Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7082: Half-step divine vein, top treasure hall!

Chapter 7082 Half-step divine vein, top treasure hall!

"Naturally! Fellow Daoist, what do you need here?" The middle-aged shopkeeper retracted the topic and asked with a smile.

"I want to rent a refining hall!" Jiang Tian said bluntly.

"The refining hall in this firm is divided into three levels: lower, middle, and upper. In addition, there are top-level treasure halls available. I don't know which one you want?"

"What are the benefits of the top treasure hall?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Top-level treasure halls, there are three in our bank, and each one is supported by half-step divine veins. It is the best choice for experienced master craftsmen to craft powerful treasures!"

"Its cost is 10 million top-quality spirit crystals a day. In addition, fellow daoists can also hire the craftsmen in our bank to act as assistants, and each person has 1 million top-quality spirit crystals per day!"

Jiang Tian was secretly surprised when he heard this!

This price is not low, but fortunately he has a large number of spirit crystals on him, so he doesn't have to worry about the cost.

But for ordinary warriors in the original **** realm, this is not a small expense!

"Do fellow daoists think it's expensive?" The middle-aged shopkeeper asked with a smile.

"It's really a little expensive." Jiang Tian nodded.

"Hehe, it seems that Fellow Daoist is not a pure weapon refiner, but a warrior!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper said meaningfully.

"Why?" Jiang Tian was surprised.

The middle-aged shopkeeper explained: "Because warriors have a greater demand for cultivation resources and are more sensitive to things like spirit crystals, it is much easier for craftsmen to earn spirit crystals, and they are not too dependent on such things in cultivation, so naturally You won’t care too much about the price, the point is, there are very few Artifact Refining Halls supported by half-step divine veins!”

"Your Excellency is right, I will choose the top hall of your firm!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper shook his head: "I'm afraid the top one won't work. That one has already been rented, and it won't be vacant until at least three months later! The other two rooms are temporarily vacant, you can rent it!"

"According to what you mean, these three rooms are also different?"

"That's right! The top one has the strongest spiritual support, and the other two are not as good, but they are also very good. If Daoists are confident in their refining skills, it is also a good idea to rent the spare room." Choose, after all, in the entire Artifact Refining City, there is no better treasure hall than this one!"

"Okay, let's choose it!"

"How long do you want to rent, Fellow Daoist?" asked the middle-aged shopkeeper.

"I can't be sure at the moment, let's rent it for ten days first!"

"Okay then, fellow daoist, please pay the three-day fee as a deposit first, and make up the rest after the end!"

"Give you!"

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he threw out a bag containing 30 million top-quality spirit crystals.

"How many assistants does Fellow Daoist need?" asked the middle-aged shopkeeper.

At the same time, he pointed to a group of refining masters waiting to be summoned in the refining hall next to him.

These people sat in rows of seats, calm and relaxed.

"These are all registered craftsmen of the bank, with superb skills and rich experience in crafting, more than enough to serve as assistants!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand and rejected the other party.

"You don't want an assistant?" The middle-aged shopkeeper was taken aback!

The guests of the rented top halls almost always hire a few assistants.

Because all the treasures refined in the top treasure hall are powerful treasures, and some of them are compound powerful magic weapons.

This kind of thing cannot be controlled by one person, even with too few assistants!

This person is young, and he is not a pure craftsman, and he may not even be a master craftsman. Where does he have confidence?

Looking at Jiang Tian, ​​he seemed to understand!

"Let me say a few words, if the fellow daoist is not refining a large-scale magic weapon with great power, there is no need to rent a top-level treasure hall. The first-class weapon refining hall can also meet the demand, and it can also save a lot of money. !"

"No need." Jiang Tian said lightly, holding the tenant's token, he was about to walk to the top hall.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute, there are still some questions I need to clarify with you. The top-level treasure hall you rented actually shares the spiritual veins with the other two!"

"Shared?" Jiang Tian was thoughtful.

"Yes! The three top treasure halls are actually supported by the same spiritual vein, but you don't have to worry, fellow Taoists, this is a half-step divine vein, even if it supports three treasure halls at the same time, it is enough!"

Jiang Tian looked at each other and suddenly smiled!

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid you haven't finished talking yet. If there are any hidden traps, let's make it clear at once!"

"Uh..." The middle-aged shopkeeper looked embarrassed!

"This, indeed, there is another point, that is, the topmost treasure hall, which enjoys 40% of the spiritual power of the entire spiritual vein, while the other two share 30% each!"

"That is to say, that room is 10% more than the one I rented?"


"I understand."

Jiang Tian didn't raise any objections, and walked directly into the rented top hall with the token.

"Is this person really confident?"

The middle-aged shopkeeper looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and couldn't help but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know what level of treasure the other party is refining?

If it's below the immortal rank, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But if it is a fairy class, there may be some situations!

Because he didn't hire a refining assistant, nor did he buy a full range of refining materials provided by the firm.

If you do it alone, the higher the level of the refined treasure, the greater the risk of failure!

Watching Jiang Tian walk into the No. 3 top hall, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

The refiners waiting to be hired in the hall also laughed!

"This person is only in the middle stage of the original **** realm, and he is not a pure craftsman. Where does he have confidence?"

"Couldn't he be refining an ordinary holy treasure?"

"Impossible! It seems that he is not stupid. How could he spend so many spiritual crystals to refine a holy treasure?"

"If you rent a top-level treasure hall, the one you refine must be a fairy treasure, but can he make it by himself?"

"If the refining is a single or limited-power fairy treasure, it is possible, but if it is a large-scale fairy treasure with great power, the possibility of failure is extremely high!"

"If it is a complex and large fairy treasure, it will definitely fail!"

"That's right, we have so many refiners here, and he doesn't hire him, it's no wonder he succeeds!"

Seeing that they had lost a chance to earn spirit crystals, everyone mocked Jiang Tian one after another, as if seeing his failure in refining weapons.

But in fact, they have another advantage in serving as refining assistants!

That is to take the opportunity to absorb the spiritual energy nourishment of the half-step divine vein, so as to enhance one's own strength!

Being able to earn spirit crystals and absorb the nourishment of half-step divine veins can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Tian's refusal made them extremely depressed!

at this time!

Jiang Tian has arrived at the No. 3 top hall!

The aura conditions here are quite good, stronger than the half-step divine vein in Aurora Valley!

"Can I only enjoy 30%?"

Jiang Tian smiled!

That is to say, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse is not around, otherwise he would never mind piercing through the aura channel directly!

But even without the Spirit Swallowing Rat, he still has a way to absorb more spiritual energy!

Because the spiritual veins of the three treasure halls are from the same source, although there are certain restrictions, it is impossible to remain unchanged.

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