Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: Yejia proud

The light of ease that the Night Demon's Dome had just poured out was instantly stiff.

Looking at the glass of Yeming wine, the night demon's heart was like a needle, and he said lowly: "Nine Uncle, what the **** did you say to Xia Qingchen?"

Actually let him say such decisive words!

Ye Yuting was deeply contrite and ashamed: "Uncle Ji is sorry for you."

He was finally willing to admit his mistake, but unfortunately it was too late, and the method of developing his veins was completely destroyed by his own claims.

Even the good relationship established between the Night Devil's Dome and Xia Qingchen was broken.

"Nine Uncle, I...you..." Ye Mo Qiong clenched his fists, he did not expect the consequences of Ye Yuting to go back more seriously than he thought.

Xia Qingchen not only returned everything from Yejia, but also sent Yelinglong back, and broke off relations with him.

Everything is Ye Yuting's self-righteousness. He thinks he has a lot of knowledge and throws away the precious veins, and he also urges the public to go back and ask for Ye Ming Jiu.

Xia Qingchen could be so angry, and he knew how fierce he was.

What Ye Yuting lost him was not only a way to open his veins, but also a friend worth making.

"You are my nine uncle, my elder, and the person I respected." Ye Mo Qiong lowered his head, his fists squeaked: "I don't want to accuse you anymore, but I don't want to see you again!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the house, ran to his house, and locked himself in it.

Ye Yuting stretched out his hand, and his heart was so stinging that he would rather accuse Ye Mo Qiu of accusing him, so that he would be better off.

His head was lowered deeper, and his heart was suffering from regret.

Why should he be so impulsive?

Even if Xia Qingchen is suspected to be a liar, why should he mobilize his teachers like that to make things worse? Clarify the misunderstanding later, why do you insist on not apologizing?

Now, it has finally become a bitter fruit that cannot be swallowed.

For the first time in his life, he felt a great setback and said in depression: "Ancestor, I made a big mistake. Please ask the ancestor to punish him."

Patriarch's expression was full of regret and blame, but looking at Ye Yuting like this, it is not good to say anything, patting him on the shoulder and saying: "The matter is here, how about punishing you?"

But the more he said this, the more Yu Yeting felt the pain in his heart, he clenched his fists tightly: "I made the mistake, I will bear it! I will go back and admit my mistake to Xia Qingchen, please ask him anyway Write a new copy and ask him to forgive the nephew of the magic dome."

The ancestor shook his head, his waist was straight, and he said with a loud voice: "Nonsense!"

"Since Xia Qingchen is so absolute, how can you forgive him if he admits his mistake?" The ancestor perceives people's hearts: "Even if you whisper, he will not necessarily change his mind."

He sighed deeply and stroked Linglong's head lovingly: "Let Linglong be his maidservant, which has made my ancestors feel distressed. I don't want to see a clan lose his dignity."

Yejia is a kind of arrogant and proud race, and it is supposed to let the people of the world look up instead of bowing their heads over and over again.

"But what about the method of developing the veins? It takes at least five years for the ancestors to test successfully." Ye Yuting was comforted and much relieved.

The patriarch's nostrils snorted and arrogant Lingyun: "Wait five years and five years! I have a family of thousands of years, can't I wait for five years?"

A word of domineering made the guilt in Ye Yuting's heart slow down a lot, and bowed deeply and thanked: "Thank you for your forgiveness!"

The ancestor lifted him up and looked at the vast blue sky outside, his eyes squinted, and his momentum was above the sky: "Yuting, you remember, the bones of my family at night can never be broken!"

"Yes!" Yeyu Pavilion rejuvenated, straightened his waist bar, and said with enthusiasm: "It's just a way to open up the veins and veins. We at Yejia will start our own without asking anyone!"

Clang's powerful words shook the sea of ​​clouds and burst into a strong sense of self-confidence.


A sharp break in the empty sound came from time to time, but saw the three old men dressed in gray robes rushed calmly.

"See the ancestor, the head of the house, hey, Elder Nine is also back?" When the three arrived, they immediately took a fist.

The three of them were the servants who served in front of the Taizu Hall. Most of the Taizu Hall's will was conveyed by them.

However, it is not uncommon for three people to leave Taizu Hall at the same time.

The ancestor lit up and walked down the wooden ladder: "But what good news do the ancestors have?"

The good news of Yejia recently is one after another.

However, the three men were extremely heavy-faced, and the man in the middle took out a scroll with a seal: "There is an order from Taizutang, to retrieve the will three days ago. By the way, please ask the ancestor to accept this will."

The ancestor felt something was wrong. He took over the purpose first, and after a quick look, the old cheeks suddenly solidified.

The above is an urgent communication by the ancestors, which ordered the ancestors to immediately return to the previous half of the method to develop the veins.

Because...the inspection in the second half of the article, there was a big problem.

The more difficult it is to develop the meridians, the harder it is to make mistakes. It can be said that there are thousands of miles between them. The first half of the article has many shortcomings. The method of deduction according to this method will only get farther and farther away.

"Ancestor, what happened?" Ye Yuting asked, leaning over.

Patriarch murmured: "The patriarchs said...the second half of the article is void...need to re-perform!"

The inspection may only take three to five years, but relaunching the second half of safety will take at least ten years, and there is no guarantee of success.


Ye Yuting staggered back, and he knew that it was not so easy.

The first half of the ancestors has already differed from Xia Qingchen’s, but the difference will only be greater. If Xia Qingchen’s method is correct, then the methods of the ancestors are destined to be wrong.

"Ancestor, please return the first half of the article, and strictly order those who have read it, don't circulate it, so that someone can't bear to practice, and brew a big disaster." Three servants said.

The ancestor dragged the heavy steps and took back the first half and handed it to the three men. The proud of him was just like a lot of bending at the moment.

The trio was about to take it, and the ancestor suddenly withdrew it, and looked at Yeyuting: "Mark the difference between Xia Qingchen and write it aside, and give it to the ancestors for review."

Ye Yuting wrote a heavy pen, and then finally gave it to the three.

Looking at them away, Ye Yuting sat weakly on the stone, and his heart was gray: "Ancestor, what should I do?"

"Wait later." The ancestor said: "I believe that the ancestors will have a way."

They didn't wait too long. About a quarter of an hour later, a servant returned in a hurry, holding another will in his hand.

The ancestor was about to step forward, but the servant said: "It is for Elder Nine!"

give me?

Ye Yuting took it, opened it, and his face was full of bitterness.

"The second half of the volume should be handed in without errors." The short nine characters made Ye Yuting's heart miserable.

The ancestor glanced and was caught in a huge contradiction.

That brief modification made Tai Zu Tang realize how important the lost second half was.

"Ancestor, let me go." Ye Yuting has a miserable expression, and he can't hide after all, so he has to go and ask Xia Qingchen to write another one.

And this time, the ancestor can no longer throw out the powerful and proud words, turned his back, and sighed in shame: "I have wronged you."

Yejia has no choice.

Ye Linglong looked at the unhappy ancestor and Yeyu Pavilion, and her faint eyebrows fell down, and said: "Okay, how could it be like this?"

Unintentional words, like a dagger plunging into the heart of Yeyu Pavilion, how could it be like this, because all of them worship him!

The Night Demon's Dome held the method of tendon development well, and Ye Linglong stayed with Xia Qingchen. Everything was fine, but he was arrogant, causing great trouble.

He wished that time could go back in time and go back to the moment he got the piece of paper and save everything again.

"Ancestor, I'm gone." Ye Yuting lowered his head and clenched his fists.

The ancestor nodded hoarsely: "Take care of yourself."

Ye Yuting was sour in his heart and turned away.

"Nine Uncle, I'm going too, I'm looking for Brother Xia." Ye Linglong ran forward, but was pulled by the ancestor and shouted: "No go!"

No one knows what Xia Qingchen's attitude towards Yejia is now. Ye Linglong returns to Xia Qingchen's side, what if he becomes the object of his hatred?

"Humph!" Ye Linglong stomped her feet, her small mouth poked so that she could hang a gourd.

"If you can't do it, you can't do it, and stay here on the island today!" Patriarch did not accommodate her as she wished.

"If you don't go, don't go! Huh!" Ye Linglong hummed, but silently added: "I'll go by myself!"

at this time.

Southern Xinjiang, the main palace.

Qiu Qiu was lying on the stone, basking in the sun, and his spirit was weak: "The smelly girl is gone, and the little luck is gone."

It looked up and looked at Xia Qingchen, who was not far away sitting under the sun and studying the map, and said, "Master Chen, why did you rush out the little luck? The abominable thing is that Yeyu Pavilion, not her."

In its impressions, Xia Qingchen was never a traitor with a small capacity, but was very generous.

Because of Ye Yuting's disrespect, he was angry at the innocent little unlucky bastard, unlike Xia Qingchen's.

Xia Qingchen slightly put down the map and said indifferently: "The divinity I put on her is enough for her to be unaffected by bad luck for half a year, unless there are special circumstances."

For example, when encountering that person who can **** away the divinity from her.

"But there is no need to chase her away. I didn't know what a mean and stingy person Ye Chen was." Qiu Qiu was puzzled.

Xia Qingchen's eyes turned to the distance: "It is more dangerous to go to southern Xinjiang. Is it appropriate to bring her?"

Qiu Qiushi suddenly realized: "I said, I was worried that the little luck would follow us in danger."

Xia Qingchen's good intentions, it finally understood.

"Good! Let us kill the rebel robber and find the stinky girl!" Qiu Qiu Zhenzuo stood up.

Today is the ten-day period agreed with Bai Zhantian.

The team has been trained and is standing by in the barren forest, waiting for the commander's test.

"Master Xia, the commander-in-chief has arrived in the barren forest and is waiting for you." Wu Xiong suddenly came to visit and preached.

Xia Qingchen put the map into the space nirvana, and nodded: "Well, I'm going here."

Wu Xiong's expression was a little anxious. He looked around and left no one. He whispered, "Master, Commander Bai is a little unhappy. You are ready."


Xia Qingchen's eyebrows flicked up softly. He asked Bai Zhantian to train the team without asking for anything in return. What was he unhappy about?

(It’s a big chapter today.)

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