Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7092: Waste sword

Chapter 7092 Waste Sword


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, thirty fairy treasures swirled out.


The spirit of the earth flame split into thirty flame spirit clones, which were respectively injected into these fairy treasures.

Strange to say!

When Jiang Tian personally used the incinerator to sacrifice with real fire, it took some time for these immortal treasures to open the spiritual power channel and receive the infusion of real fire and spiritual energy.

However, under the impact of the flame spirit clone, they had almost no obvious lag, and the spiritual power channel was opened in an instant, and they smoothly received the infusion of spiritual power!

Bang bang, bang bang!


The deep roar continued to sound, and all kinds of strange noises came and went!

Thirty pieces of fairy treasures were sacrificed by the spirit of the earth flames at the same time, and received the infusion of spiritual power. Compared with Jiang Tian doing it himself, the efficiency was instantly increased by ten times!

Jiang Tian, ​​who freed his hand, was not idle either!

He is fully urging the weapon refining formation, blasting out one after another weapon refining formulas!

Whoosh whoosh!


One after another, refining spirit patterns and formation spirit waves frantically swept up, pouring into thirty fairy treasures one after another at an astonishing speed!

In just three hours, these treasures were sacrificed!

"If the master is not afraid of risks, the speed of sacrifice can actually be faster!"

The Spirit of Earth Flame reminded.

"Faster? No!"

Jiang Tian resolutely refused!

This speed is already amazing, more than ten times higher than his initial efficiency, fast enough!

No need to take unnecessary risks to continue accelerating!



Thirty celestial treasures circled up again, accepting the sacrifice!

time flies!

After just three days!

The sacrifice of more than 400 pieces of fairy treasures has been fully completed!

And in this process, only less than ten fairy treasures were lost!

This number is far lower than Jiang Tian expected!

Originally, according to his own prediction, this process may consume at least dozens of fairy treasures.

And with the help of the Earth Flame Spirit, the loss was controlled to single digits, far below his expectations!

At this time, there were pieces of fairy treasures floating in front of him!

The number reached 393 pieces!

"not bad, very good!"

"Spirit of Earth Flame, well done!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shine brightly!

"The master has won the award. To me, this is nothing."

The Spirit of Earth Flame said proudly.

"Next, it's the process of kneading them!"

"Kneading? It seems that the master is going to refine a large and powerful magic weapon, and now I can show my skills again!"

"Come on, let's start the sacrifice!"

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the entire weapon refining array burst out with a loud bang!

Immediately afterwards, majestic spiritual power surged out crazily, turning into pillars of spiritual energy like dragons under the cover of the pattern, and began to bombard these fairy treasures crazily!

Normally speaking, at this time, one by one assistants of the refiner are needed to control the large formation of refiners, so that a large number of immortal treasures can be put into operation!

Avoid a single fairy treasure from being overly impacted by the array, resulting in premature damage!

But Jiang Tian didn't hire any refiner as an assistant, so he can only rely on himself!

If it was someone else, I am afraid that the situation is already in chaos!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​he not only has the powerful support of the spirit of the earth flame, but also the powerful fire of the burning device and real fire!

In addition, there is such a super physique as the Void Overlord Body!

In addition to the magical effects of actual combat and escape, this kind of physique also has unique benefits in refining weapons!

The powerful power of the void can fully control these fairy treasures without fear of the impact of formations and spiritual fires!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, powerful space power surged out instantly, firmly imprisoning three hundred and ninety-three fairy treasures!

The previous sacrifices were essentially just spiritual infusion and some kind of preprocessing!

These fairy treasures accept external power, and there will be no obvious rejection, let alone strong resistance.

But the next kneading process is quite different!

Three hundred and ninety-three fairy treasures, each with independent spirituality and will!

It is beyond imagination to knead them together!

Kneading such a scale of immortal treasures, even if there are dozens of senior master craftsmen present, will feel extremely headache.

And the risk of failure is huge!

At this moment, Jiang Tian made the move alone, so he naturally had to bear more pressure!

Bang bang bang...boom!



A huge purple sword was impacted by the pillar of spiritual power, and suddenly trembled violently, bursting out with dazzling purple lights!


Jiang Tian frowned!

This situation is not too unexpected, because this is a problem that must be encountered in the kneading process.

I just didn't expect it to appear from the very beginning!

And the resistance of this purple giant sword is still very strong!

"Give me town!"


Jiang Tian imprisoned it with spatial spiritual power, and at the same time sent blood spiritual power to suppress it!

Buzz buzz!

After struggling for a while, the purple giant sword abruptly fell silent!


Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath, realizing that he seemed to have overestimated the power of this giant sword.

Suppress it with a wave of your hand, the purple giant sword is nothing more than that!

However, the next moment, his face suddenly changed!

bang... click!

Bang rumble!

After a moment of silence, the purple giant sword suddenly burst into violent turmoil, releasing a terrifying force!

"The sword marrow exploded?"

Jiang Tian's expression changed!

The body of the purple giant sword did not explode under the suppression of the spatial spiritual power and the refining array!

But this power is still quite terrifying!

As a star sword body, he is naturally no stranger to this!

This is the abnormality caused by the self-explosion of the sword marrow contained in the purple giant sword!


Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, feeling very sorry!

The purple giant sword is a powerful treasure for killing and cutting. If it can be kneaded into shape, it will definitely exert great power.

But now, it's gone!

After the sword marrow blew itself up, the purple giant sword had its shape, but it had lost all its power!

Now, it's just a useless sword, an ordinary sword!


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he pulled out the useless sword.

Crack... bang rumble!

After the purple giant sword was released from the confinement, its fragile body could not withstand the impact of the large refining array and the real fire of the burning device.

In an instant, it exploded into a mass of purple iron flowers, blooming and disappearing like fireworks!


Jiang Tian ignored Zijian's disappearance and continued to knead.

at this time!

An eight-sided giant hammer suddenly moved, and it seemed that it was about to lose control!


Jiang Tian made a decisive move, suppressing it with spatial spiritual power and bloodline spiritual power.

The Earth Flame Spirit reacted quickly, and immediately injected the Flame Spirit clone to suppress it.

The abnormality was quickly smoothed out!


"Come again!"


Hundreds of celestial treasures were revolving above the refining formation like stars, followed by a **** long knife!

Its aura was extremely violent, and after being hit by the pillar of spiritual power, it struggled violently, trying to escape!

"Give me town!"

Jiang Tian suppressed with powerful sword intent!

However, the blood-colored long sword is a treasure in the way of the sword, so it is naturally not acceptable to the sword intent!

Its resistance is very fierce!

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