Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7089: question

Question 7089

"Master Bai, I can tell you the situation over there, but you must promise not to disclose it to any third party, including the guest you are assisting now!"

"Hehe, shopkeeper Xuan, don't worry, we've been working together for thousands of years, don't you understand the old man's temper?"

"Okay! I believe you! The guest in the No. 3 treasure hall is indeed a stranger, and he has only one person, and he has not hired any refiner as an assistant. As for what is refined, he has not revealed it. That's all I know Already!"

"What? Alone!"

Master Bai was surprised!

Although the scale of the No. 3 treasure hall is not comparable to that of the No. 1 treasure hall.

But that is also one of the top three refining halls of Wanguang Commercial Bank!

A mere foreign martial artist, who didn't even hire a refining assistant, just broke in like that?

What exactly is he going to refine?

Can one really do it?

Don't think about it, it probably won't work, and it almost certainly won't work!

"Master Xuan, aren't you fooling around? What kind of magic weapon can he refine by himself? Can he do it on a larger scale?"

Master Bai had a gloomy face, not without the intention of questioning.

Shopkeeper Xuan frowned and said: "I reminded him repeatedly, but you insisted not to hire, should I force him to hire? Besides, I don't know what kind of treasure he will refine. Maybe he only refined a limited-scale treasure. Where is the magic weapon?"

"If you say this, do you believe it yourself?" Master Bai asked in a deep voice.

"I..." Shopkeeper Xuan's expression turned ugly.

Indeed, he himself did not believe it!

Who would spend a lot of top-quality spirit crystals to rent a top-level treasure hall just to refine an ordinary magic weapon?

Since the top-level treasure hall was rented, the other party's refining would obviously be a larger and more powerful magic weapon.

"By the way, there is another possibility!"

Shopkeeper Xuan's face suddenly became ugly!

He thought of a not-so-good possibility!

If the other party did not come to refine weapons, but found an excuse to enter the treasure hall to practice in seclusion, then everything seemed to make sense!

"It's broken! How could I have forgotten this possibility? If he entered the treasure hall and borrowed half a step of the power of the gods to practice, what should he do?"

Shopkeeper Xuan was so anxious that he couldn't help sweating on his forehead!

"Go in and practice?"

Master Bai's face darkened!

"Master Xuan, if this is the case, you made a big mistake this time!"


Shopkeeper Xuan's heart was beating wildly, and he became more and more uneasy!

According to the scale of Wanguang Trading Company, if the guests who enter the top hall refuse to hire the assistant of the refining master, then the shopkeeper must appoint a trading firm martial artist to go in as a supervisor.

This warrior is not an ordinary warrior, but a person with a certain level of weapon refining.

He didn't go in to act as an assistant, but to prevent guests from messing around inside!

But because people who enter the palace almost always hire a few to dozens of assistants, most of the time this rule is useless.

And because Wanguang Commercial Bank's business is always booming, manpower is often tight.

So he just ignored it!

I didn't expect this small negligence to cause such a big hidden danger!

If something really went wrong, he wouldn't be able to explain it!

"Thank you, Master Bai, for the reminder. It seems that I have to activate the sound transmission circle to remind him!"

"I don't think it's necessary for now!"

Master Bai rolled his eyes and waved his hands again and again.

"The fluctuation of spiritual power is still within the normal range, and the old man just reminded me out of kindness. Maybe that person has no other purpose, but is just too confident in his refining level."

"Is that so?" Shopkeeper Xuan felt a little less confident.

"Hehe, with the prestige of our Wanguang Trading Company, even if he is a newcomer, he should have some scruples, don't worry!"

With a big wave of his hand, Master Bai closed the pattern.

Turning around to look at the middle-aged man in the golden robe, a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Found it! It's a foreign martial artist who just arrived, and he didn't even hire an assistant when he entered the No. 3 treasure hall!"

"Oh?" The middle-aged man in the golden robe shrank his eyes slightly, feeling very strange!

He refined this set of immortal-slaying sickles, not only hired dozens of master craftsmen as assistants, but also specially invited Master Bai to lead the formation.

This is to ensure the success of refining!

The mysterious warrior in the No. 3 treasure hall didn't even invite a single assistant?

What exactly is he refining?

The middle-aged man in the golden robe fell into deep thought!

But this kind of thing is obviously difficult to guess!

However, judging from the way the other party snooped through the wall just now, it is obvious that they have some special means!

"Thank you, Master Bai, Jin has figured it out!"

"Fellow Daoist Jin, you are welcome!"

Master Bai waved his hands and smiled.

This time he came to hold the lineup, and his commission was quite generous, so he was particularly enthusiastic about this middle-aged man in golden robes.

He didn't hesitate to violate the rules of the firm, and obtained information from the shopkeeper Xuan.

"It's not too late, please speed up the refining, master, I want to refine this treasure in advance!"


Master Bai nodded solemnly, understanding the other party's concerns.

In case there is any change in the No. 3 treasure hall, the refinement of the side is likely to be affected.

The so-called long night and many dreams, of course, it is better to complete it as soon as possible!

"Everyone, go all out and speed up the sacrifice!"


Master Bai issued an order, and dozens of master craftsmen made their own moves and played one after another crafts.


The entire refining formation was in full swing, and spiritual waves shot out one after another, submerging into more than two hundred hundred-foot-high black scythes suspended in the void!

As for the Baizhang Black Scythe, which was continuously infused with the Art of Refining Artifacts, there were streaks of strange black energy projected out, all pouring into the thousand-zhang scythe in the center!


Master Bai stepped forward, stepped on the formation, and formed a complex refining seal with his hands.

Head towards the center of the thousand-foot scythe!

The aura of the thousand-foot scythe soared, and it was swallowed up like a black hole!


The violent roar resounded through the void!

There are more than two hundred hundred-foot-high black scythes around, and as the thousand-foot-high scythe crazily devours, the whole body actually becomes weaker!

The original physical magic weapon is gradually turning into a series of translucent phantoms!

At the same time, the essence of the spirit veins under the refining array has also reached its peak!

A huge gust of spiritual power surged out crazily, and was poured into the thousand-foot scythe after being transformed by the refining array!

The aura of the thousand-foot scythe soared rapidly, becoming deeper and more terrifying!

at the same time!

The old man in yellow robe and a dozen master craftsmen in the No. 2 treasure hall also felt the ups and downs of spiritual power!


"The spiritual power has started to fluctuate!"

"how so?"

"It goes without saying that it must be the No. 1 treasure hall that is going all out!"

"Treasure No. 1 occupies 40% of the spiritual power of the entire spiritual vein. Once it is fully used, it will indeed cause a little fluctuation, but this is a normal fluctuation and will not affect our refining!"

"No! The volatility is getting worse, it seems that the No. 3 treasure hall is also doing its best!"


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