Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7093: silkworm silk

Silkworm Silk World Chapter 7093

But after Jiang Tian released the star sword intent, the **** long knife trembled and gradually succumbed!

Although what Jiang Tian released was sword intent, it was at a completely crushing level.

Make it irresistible!


The **** long knife no longer struggled, but began to release waves of powerful and domineering sword intent, as if showing its strength to the sword intent that suppressed it!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, each piece of immortal treasures spins and rotates, constantly receiving the impact of the pillar of spiritual power and the sacrifice of the great formation!

The kneading process of the fairy treasure is to infuse it with the power of the great array and the spiritual veins, so that the breath converges to a certain extent!

But these treasures are not of the same origin, so it is naturally impossible to completely converge.

But as long as it is controlled within a certain limit, it can be kneaded into a compound magic weapon!

Whoosh, whoosh, boom, boom!

One after another, the sacrificial refining of knives and sword magic weapons has been completed!

After wasting nearly 30 pieces of the same kind of fairy treasures, there are finally 237 pieces left!

The sword fairy treasure has completed the initial kneading!

Next is the magic weapon of guns!

This compound large magic weapon refined by Jiang Tian is the weapon of attack!

Therefore, the whole magic weapon is mainly the weapon of attack!

Knives, spears, and swords are all about attacking, so the main body of this large magic weapon is these three types of fairy treasures!

In addition, with dozens of other types of magic weapons as an aid, blend them, and you're done!

Whoosh, whoosh, boom!

hold head high!

Magic weapons like guns swirled towards them, all of them radiant and agile like a dragon!

Compared with magic weapons like swords, gun magic weapons are more wild and domineering!

The gun is the king of soldiers, and it contains a powerful domineering spirit!

Go forward bravely, shoot like a dragon!

At this time, more than a hundred gun-type magic weapons flew by one after another like spirit dragons!

Not only did they not avoid the impact of the pillar of spiritual power, they even took the initiative to meet them, attacking with their domineering nature!

Click, click!


A huge spear crazily displayed its power, piercing the pillars of spiritual power one after another!


Instead of being surprised, Jiang Tian was overjoyed, his eyes brightened!

For him, this is not a bad thing!

If all these magic weapons are as obedient as sheep, it will be broken!

But now, these treasures intend to break through the pillar of spiritual power, which shows that they still maintain strong vitality and spirituality after the initial sacrifice!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the power of the refining formation skyrocketed, and formation patterns and spiritual waves rushed out crazily, wrapping these dragon-like giant spears layer by layer!

At the same time, the Spirit of Earth Flame transformed into avatars to wrap around it!

The real fire of the burner forcibly opened their spiritual power channels, guiding the power of the spiritual veins to pour in crazily!

Hiss... Boom!

Crack, crack... bang, bang!

The violent roar kept ringing, and under the full impact of Jiang Tian and Di Yan's spiritual power, the giant spears gradually stopped resisting, and the sacrifices were completed one after another!

In the end, one hundred and twenty-nine giant guns completed the preliminary kneading!


Ho Ho... Ang!

These more than one hundred giant spears are connected head to tail, like a colorful dragon hovering above the large weapon refining array, it looks extremely spiritual!

Jiang Tian even had an illusion, as if this was a living dragon!


Jiang Tian was elated for a moment!

One can already imagine all the grand occasions after the large-scale magic weapon is refined!

So far, the preliminary sacrificial refining of knives, swords and spears has been completed, a total of 363 pieces!

Next, there are various auxiliary fairy treasures!

These treasures mainly play the role of suppression and imprisonment!

There are hammers, sticks, bells, mountains and the like!


A silver mountain slid down, and under the impact of the pillar of spiritual power, it didn't move at all!

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian was secretly surprised!

This treasure has gone through two rounds of sacrificial refining, and now, its strength has not decreased but increased!

No matter how the pillar of spiritual power strikes, it will remain suspended in mid-air and remain motionless!

The power is strong, it can be seen!

"This thousand-foot-thousand-foot silver mountain is quite similar to Wan Yan Jinggang!"

Jiang Tian flipped his right hand and took out Yiqiaoshan!

A Wanyan Jinggang was integrated into this mountain aperture, which was extremely heavy!

In actual combat, there is almost no need to deliberately push it, as long as it is thrown out, it can destroy the opponent's treasure.

But it is a part of Jiuqiao Mountain after all, and it is easy to get out of control after it exceeds the range of one hundred thousand feet, so it is somewhat scruples to use it.

That's why he was in a hurry to sacrifice this large compound magic weapon!

Jiang Tian put away Yiqiao Mountain and continued to sacrifice this thousand zhang silver mountain!


The formation patterns and Lingbo wraps of the large refining array were infused with the spiritual power of the half-step divine vein, and the spirit of the earth flame was also showing its power rapidly, pouring into the silver mountain.

Gradually, the Qianzhang Silver Mountain began to shrink!

After shrinking again and again, it finally became as tall as an inch!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and continued to sacrifice the next magic weapon.

This is a thousand-foot giant clock!

The whole body is black, with weird runes engraved on the surface!

Its breath is extremely thick, and when the spiritual power is touched, it will make a burst of stirring sound!

At the same time, those strange runes seemed to come alive, spinning rapidly on the surface of the giant clock, releasing waves of strange coercion!

Its power makes the void become viscous!

After Jiang Tian took this object, he once felt its power.

Without using the spiritual power of space, touching the power of the giant clock is like being stuck in mud!

Although using spatial spiritual power can temporarily get rid of its influence, it will also be strongly suppressed the moment it appears!

Generally speaking, this is a powerful magic weapon of confinement and blockage, and kneading it in will greatly improve the whole treasure!



After the giant clock, there is a waterfall-like treasure!

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a series of strange white silks, which looked like waterfalls flowing down!

"The silkworm's silk from the Styx Realm!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, and his pupils brightened!

This thing has just arrived in his hands, and he has not figured out the origin.

Until recently, I saw relevant records in a certain classic!

This thing is the product of a special kind of spirit insect—the Silkworm of the Styx!

That is, the spiritual silk spit out by the "Styx silkworm"!

Don't look at it as slender as a hair, but it is tough beyond imagination!

It is almost impossible to cut it off with ordinary fairy-level swords and magic weapons!

Once entangled by it, it is extremely difficult to get out!

And after the spiritual power is injected, the silkworm's silk in the Styx Realm can grow rapidly, become thicker, and become larger!

Just like white dragons and giant pythons, they are also powerful for attacking!

Hiss... Boom!

This thing is extremely spiritual!

At this time, it seemed to have anticipated its own situation, so regardless of the impact of the pillar of spiritual power, it went straight to Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, raised his hand and patted forward.


Amidst the violent roar, the mighty palm force came out, forming a spiritual barrier!

Cooperating with the suppression of the refining equipment in the formation, I want to shake it back!

But a scene that surprised him appeared!

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