Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7077: humiliation

7077 Humiliation

Bang, bang... bang bang!

An amazing scene ensued!

The gray palm prints that had just been swept away by the two of them suddenly spread wildly for the rolling mad clouds, wrapping up the opponent's offensive at an astonishing speed!

This scene shocked the warriors watching the battle in the square, and also caused the faces of the two opponents to change slightly!

"This old boy is tricking us, it's just outrageous!"

"What are you afraid of, are we all made of mud?"

The old man with the surname Ku and the old man with the surname Song reacted quickly and used powerful means!

Click, click, click!

A bronze-colored finger shadow suddenly appeared like a giant pillar, and smashed towards the gray mad cloud!

At the same time, a giant white blade burst out of the void and slashed straight towards the gray clouds!

Snap... Snap!

Rumble boom!

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the offensive of the two broke through the gray clouds once again, and once again gained the upper hand!

"Xuankong, is this your ability?"

"I can't see anything more than that!"

The two laughed loudly, and the momentum of the shot didn't stop at all.

They took their steps and prepared to take advantage of this momentum to defeat Xuan Kong in one fell swoop!

"Good come!"

Xuan Kong did not panic at all, and there was even a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

He was waiting for this moment!

The raised hands suddenly stretched their fingers wide, and the gray clouds that were blasted away by the two began to roll back crazily!

At the same time, a wave of space ripples also rolled back from all directions, sharply compressing the offensive of the two!

"Huh? It's a variable of Xuankong Palm!"


The old man surnamed Ku and the old man surnamed Song were furious!

This scene is exactly the method Xuan Kong used in the preaching session just now, and there is no secret at all.

Xuan Kong used this method to deal with them, it was like slapping them in the face!

Naked contempt, even trampled!

Is it bearable, what is unbearable?

"Older Xuankong! Ku Mou didn't want to make a heavy hand, but since you are so arrogant and want to hit us in the face, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Song Mou has to come up with some means of pressing the bottom of the box!"

The two were provoked, and they were ready to take a more serious shot to teach Xuan Kong a lesson.

According to the performance of Xuankong's preaching just now, these two Xuankong palms need a few breaths to gain momentum.

Although it is powerful, the time consumption is a serious drawback!

As the same level of power, as long as they seize this opportunity, they will be able to defeat Xuan Kong in one fell swoop!

But what they didn't expect was that Xuankong Palm's momentum was much shorter than they expected!


Xuan Kong's ten fingers spread out in the air!

The gray clouds and space ripples suddenly accelerated and reversed, forcibly smashing the two's offensive into a ball!

Two huge spiritual power **** appeared in the air!



The expressions of the two of them changed!

Before he could react, he saw Xuankong wave his hands together and threw the two **** at them fiercely!



The two did not dare to take it hard!

These two spheres contain the power of their own shots, coupled with the power of gray clouds and space ripples, once they hit the body, they will be seriously injured if they don't die.

Xuan Kong's move is extremely ruthless!

The faces of the warriors in the entire square changed!

The powerful people in the VIP seats were instantly furious!

"Xuankong, what do you want to do?"

"Are you talking about sermons, or are you fighting to the death?"

Xuankong turned a deaf ear to everyone's questioning!

He urged the two spiritual power **** to swipe rapidly, forcing the two opponents to retreat again and again!

In the blink of an eye, he retreated to the edge of the square!

Xuan Kong suddenly burst into laughter!

"Hahahaha! If I don't stop, will the two of you have to leave the city of the Giant Spirit all the way?"


Hearing this sentence, the two almost vomited blood!


Naked humiliation!

But they can't do it either!

The power of these two spiritual power **** is too great, they dare not take it hard!

Of course, they are not without defensive treasures.

But once it is smashed out, it may be destroyed on the spot.

Losing their defensive treasures on such occasions is a price they are unwilling to bear.

"What should I do?" the less powerful old man surnamed Song asked through gritted teeth.

"That's it, that's it!"

The old man with the surname Ku really wanted to fight the opponent, but thinking calmly felt totally worthless.

Being forced to such a state of embarrassment, he did not intend to continue preaching any more.

Angrily, he turned his head and left!

"Xuankong, you are ruthless, Kumou has learned!"

"The lord of the giant city, his skills are not as good as others. I don't want to talk about this, I'm saying goodbye!"


The old man with the surname Ku quickly escaped.

The old man surnamed Song stood on the edge of the square, neither entering nor retreating, it was extremely embarrassing!

"Cough, the performances of the three fellow daoists are very good. Of course, fellow daoist Xuankong is stronger. This sermon has come to an end for the time being. Please return to your seats!"

The elder of the City Lord's Mansion quickly spoke up to resolve the embarrassment.

The old man surnamed Song silently weighed, and wanted to bite the bullet and return to the seat.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the old man with the surname Ku to find a sense of existence in Xuankong.

Unexpectedly, the two-to-one was actually won by the opponent, and it was completely humiliating!

Facing the reminder from the Great Elder at this moment, his old face turned red to the bottom of his ears!

"Forget it, the old man believes that his strength is not as good as Xuankong, and he can't compare to fellow Daoist Ku. Now that fellow Daoist Ku has left, Song Mou has also bid farewell!"

The old man surnamed Song struggled for a while, but after all, he couldn't hold back his face, so he said goodbye and turned away.


The Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion is deeply depressed!

Nine VIPs, three were forced away by Xuankong!

The whole powerful preaching session seemed to be his home ground.

He himself was out of the limelight, but others were full of depression.

The City Lord's Mansion is also in embarrassment!

After all, these VIPs are the great powers they invited at a considerable cost to decorate the facade of the City Lord's Mansion.

But now, three people left at once, and they were forced away by Xuankong.

Xuankong's approach seems to be explaining one thing to everyone: Except for him, the three who left are all parallel imports!

As for whether there are parallel imports among the remaining six, I am afraid there is still a lot of suspense!

"I can't let him continue, otherwise what's the face of my City Lord's Mansion?"

The Lord of Giant Spirit City smiled, as if he was happy to see such a scene.

In fact, it is in the sound transmission of spiritual power, reminding the elder to control the field.

If this continues, the overall effect of the Djinn will be lowered!

"Cough! Fellow Daoist Xuankong, it's alright, your performance has been perfect, and you have won everyone's approval, please return to the seat immediately!"

At this time, the tone of the Great Elder is no longer a reminder or suggestion, but a hint of a request or even a warning!

If Xuan Kong still doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he still wants to continue to be in the limelight.

He would never mind another three-man attack!

He believed that when the proposal was called out, the remaining six VIPs would be happy to do so!

Of course, there are certain risks involved!

If the three of them can't take Xuankong again, the City Lord's Mansion will really lose his face!

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