Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1150: Utterly defeated (three more)

Xia Qingchen pointed to his nose: "Me? Didn't I say three to one?"

Can't the rules of the game be changed easily?

The Wulu priest was impatient and shouted impatiently: "Nu Tianyu said just now, all the remaining contestants on our side can go up. Although you are a substitute, you can do it!"

He set his sights on Nu Tianyi, meaning that you wouldn’t eat your words.

Nu Tianyi's eyes gently swept Xia Qingchen, and it didn't matter: "Just casually."

One more person, one less person, does not affect the overall situation, not to mention just a substitute, how much strength can it have?

"Hear? Go!" Wulu priest scolded.

Xia Qingchen shrugged his shoulders, jumped on the chain unhurriedly, and came to the altar repeatedly, standing with the three people of Wu Guiming.

His presence seemed superfluous.

Not only was he thin and short, he was not able to compare with the other three tall companions, but more importantly, the other three held a priest tribal inheritance in each hand. In contrast, Xia Qingchen stood there empty-handed.

No matter how you look at it, he seems to be counting up.

Nu Tianyu shook his head slightly, and Wulu priest seemed to have nowhere to go, holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and everyone sent it upwards.

"Last scene, let's start!" Nu Tianyi looked at the fire man floating above the altar and said lightly.

When the fighting was over, it was the moment when the projection of the ancestor barbaric **** fell on the fire man, but at that time it was his slavery, not the three priests, who made the wish.

It is said that the priests of Wuluo and others are extremely heavy-hearted, as if there are heavy stones weighing on them, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Three pairs of eyes, staring at the top of the altar without blinking, feeling extremely nervous.

The moment concerning the future destiny of the three priest tribes has arrived!

"Do it!" Wu Gui roared with fate, relying on his life-saving divine stone, raised his fists and fought bravely, and the other two held the divine whip and divine knife and rushed forward in unison.

The black armor barbarian had his arms around his chest, and he didn't even have the will to move his hands. He just stared at him.

As his eyes passed, there was a flash of lightning in the air, which caused the air to startle.

The bodies of the three rushed people were shaken violently. Immediately, except for the life of the black ghost, the other two had bleeding in the corners of their mouths and muscles twitching, which was caused by the violent impact of the body!

But the other party actually just glared.

Wu Gui's scalp numbness, fear in his heart, that is the destruction of slaves?

One look made the three of them shocked.

Had he not possessed the God Stone, he was afraid that the end would be miserable several times more than the two dead men whose potentials had intensified, but he was terrified, but he could not retreat.

Looking at the black armor barbarian who was near, he yelled at the other two: "Come on, show your God-given things."

To deal with the destruction of God's slaves, only God-given things can be used.

The deceased who have been intensified are not afraid of death. They hold the gods and decisively attack.

The deceased from the tribe of Tibetan mirror priests, holding the black whip, slammed fiercely, and a black thunder-like shadow came quickly.

At the same time, the dead man holding the magic knife jumped into the air, slashing from the top to the black armor barbarian.

God-given things also play a special effect at this moment, a ray of golden light flashing on the divine whip and divine sword, making the two have unparalleled power.

The black armor barbarian, who was finally more serious, put his hands around his chest and shot towards the two.


Silent air waves, such as rolling dull thunder, enveloped the two!

In just an instant, they heard the dense cracking sound coming from them. That is not only the bone fragmentation, but the internal organs, meridians, skin and flesh, all the things were shattered.

Everyone sucked in the cool air, and two groups of blood mist drifted into the air, leaving only the magic whip and the magic knife free from the air waves, and flew down to the magma.

This scene made Wu Guiming completely lose any heart of resistance, and the cold feet turned and jumped on the chain to prepare to escape.

The barbarian in black armor glanced sideways and stretched his index finger gently.


The **** stone hanging on the chest of Wu Guiming suddenly broke into three pieces, and Wu Guiming himself was flicked out and flew directly from the altar to the edge of the volcano.

But seeing its back, a large piece of depression directly!

This is because the Shenshi resisted most of the attacks, otherwise, it must be transformed into blood mist like the other two dead.

The hearts of the three priests are completely sinking. They are speechless and silently looking at the black witch who raised his hand and throwed it between the feet and killed the three dead men holding the God-given thing!

He is too strong!

At least among the younger generation, who is arrogant to an unmatched level, who is the enemy of the three realms of the world?

In that cool environment, the first day of the arrogant emperor, known as the first encounter in a thousand years, is not a black witch opponent.

They are defeated!

Nu Tianyi also slowly stood up, with a trace of contempt in the corner of his mouth, he was to defeat all three priests in an absolute crushing position, and let the remaining priests see what would happen to his slavery. !

After a while, his wish to make a promise to the barbarian **** is that three of his priest tribes trying to confront him will be removed from the world!

At this moment, the hollow voice of the black armor barbarian came from the altar: "Why not shoot?"

The crowd looked away, but when they saw the altar, there was only one Hu Yifan left in the trio of priests.

But, unlike the three dead.

From the beginning to the end, he stood on the edge of the altar with his arms around. Without ever even touching it, he only watched the two sides fighting quietly with his eyes.

Xia Qingchen replied faintly: "I disdain the enemy."

If it's a melee or a life-and-death battle, he can ignore the rules, but the formal competition is just that, he hasn't fallen to the point of teaming up with one man.

"Every enemy?" Hei Wu heard an incomprehensible sentence: "That's why you didn't shoot?"

Xia Qingchen put his hands down and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Black Witch sighed softly: "You, actually don't dare to shoot?"

Because of his excessive strength, Xia Qingchen was so timid that he had no courage to shoot him.

Xia Qingchen was undecided, his palms contracted under his ribs, his knees squatted and bent slightly, calmly said: "Now, you can shoot, you should fight with all your strength!"

He reminded in good faith that, with his current power, if unexpected, the physique of Xiaoyue's realm might not be able to withstand it.

And he did not want to take advantage of others.

To win, you need to win decently.

Unfortunately, his reminder, others may not appreciate.

"You can do it." Hei Wu Wu's arms were standing on his chest, and he stood upright: "However, after you do it, you'd better give yourself enough time to escape. I can't guarantee that you can survive with one blow."

Obviously, he didn't take Xia Qingchen's words in his heart. Mo said he would fight with all his strength, even without decent defense.

Xia Qingchen's eyes were calm without waves, and he said lightly: "Then, you can go on."

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