Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Remorse

"Unfortunately, Taizutang did not pass your set of martial arts theories." Laozu said regretfully: "After reviewing, the highest few Taizu pointed out some of their fatal flaws. Explosive body against the current."

"Although I really want to comfort you, I have to tell you that your research in the past nine years has suffered a serious deviation!"

Ye Yu Pavilion was so stunned that he stood there in a long time, unable to recover for a long time.

It was not until midnight that he asked in surprise: "But Patriarch, the method you are going to announce now is not created by Jiu Di, who created it?"

"It's all the ancestors in Taizutang, who have worked hard for 20 years." The ancestors burst into joy: "They got inspiration from the blood of the demon **** they got 20 years ago. Years of secret and undisclosed research finally found a feasible way."

With that said, the purpose was unfolded.

A dense text came into their eyes.

Looking at the sky in the middle of the night, I couldn't help but wonder: "Open up a new meridian? Are the patriarchs studying this?"

Opening up new meridians is a road of no return to the sky. There is no possibility of success. This is what the great ancestors have studied for twenty years.

He has an illusion that the ancestors will not get into trouble?

"Exactly!" The ancestor said with confidence: "The ancestors gathered all the wisdom and approved methods, it is absolutely feasible."

That's right!

Ye Zhongtian thought carefully, which grandpa of Ye Family is not a prince of the world, the talents of many people gathered together, and the method of opening up the meridians developed by the research must be effective.

He couldn't help but read it, and the more he discovered the more subtle, but it was a pity that the method only stopped halfway through.

"Ding Qiyuan Formula, opened from three inches and eight centimeters..." Ye Zhongtian said softly in the middle of the night. When reading this, there was no text, so he was restless: "Why didn't the patriarchs write down?"

The ancestor twisted his whiskers: "The remaining half, the ancestors are still verifying whether it is really feasible."

Ye Zhongtian patted his thigh: "This method is really subtle. I really want to see what is left..."

As I said, the dull Night Rain Pavilion was unable to control the aphasia: "From the three inches and eight centimeters, from the ten inches and seven centimeters, it is filled with three-point star power, and the seven-point star power opens to the right. After three inches and eight centimeters, the first pulse is completed."

In the middle of the night, the sky was stunned, and I looked at the scroll again. There was no method left on it. Where did Jiu Di read?

The ancestor who was smiling from his own hands twitched his beard and pulled out several white beards.

A pair of pupils narrowed and their faces were very serious: "Yuting, where did you peek?"

This method is known only to the ancestors of Taizutang and him, and the rest of them are not aware of it. Ye Yuting actually knows the later text, so he has definitely peeked where he is.

The things they have worked hard for two decades are most likely leaking news.

Ye Yuting said blankly: "I..."

He fell into a great loss, his mind blank, and he didn't know what to say.

"Speak!" The ancestor was like a thunderstorm, waking up the Yeyu Pavilion. This matter is not trivial.

Yeyu Pavilion recovered, and his complexion was indescribable: "If I said that I had seen it five days ago, would Patriarch believe it?"

The ancestor said flatly: "Impossible! The ancestors summarized the method into words three days ago. You cannot see it in advance unless the time is wrong!"

At this moment, Ye Yuting had a deeper complexion on his face: "Time is not messed up! Five days ago, Xia Qingchen wrote a method to open up the meridians to the nephew of Moqiong! Research... exactly the same!"


For a time, it seemed that countless thunders were approaching, and the audience was all stiff.

Patriarch shook his head incredulously: "This... are you sure?"

Yeyu Pavilion nodded: "I have the ability to remember, not to say that it was five days ago, that is, five months ago, and the text I have read can be reversed!"

"Xia Qingchen wrote exactly the same as the ancestors summarized... No, it is more subtle than the ancestors!" Ye Yuting pointed to one of them: "For example, Xia Qingchen's description is more accurate here , And here, the explanation is more clear, and the ancestors are completely guessing, not accurate."

There was silence in the room, and only Yeyu Pavilion was talking to herself.

When it was finished, it was complicated to say: "How long will it take for the remaining half of the ancestors and ancestors to complete the inspection."

The ancestor said slowly: "At least three years."

The creation of martial arts, especially the core of the blood of the Yejia gods, cannot be tolerated at all, and it needs to be verified by the ancestors again and again. Three years has been an ideal state.

Most likely, it will take more than five years!


Yeyu Pavilion was like a deflated ball, with palms supporting it weakly on the stone table, full of loss: "I... made a big mistake!!!"

The night demon dome on the side finally understood, and said dumbly: "Nine Uncle, you mean, the method written by Xia Qingchen, in fact... is it really a way to open up the meridians?"

Ye Yuting nodded his head heavily.

The night demon dome suddenly turned bright, excitedly: "What are you waiting for Jiushu? Quickly write it down silently? Haven't you seen it?"

With the ability of Ye Yuting to remember, it should be possible to write all.

Patriarch flashed his eyes, urging: "Quick! Yuting! Write it down and send it to the ancestors for details! If Xia Qingchen's writing is true, it may save us five or six years! "

Five or six years, what a precious time?

Enough to allow contemporary night family members to grasp the true power of the blood of the gods early.

In the middle of the night, the sky was full of excitement, patting him on the shoulder: "Nine Brother, you have done a great job, write down quickly!"

However, Ye Yuting lowered his head, holding his hands motionless on the table.

The expression on the face, a lot of pain and regret, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I... only half of it!"

The ancestor hurriedly said: "Then Xia Qingchen was written on the reel? What about the reel?"

Ye Mo Qiong's face was a bit white: "It was written on white paper, and the white paper was lost by Uncle Ji!"


Patriarch and Zhong Zhongtian only felt cold in his heart, lost... Lost?

The method of opening the meridians that you have gotten lost?

Ye Yuting raised his head, his eyes filled with regret, and blamed himself: "I just stunned myself, and mistakenly thought that Xia Qingchen's writing is a fallacy. So I only threw half of it...and threw it away!"

Patriarch's palms were shaking, and he could bear the urge to slap him: "What are you waiting for, go back and find!!!"

Ye Yuting remained motionless, and his face was hard to see: "I can't find it. When the paper fell, the strong winds of the birds that we were riding...crushed!"

A house of people, all fell into petrification.

Only the naive night is exquisite, and the fan-like eyelashes blinked, and the air was crisp and crisp: "Look for Brother Xia to write another one! Brother Xia is very good."

Ye Mo Qiong's pale face narrowed a little, and thought deeply: "Yes! With my relationship with Xia Qingchen, let him write a new one."


With a soft sound, Ye Yuting looked desperately and took out the glass of Yeming wine intact, and the voice was a little tremble that could not be restrained: "No, Xia Qingchen let me tell you... Never look for him again. !"

He has offended Xia Qingchen to the end and cut off their own future!

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