Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7081: Shining castle, castle in the castle!

Chapter 7081 Lianguang City, a city within a city!

He didn't expect that Jiang Tian meant what he said, and he actually let him go!

"Jiang... Fellow Daoist Jiang, take care, I bid farewell!"


Xuankong couldn't wait to tear apart the void and escape far away.

This time, he fled crazily and ran away until his spiritual power was exhausted before stopping!

What I'm afraid of is being caught up by Jiang Tian again!

But his worries were obviously unnecessary!

At this moment, Jiang Tian was chewing the news revealed by Xuan Kong, and continued to flee south.

"The True Dragon Family is so mysterious that even a powerful person like Xuan Kong doesn't know the details?"

"The True Dragon Family has many branches. Most of the martial arts circles usually talk about its branch forces, but no one knows about the True Dragon Family's lair?"

Jiang Tian frowned, lost in thought!

If this is the case, did Longxuan and Longdie go to the real dragon family's lair, or some external branch?

This question made him feel depressed!

Xuankong seems to have provided a little clue, but in fact it didn't make the problem clear, and the problem became more complicated instead!

But one thing is for sure!

The radiant territory of the True Dragon Family is far from comparable to any super city!

Not to mention all the forces of the True Dragon Family, just one branch of it may have the size comparable to a super city!

Even bigger!

"It's no wonder that Longxuan was so rampant that day. With such a background, anyone would be proud!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, sorting out the messy clues.

Although the clues are confusing, one thing is certain!

The sphere of influence of the True Dragon Family must be in a place with a higher level of martial arts in the Dao Domain!

The large area they occupy must have better aura conditions!

And such a situation is also consistent with his current direction!


move on!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the Great Formation of Transforming Space and continued to escape to the south!

From north to south, the level of martial arts and aura conditions in the Dao domain continued to improve.

The True Dragon Family must be waiting for him somewhere ahead!

After a few days!

Jiang Tian came to a super city called Lianguang City!

The aura conditions of heaven and earth here are 40 to 50% higher than those in Giant Spirit City!

Compared with his Chiyue City, it is more than twice as high!

"With such a strong aura condition, no wonder it can give birth to so many powerful people!"

Compared with Giant Spirit City, the half-step god-making level in Lianguang City is several times more powerful!

This ratio seems a bit exaggerated!

But Jiang Tian was not surprised!

After all, the aura of heaven and earth is more than 50% higher, which is enough for many powerful and powerful people who are stuck in the bottleneck to easily break through.

In other words, some of the original god-level powerhouses who are stuck in the bottleneck of Giant Spirit City, if they come here, I am afraid that they have already stepped into the half-step god-making state.

But what made him feel a little more at ease was that he didn't feel the terrifying aura beyond the half-step God Constructing Realm here!

Obviously, the rules of the martial arts world are also valid here!

It is still extremely difficult for a half-step god-making realm powerhouse to cross that big pass and step into the god-making realm!

But even so, the half-step god-making realm here should not be underestimated!

Since he entered the city, he has at least sensed the aura of hundreds of half-step god-making realms!

More than 70% of them are stronger than Patriarch Xuankong!

And more than half of these people's aura is much stronger than Xuankong's!

"The same half-step god-making realm, the same level of Lianguang City is so much stronger than Giant Spirit City, it is completely crushing advantage!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself with a slightly dignified expression.

The half-step god-making realm in Giant Spirit City is almost two different concepts from the half-step god-making realm here.

No wonder Xuankong and his ilk are well-known over there, but they dare not come here easily.

Because when they came here, not only would they not be treated like strong men, they would even be suppressed and attacked!

Jiang Tian scanned the entire city and found that there are towers reaching the sky in many places in the city!

And on the top of these towers, there are streaks of blue, purple, blue, and yellow spiritual smoke billowing out, which looks very spectacular!

"Refining firm!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

No wonder it is called Lianguang City, it turned out to be a city where weapon refining forces gathered!

He has a super talent for refining, not inferior to those senior refining masters.

Come here, can not help but feel a little itchy!

"Just take this opportunity to inquire about the situation of the True Dragon Family!"


Jiang Tian took a step and swept to the center of the city.

After some investigation, they came to a large-scale crafting guild called "Wanguang Crafting City"!

Wanguang Artifact Refining City occupies a huge area!

The area is almost half the size of Chiyue City!

It's like a city within a city!

In this area, a large number of refining forces have gathered, and there are many top refining masters refining here.

Where there are people, there are business opportunities!

Many forces have set up stalls here, renting out the Artifact Refining Hall for the use of all artefact refiners.

Among these forces, the highest status is Wanguang Trading Company!

The entire Artifact Refining City was developed under the leadership of them!

"What do you need, sir?"

Jiang Tian came to Wanguang Firm.

The person who received him was a middle-aged shopkeeper whose cultivation had reached the peak of the original God Realm!

Such a person is a great power in Chiyue City!

But here, it turned out to be only the shopkeeper of the refining shop!

The gap in martial arts is obvious!

According to the other party's introduction, Wanguang Trading Company has a wide range of business!

There are ready-made magic tools, magic weapons, arrays, magic symbols and other treasures for purchase.

There are also various refining materials, covering almost all the resources that a refining master can use!

In addition, there are various specifications of the Artifact Refining Hall for rent!

What surprised Jiang Tian the most was that there were also large and small furnaces for rent and sale!

You must know that the higher the level of the refiner, the stronger the treasures of the refiner.

Ordinary refining furnaces are difficult to meet their needs, and it is a bit exaggerated for a place like Wanguang Trading Company to sell such low-level items.

"Fellow Daoist, isn't it strange?"

The middle-aged shopkeeper asked with a smile.

"It's indeed a little strange. It is said that with the level of refining equipment here, there should be no market for this kind of thing."

"Fellow Daoist is quite reasonable, but you have ignored the situation in Lianguang City!"

"Appreciate further details!"

"Let me tell you this, although the overall level of refining in Light Refining City is extremely high, it is just like martial artist training. Not everyone has superb skills. Out of a hundred people, there may be an intermediate refining master. There may be a high-level craftsman in a thousand people, but there may not be a master craftsman in a hundred thousand people!"

"As for these master craftsmen, they don't know how long they will have to practice before they can advance to senior master craftsmen. All these need time and chance, and they cannot be done casually!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, understanding the meaning of these things.

They are indeed not for refining masters, but for a large number of low-level refining masters and beginners.

"It's no wonder that the refining atmosphere in Lianguang City is so strong. It seems that it is inseparable from the cultivation and support of your major forces."

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