Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7090: spiritual interruption

Interruption of spiritual power

A dozen or so craftsmen looked at each other, frowning slightly.

It is relatively rare for the three treasure halls to use their full strength at the same time!

Even if there is, it won't last too long.

Because the power of the large formation fluctuates during the refining process, it is not necessary to use all your strength all the time!

This is the case with one large formation, but when three are added together, the changes will be even more.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, you will not encounter a situation where the three seats are fully open.

But now, it appeared!

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, don't panic, this fluctuation will pass soon!"

The master craftsman who was the leader among the dozen or so comforted the old man in yellow robe, trying to dispel his worries.

But after a while, his face changed, and he felt more and more wrong!

"No! Why is the fluctuation still deepening?"

The faces of more than a dozen master craftsmen became serious!

This means that Hall No. 1 and Hall No. 3 are at full strength at the same time, and it may last for a long time!

The most important thing is that the refining of the "Suppressing God Bell" has reached a critical moment. Once the fluctuation of spiritual power exceeds a certain level, it will have a huge impact on this refining!

It may even directly lead to the failure of the refiner!

"Masters, what should we do?"

The old man in the yellow robe was very disturbed!

"There is no way! Now we can only advance but not retreat, we must be ahead!"

The leading master craftsman gave a loud shout, and a dozen people made their own moves, and began to urge the grand formation of craftsmen with all their strength!

If they are in the initial stage of refining, they actually still have a way out.

You can temporarily slow down the refinement, wait until the peak of spiritual power passes, and then carry out the sacrifice step by step.

But now at a critical moment, the spiritual power can only be increased but not decreased, otherwise, even if it is forcibly refined, the power of the "Suppressing God Bell" will be greatly reduced!

Now the spiritual power has reached its peak, so it can't bear too much fluctuation!


The leading refining master roared and stomped on the refining pattern under his feet!


The entire refining formation began to run at full capacity, and the spiritual waves surged wildly, blasting into the "Shenzhen Bell" that was being sacrificed.

At the same time, he and more than a dozen master craftsmen each sealed and cast spells, and typed out one after another crafts.

at this time!

The three treasure halls have launched a fierce competition!

The spiritual power of the entire half-step divine vein reached its limit in an instant!


The dull roar resounded through the ground. Although the power of the half-step divine vein is powerful, the three treasure halls refine all large-scale compound magic weapons.

The consumption of spiritual power is also extremely huge!

Although the half-step divine vein has a strong background, it will also have certain ups and downs.

Coupled with the crazy seizure of the three treasure halls, its fluctuations continued to intensify!

Hidden dangers have been buried, and they are constantly accumulating and gradually growing!

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Go ahead!"

In the No. 1 and No. 2 treasure halls, all the refiners are fully activated!

The two refining arrays are running crazily, grabbing the power of the spirit veins with all their strength!

In the No. 3 treasure hall!

Jiang Tian also noticed something was wrong!

He opened his phantom eyes and scanned left and right, and found that the craftsmen in the two treasure halls were making crazy moves with all their strength!

With his attainments in refining weapons, he naturally understood what the other party was doing!

This is a race against time!

"Think it will be useful soon?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

If it is under normal circumstances, such as three parties being equal, it is indeed useful to grab time.

And with more opponents, the effect will be more obvious!

But he has his own unique hole card, so he is not afraid of the opponent's crowd, nor is he afraid of the opponent's competition!

At this time, his second stage of sacrifice has just started, and it is not at the most critical moment.

The main reason for absorbing spiritual power with all its strength is to save time.

Therefore, he still has a way out!

But at this time, Hall No. 1 and Hall No. 2 are desperately fighting for each other, and he can't stand alone.

Since you can't be alone, you should face up to the difficulties!

"Come on, I'd like to see, who can take the lead in this special contest after half a step of full spiritual power?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, but did not continue to urge the large formation of refining equipment.

Instead, he used the Void Swallowing Art to devour the essence of the spirit veins under the formation!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


The power of space swept past, and the essence of the spirit veins under the No. 3 Artifact Refining Hall was swallowed by him!

He didn't directly refine these essences, but sealed them in his body for later use!



Jiang Tian used the Void Swallowing Art one after another, devouring the spiritual power below.

So much so that his spiritual power consumption rate is faster than the other two palaces!

In terms of speed alone, the other two treasure halls combined cannot compare to him!

Under this violent devouring, he stored a huge amount of spiritual power for later use.

And because of his crazy devouring, the essence of the spirit veins under No. 3 Highness dropped sharply.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone!

Because the three treasure halls are connected by the same spiritual vein!

Although three independent channels of spiritual power have been opened up in the ground close to the large refining array.

But in the depths of the earth, they are always of the same origin!

Under normal circumstances, the power of the spiritual vein cannot drop too deeply, so the three are independent of each other and do not interfere with each other.

And there is a situation that will affect the power balance of the entire spiritual vein!

That is, the spiritual power channel is drained, causing the height of the spiritual power essence to continue to drop. When it falls to the position before the spiritual power channel forks, it will have a huge impact!

And with Jiang Tian's frantic devouring, the spiritual power channel connecting the No. 3 treasure hall has approached the critical point!

Its spiritual power level has dropped to the fork of the three passages!

"Swallow again!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian continued to devour!

next moment!

The liquid level of spiritual power in the No. 3 treasure hall instantly retreated to before the channel forked!


The fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly rose, and the deficit in the third channel formed a huge depression of spiritual power.

The spiritual liquid in the No. 1 and No. 2 passages involuntarily poured in this direction!



With the pouring of the spiritual liquid, the supply of spiritual power in the No. 1 and No. 2 treasure halls was cut off instantly!



"what's the situation?"

"The spiritual power is interrupted, how could this happen?"

"not good!"

"Hold it fast!"

The expressions of the refiners in Hall No. 1 and Hall No. 2 changed drastically!

This was the first time they encountered such a situation, and they were at a loss for a while!

Fortunately, the leading master craftsman was calm enough, and immediately ordered everyone to activate the grand formation of craftsmen to lock up the spiritual power, and forcibly suspended the process of sacrificial refining!

But this can only relieve the emergency, but it can't really solve the problem!

"At most half an hour, if the spiritual power can't be continued, there will be a big problem in this refining!"

In the No. 2 treasure hall, the leading craftsman's face was extremely ugly!

The other refiners also panicked!

"That's unreasonable! How could this be? What's going on with your Wanguang Trading Company?"

The old man in yellow robe was almost furious!

With just this one, his "God-Suppressing Clock" was almost destroyed!

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