Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: Tiny (one more)

The eye is the window of the human soul.

Despite wearing an iron mask, Xia Qingchen's eyes showed a deep light that was rarely seen by barbarians. Nu Tian's numerous readers saw it as extraordinary at a glance, so I asked this question.

The Wulu priest said, "Substitute."

Is it just a substitute? Nu Tianyu immediately lost interest and looked at several other contestants.

Such as the Jin unilateral flow, who had fought side by side with him not long ago, and went to challenge in southern Xinjiang, but now standing opposite him, Nu Tian said indifferently: "A group of defeated generals, and their faces are against me?"

Jin unilaterally sneered disapprovingly: "Isn't it thanks to you? Obviously we won the competition, but you made your own announcement and announced your defeat!"

The wild warriors who participated in the discussion were extremely dissatisfied with the practice of slavery.

Nu Tian stands still and has a long-term vision: "Study, you have won, but it is the honor of my Lounan!"

With real power, Liangjing is far superior to some of their wild warriors, but they are forced to lose because of coercion.

If such a victory is to be shamelessly held in the hand, is it not insulting Lou Nan's honor?

"You bullshit..." Kim Unilateral resented.

Nu Tianyi disdain and the short-sighted generation said one more word, waving his hand: "Let's start fighting!"

The three priests looked tight.

Wu Luo priest looked at each other and said: "But you only have seven people."

According to the rules, it is one-on-one, it should be nine people to nine talents, but now, they are two more than Nutian, how should we arrange fighting?

"Then, even if you win two games first." Nu Tianyu sat down slowly, and the barbarians behind him lifted a golden chair, which could be put away before they sat down.

Nu Tianyi raised Erlang's legs, elegantly opened a fan of painting, calmly said: "You remove two people, the remaining one-to-one."


Not only did the three priests not have any joy, but they were inexplicably worried at the bottom of their hearts, and Wulu priest condensed, "Are you sure?"

In the end, how much do Nu Tianyi rely on to dare to despise them so much?

If he loses two games without a fight, he will be at a great disadvantage.

Nine battles and five wins, as long as the three priests then win three more games, they will be a great success and become the winner of the wish to the barbarian god.

Nu Tianyu waved his fan, and the waves did not panic: "Let you two rounds, you can't win."

"Okay! Then try!" The Wulu priest was dissatisfied, and he did not believe that the slavery could really turn things around.

The three priests discussed and decided the order of appearance by drawing lots.

Golden Unilateral from the family of Tibetan mirror priests, as the first person to appear, he volunteered to jump on the altar.

The altar is bound by eight chains and suspended in the middle of the crater. If a little careless, it may fall down the volcano, and there is no bone in the hot magma.

However, as a warrior of the former royal court, Jin unilaterally full of confidence, pointing to the slavery: "Send your strongest person!"

Nu Tianyi glanced at the seven barbarians standing silently behind his eyes: "Who is on?"

But the seven barbarians were silent for a while, but no one responded. After seeing this scene, Jin Unilateral could not help but sneer: "Why, the people selected by the military division have no courage to fight in the first battle?"

The voice just fell, ranking last, and the tall barbarian with purple markings on the armor stepped out and said indifferently: "It is not that there is no courage, but that we will fight against the weak and lose our honor."

The implication is to look down on the strength of Kim Unilateral and disdain him.

Slave Yu Tian groaned: "You can send two more people, I can allow you three to one."

The three priests were really surprised. Nu Tianyu was too confident?

What is the concept of three-to-one? No matter how strong the wild warriors are, it is impossible to cope with them.

However, Nu Tianyu was so arrogant that it would be better, the Wulu priest immediately said: "Okay! As you wish!"

Nu Tian gave them a chance to win, why not?

As a result, the priest of the Tibetan mirror and the priest of Lilu each went out to the altar, and the three stood side by side, exuding an unmatched aura.

The barbarian with the purple armor just put down his hands around his chest and said coldly: "This is a little more interesting! I will make it difficult for me to compete with you."


In the astonishment of everyone, this gigantic giant actually bounced a hundred feet high in situ, and then landed in the center of the altar with incomparable accuracy!


There was a loud noise, and the altar made of hard material was directly cracked by his legs.

The eight chains that fixed the altar shook violently, making an overwhelming sound.

The three single-sided gold men standing on the altar were turned upside down due to the shaking of the altar. One of them almost rolled down the altar and fell into the magma.

Jin unilaterally looked horrified, even that No. Senyu never jumped into the sky in a step. What is the beginning of the young barbarians in front of him?

The latter stood straight in a depression, overlooking the three people: "Shoot!"

Jin unilaterally pressured his heart and was terrified. He jumped, struck his head with a huge fist, and the other two also started from other directions.

Barbarians' fighting style is so straightforward, almost melee melee.

The armor barbarian stood motionless, letting the three's fists be put on their body. A strong force penetrated the thick armor and penetrated into it, and then the latter didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows, or even stayed still. , No shaking at all.

Jin Unilateral's pupils shrank, and his eyes were horrified: "How do you...

The other two dead men were full of horror, and they couldn't believe the scene before them.

The barbarian in the purple armor sighed slightly: "Everyone said, you are too weak to be with us."

"I thought that the three of you would give me a little surprise, but unfortunately, it didn't." The purple armor barbarian put down his arms and said lightly: "Now, it's my turn!"

"Not good! Rewind!" Jin unilaterally whispered, flashing back quickly.

However, he was horrified to find that, despite his retreat, the distance between him and the armor barbarian did not pull apart, but instead quickly drew closer, and then there was a sudden pain in his abdomen.

The barbarian armor hit his abdomen with a punch, tearing his abdominal muscles, shattering his internal organs, and powerful forces also flew his body out of the altar and fell into the magma!

The three priests saw this scene, and all of them were so heavy that the Tibetan mirror priest and the Liluo priest shouted one after another: "Quick! Cast barbarism!"

As of today, only by inspiring their potential and forcibly improving their combat effectiveness will there be a possibility of winning on the front line.

However, the two did not even have the chance to perform, so they were kicked one by one by the barbarians in purple armor, and all flew out of the altar to be buried in magma.

Instantly killing the three people, the purple armored barbarian walked down the altar without expression, came to Nu Tianyi, and simply took a fist and returned to the line.

At this moment, the scene was dead.

The deceased who thought they could compete with Nutian Yi, in the hands of Nu Tianyi, was so small and vulnerable?

The hearts of the three priests are all sinking...

Xia Qingchen looked at Qiman thoughtfully, and there was a rare worry in her expression. (Updated at 8pm)

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