankong waved his hand and pointed at the two of them!

"Fellow Daoist Xuankong, be careful!"

"Let's learn your tricks!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the two of them shot together, attacking Xuankong from left to right!

They are polite in their mouths, but they are unequivocal in their actions.

Two-on-one is inherently invincible, so there is nothing to hesitate at this time.

Doing your best to defeat Xuan Kong in the shortest time is the only purpose!

In the violent roar, fists and palms slammed into Xuankong, and the momentum was completely equal to the previous Xuankong palm!

The warriors in the square exclaimed, and everyone was very excited!

The strength of these two is also very strong!

In the face of their joint attack, Xuankong's ancestors will inevitably suffer, and ultimately defeat is inevitable!


"Good come!"

Ancestor Xuankong's eyes flashed a touch of hostility, facing the two men's mad attack head-on shot!


He raised his hands together, shot two Xuankong palms, and immediately blocked the offensive of the two!


"My God!"

"Senior Xuankong is such a powerful method!"

"It's really surprising that you can't lose with one enemy and two!"

There was a lot of noise in the square, and everyone was shocked by his move!

The powerful people in the VIP seats all looked solemn!

Two-on-one should have an absolute advantage, but judging from the collision at this moment, the two did not take advantage of Xuankong!


"Xuankong's combat power can really withstand the two of them's mad attack?"

"The cultivation base of fellow Daoist Ku and Daoist Song, one is slightly higher than Xuankong, and the other is slightly lower than Xuankong. On average, it is the same level as Xuankong!"

"Two against one warriors of the same rank, there is no reason to lose!"

"Xuankong's means are indeed not weak, but I believe that he is definitely not the two of them..."


blah blah blah!

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise!

The offensive that was blocked in mid-air suddenly erupted sharply, forcibly breaking away two gray palm prints, and heading straight for Xuan Kong!


"This situation is in line with my expectations!"

"Let me just say, the two of them can't be suppressed by Xuankong when they join forces!"

"Hehe, it seems that we have been thinking too much, this battle Xuankong has no chance of winning at all!"

The distinguished guests nodded and laughed, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuan Kong was the first to appear, and the tone was extremely high, which made them extremely unhappy.

After repelling Shi Yuan, he was even more in the limelight!

Now, this limelight has finally been curbed!

As long as Xuankong is defeated, the pressure on the follow-up sermons will be relatively less, and generally speaking, they will be much calmer.

"Hahahaha! Xuankong, do you really think you are invincible?"

"Don't forget that we are all at the same level. Your strength and mine are strong and weak. There is no absolute chance of winning one-on-one, let alone two-on-one?"

After the two rushed to Xuan Kong's palm print, they seemed to have seen the hope of victory!

"Not bad! You two deserve to be Xuan Mou's same-level powers, but do you really think that you can suppress me like this? It's too simple to think!"

Xuan Kong snorted coldly and grabbed with both hands!

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