Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: But so

The Black Witch disagrees.

To be precise, no one is listening to him seriously. The so-called people speak lightly. When a person is humble, his voice will be regarded as air.

Everyone's eyes, even hearing, are focused on the black witch, Xia Qingchen is only dust, and no one cares.

Xia Qingchen lightly sighed, his palms gently pushed out from under his ribs, one gold, one black and two palm prints, like Ruoguangzhu instantly emanating from the palm of his heart, running through the atmosphere.


He did not deliberately mobilize the strength of the body in the hidden space, but he could display the evil Buddha's evil intentions in his hand, and the power was obviously better than the past.

Passing the beam of light, the air was rubbed out with a dazzling bright spark, which suddenly attracted everyone's afterglow.

When they looked right, the black and gold beam of light had penetrated the black witch's chest like thunder.

His magnificent body, like a delicate butterfly, flew out of the altar on the spot and fell towards the magma.

His chest, the black armor of incomparable toughness, melted away a huge gap, exposing a bowl-sized blood hole.

In his mouth, a long blood arrow splashed out, his eyes were also exposed by the violent impact, and his eyes were replaced by the confused color.

Probably he hasn't figured out the situation yet, not knowing what happened.

However, the power of Destroyer is not only a strong body, but also far more than ordinary people's ability to respond!

In the case of such a severe trauma, he could reach out his palm in time and grab the edge of the altar with only the strength of five fingers. He dragged his heavy body and then climbed up again. Altar.

There was blood flowing across his upper body, staring at Xia Qingchen in surprise.

And under the altar, all exclaimed.

"What was that just now?" The priest of Liluo straightened his mouth, and asked the priest of Wuluo with glaring eyes.

The sight of the Tibetan mirror priest bounced back and forth between the black witch and Xia Qingchen. His eyes were all incredible, eating and eating: "Wu Luo priest, who are you looking for, who is it?"

The legendary existence of destroying the **** slave and crushing the strong men of the same generation in the world was almost killed by the "overdraft potential" Hu Yifan in one move! !

However, the face of Wulu priest was also replaced by shock, and he also wanted to get an answer.

Who is that Hu Yifan?

One move to defeat No. Senyu has already subverted the perception of Wulu priest, but one move to defeat Black Witch, a devastating slave slave of No. Senyu, he could not imagine, where did such a person come from?

Also feel incredible, there are slavery!

He had stood up, ready to declare victory, sat down again, crossed his hands to support his chin, and looked at Xia Qingchen without blinking.

The look, never dignified.

"Who is he, do you know?" Nu Tian asked, his voice mixed with coolness.

The six barbarians left behind shook their heads.

"Never seen, never heard."

A trace of heat wave passed, and the hair in front of Nu Tian's forehead swayed in front of his dignified eyes: "Then let me investigate clearly! Ask who he is and where he comes from!"

He did not believe that Lou Nanjing had characters beyond his control, and could defeat the destructive slaves he had cultivated with one stroke.

"Yes!" The six barbarians stepped back one after another and went to the foot of the volcano to find out the news.

The exclamation from the audience did not affect the continued fighting on the altar.

Heiwu Ning stared at Xia Qingchen and raised his palm to flap the space fiercely, triggering an explosion in the atmosphere.

He grabbed a flame and pressed it firmly on his chest. The fiery flame burned his wound violently, making a noisy sound, and the pungent, scorched breath came even more.

He used extreme means to seal the bleeding wounds to prevent death from excessive bleeding.

From beginning to end, there was no pain in the face of the black witch, as if doing a trivial thing.

When the palm of his hand moved away, the burned wounds stick together again, his eyes are firm, and for the first time he is full of seriousness, saying: "You are great! It is the strongest peer I have ever met!"

He stretched out a palm and made a please gesture: "Let's come again!"

In his eyes, a strong fighting spirit burst out, a layer of gray air flow around the whole body, and the blue stone slabs under his feet, and the large cracks of the cracks, were irresistibly damaged.

Even the clothes on his body rot into dust in his breath!

Visible to the naked eye, the air flow exhaled from him turned grey, and his eyes were pale.

"We... fight again!" He stepped forward, each step shook so that the altar shook endlessly, and there were large cracks under his feet.

Xia Qingchen stood on the shaking altar, as steady as Mount Tai, and the waves were not surprised: "Finally, you can retrieve a life, so cherish it."

The implication is to let the Black Witch admit defeat and do not seek his own way.

However, instead of weakening the fighting consciousness of the Black Witch, instead of becoming stronger and stronger, he grinned: "A person's life is just to conquer one peak after another! The peak retreats in front of the eyes, what meaning does life have?"

He squeezed his fists tightly, bursting into the sky-striking war intent in the pale eyes.

A gray airflow converged on the surface of the body, turned into a gray lightning, and thunder came, and a roaring earth roared in his mouth: "The sky is broken!"


Double fists hit, the atmosphere was not only rubbed out by dazzling sparks, but also bursts of lightning.

Xia Qingchen raised his palms and shot with a blank expression. The power of gold and black came out through the body and collided with the fist wrapped in gray airflow, sparks and lightning.

Is the power of Evil God and Buddha God comparable?

Sparks and thunder and lightning, ash annihilation under the palm of Xia Qingchen, but the gray air flow persisted for an instant, never extinguished!

The two fists suddenly collided, making a muffled thunderous noise. Both of them stood still, but there was an explosion shock wave sweeping all over the body, completely shattering the altar that was already cracked!

Countless altar fragments, shot like meteorites in all directions, are the three priests in the middle moon, all dodge quickly.

But Nu Tianyi turned a little on her toes, turned the black iron throne under her, turned her back to block behind meteorites.

When the vision subsided, everyone looked forward, without dissatisfaction.

The altars that have existed for many years have been completely dissipated, leaving only eight chains interlaced with each other and crisscrossing the crater.

On the chain, Xia Qingchen and Hei Wu maintained the gesture of double fists but not moving.

Until the black witch showed a triumphant smile, the fighting intention was crazy: "But so!"

With all his effort, he succeeded in blocking Xia Qingchen's mysterious blow.

However, Xia Qingchen's words made him smile stiffly.

A gust of wind blew past Xia Qingchen's ink hair, but he couldn't lift his eyes. "You know, how much strength did I use?"

When the words fell, he took a light breath, and the ninety small veins in his body slowly opened.

A tremendous stream of physical strength, bursting out of the dike... (one more today)

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