Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1147: The sacrifice begins

The Wulu priest has a solemn expression: "This thing is a deity left to us by the barbarian priest. It is worn as a body protector and is now divided among the three of you."

If the volcano accidentally emits dangerous flames, seriously injuring or even killing the participants, in order to ensure the best possible victory, the priest of Wulu takes out the inherited artifacts and gives them to use.

He distributed them one by one, one for the first two dead men and one for the last one.

However, instead of giving Xia Qingchen, he gave Wu Guiming life!

Wu Xiangtian's eyebrows flicked: "Daddy, what to do with the cousin? He doesn't participate!"

Wu Luo priest glared at him: "Do you think anyone is as useless as you? Your cousin decided to join the fight!"


Everyone could not help being surprised, but the fighting was dangerous to life, and Wu Guiming was willing to take part in himself?

The Wulu priest turned to look at Wu Guiming, ashamed, patting him on the shoulder and saying: "Guiming nephew, when the family rises and falls, you take the initiative to stand up and risk your life to break into a future for the family, please allow On behalf of the Wuluo tribe, I express my gratitude to you."

It turned out that an hour ago, Wu Guiming found Wulu priest and expressed his willingness to fight.

Because Xia Qingchen's potential is in an overdraft, no one can guarantee that he can live alive, so Wu Gui volunteered to fight for the family.

This remark really touched the Wulu priest, so he decided to take out the stone that had been worshipped for thousands of years.

Wu Guiming said awe-inspiringly: "I am a member of Wuluo tribe, fighting for Wuluo tribe, even if I really get into danger this time, I have no complaints!"

The Wulu priest was very moved, patting him on the shoulder and saying, "Good nephew! If you can come back alive this time, the Blackwater Mountain will seal the land and give you half!"

That means that he may pass the Wulu priest tribe to his son and nephew, respectively.

Wu Guiming was secretly excited, and he was right.

Wu Xiangtian frowned deeply: "What about Hu Yifan?"

Since there are black ghosts participating in the war, what meaning does Xia Qingchen have?

Wu Luo priest glanced at Hu Yifan lightly: "He will temporarily serve as a substitute, just in case."

If the game hasn't ended yet, the ghosts have made a fortune, at least someone can replace one or two.

"That's it, let's go!" Wulu priest couldn't help but said that he personally led the team and only led a few people to the volcano outside the center.

When they arrived, Liluo Priest and Tibetan Mirror Priest had already come one step ahead.

Xia Qingchen looked around and found that the volcano was covered with barbarian soldiers who maintained order, and there was a huge sacrificial platform filled with various sacrificed animals and monsters.

The three priests looked at each other, solemnly boarded the sacrificial platform, and began to hold the holy fire sacrifice.

The process was long and lengthy. Xia Qingchen glanced at the foot of the volcano and whispered to Luo Narcissus: "You go here to join my horse."

He secretly handed her a map. After waiting for the fighting, what would happen on the volcano is unpredictable. Luo Narcissus should not stay for a long time.

The latter nodded, looked back at Wu Guiming's back before leaving, and said to Xia Qingchen: "The son is careful of the one named Wu Guiming, he is not simple."

Xia Qingchen's expression was faint: "Oh."

No matter how simple it is, he was almost killed by a boxing injury?

Luo Shuixian looked uncertainly and said, "When he was killing in Jiuli City, I seemed to see a dark shadow on him, which gave a very bad feeling."


Xia Qingchen couldn't help but glance at the black ghost life, the dark shadow, is it a barbarian barbarism?

He nodded slightly: "Got it, go!"

After they left, the three priests began offering sacrifices, and the sacrifices dropped from the altar to the fiery volcano.

Xia Qingchen stood on the edge of the volcano and glanced inside. The dazzling fiery red made it impossible to see the internal situation clearly. He could only sneak into the lava that was about to move.

Xiao Tianhuo in his arms also showed a strong desire for emotion. If he did not suppress it, I was afraid that Xiao Tianhuo had already burst out.

"There was a sacred flame inside." Xia Qingchen murmured softly.

It's just, how do you wait?

The priests of the three priests were methodical, and when they reached the end, the three priests at the same time took out the rewards of the barbaric gods inherited from their respective tribes.

The Wulu priest is three pieces of gravel, the Tibetan mirror priest is a magic wand, and the Liluo priest is a rusty sword.

After the three appeared, they caused internal volcano vibrations, and a roar of fiery magma raged into the sky, followed by a rolling heat wave, which forced all the people near the crater to retreat.

The three priests quickly chanted the mantra, and under the ancient and jerky barbarian mantra, the divinity in the three gods kept sinking into the volcano.

Then, with a thud inside the volcano, a scorching lava burst out, condensing into a ten-foot fireman silhouette in the sky.

It floated in mid-air, and did not continue to rise, but did not fall. It was so strangely fixed above the altar as if it were a person who had never slept.

The torch offering is successful!

Fireman is the **** carrier called by the three priests.

Once the next battle, the projection of the barbarian **** will come, then the projection will enter the body of the fire man and talk to them.

However, whichever side's fighting wins, which side is eligible for dialogue, will never be able to change this iron rule because Nu Tianyi is his descendant.

The three of them walked down the altar and now everything is ready but they owe it to Dongfeng.

It would be better if Nutian would not come. The three tribes would fight on their own. If they came...

"As you wish, I'm here." There was a light chuckle from the sky. From the direction of the central altar, galloping eight colorful birds.

In the middle is a robe, a gentle and elegant slave relic, and seven birds behind him, each standing a tall barbarian wearing armor.

Surprisingly, the heights of the seven barbarians did not lose to No. Senyu.


Eight people descended and jumped on the crater, causing a tremor in the crater ground.

The three priests of Wu Luo stood side by side, looking at the smiling teenager with solemn dignity, as if they were facing an enemy.

"Nu Tianyi, you have been in charge of the barbarian army for many years, but no achievements have been made. It is a waste of the expectations of the previous generation of King Lou Nan!" Wu Piao priest accused.

Li Luo priest gruffly said: "Under the rule of Yawu God, our Lounan has grown and grown, and could have wiped out the cold environment in one fell swoop, but you did not move, and dragged on and off, losing the courage to be a Lounan. , You are not worthy to be our Lounan King!"

The Tibetan mirror priest said coldly: "We want to introduce another person who is qualified to be our king!"

Nu Tianyu smiled lightly.

A group of stupid people, he does not wage war, is to judge the situation and find the best time.

Unfortunately, this group of priests will not understand.

His eyes slowly glanced over the other person, and the rest were glanced at, including the three priests.

But when he passed Xia Qingchen alone, he couldn't help but freeze his eyes. He was curious and looked at him: "Is this this?"

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