Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: God blessed

"Commander, the last will fight!" A general Meiyu murderously!

"Commander, let me come! At the end of the day, he will be willing to set up a military order to wipe out the enemies of the offender. If an enemy escapes, leave it alone!"

"The general will also be willing to make a military warrant!"

The generals on the scene are scrambling, not because of a bad breath in their hearts, but also because...how can they make the commander-in-chief go to battle in person?

Isn't that beating their generals?

"I said! Go in person!" Bai Zhantian did not anger himself, said with a murderous awe.

As commander-in-chief, the greater responsibility is to sit in the army and take charge of the overall situation, but the barbarians insist on fighting.

It can be seen that the barbarians invaded Jiuli City, which caused such anger in Bai Zhantian.

The nine generals panicked and feared, and immediately followed, and dispatched a whole army of military forces to come and drove to the alarm point.

In front of a rolling hill, the waiting signal that sent out an enemy signal was kneeling on one knee in front of Bai Zhantian.

"How is the enemy?" Bai Zhantian asked.

Waiting for Ning Qi said: "There are a large number of people, and it is roughly estimated that there are no fewer than 10,000 people. Among them, there are a small number of people with barbarian characteristics, most of whom are people from our cold environment.

Because the distance was so far apart, the waiting ride could not distinguish the exact situation of that unit, only to see the approximate.

Bai Zhantian clenched his trident silently, and the barbarians especially liked the tribal villagers who wrapped up the border, pretending to be ordinary migrants invading the surrounding cities, which was already their old trick.

"The general, needless to say, must be a barbarian army of barbarians." One general affirmed in particular.

Bai Zhantian did not deny this. In his experience, this possibility is over 90%.

"Does the army have my cold name?" Bai Zhantian continued to ask, but he accidentally wounded himself, Bai Zhantian had to ask.

Different troops have different numbers. For example, Yunlan Group has its own unique banner.

"No." Hou Qi said definitely.

Bai Zhantian's eyes were cold and biting, and he didn't even have a number, so 100% can confirm that it was a barbarian team.

How can there be barbarian people in a normal cold environment team?

It is only possible that the barbarians wrapped the people in the cold realm and attacked the city!

"The First Military Region, the first day regiment, play!" Bai Zhantian raised his trident and ordered.

The first military area is the most powerful ace military area among the ten military areas under its command, and the first day regiment is the ace of the ace, which can be called the iron-blooded army.

It once faced head-on with the barbarian army and never fell.

Upon receipt of the order, the first day regiment in cyan heavy armor was like a torrent of positive impact. Although they were dressed as heavy soldiers, each individual soldier was very powerful and extremely mobile.

A few miles apart, they crossed over in just twenty breaths and launched a brutal shock towards the oncoming troops.

Sang Yu is pressing to take prisoners and **** a woman from the cold to cross the border between the two borders and return to the long-lost land of southern Xinjiang.

But before he and the soldiers showed a happy expression, they met the mighty army of green armor.

"Qingjia Heavenly Army?" Sang Yu recognized them immediately and couldn't help saying.

The Qingjia Celestial Army is the first day regiment in southern Xinjiang. It has always been the backbone of the army against the barbarian army. It has made many huge battles and became the legendary heaven regiment in southern Xinjiang.

The people of Southern Xinjiang affectionately call it the Qingjia Tianjun, which means that they restrain the barbarians' heavenly soldiers.

Sang Yu immediately understood what it was, and quickly shouted: "The brothers opposite, we are ourselves, don't do it!"

It is a pity that the army of the South Xinjiang Army is strict and disciplined, and Bai Zhantian personally ordered that the soldiers can only strictly enforce it even if they have doubts. Tian Xiaowan Wan Xiaoqi drew his sword and drank: "Kill!"

Seeing the flood of Qingjia flooding, Sang Yu made a decisive decision: "Challenge!"

The soldiers in the line immediately rushed out and formed a tornado formation, which caused a strong tornado on the spot, dispersing the 10,000-year-old green armor from the impact.

They deliberately suppressed it, only to break them all up, without causing substantial harm.

For a time, the Qingjia Tianjun turned back and forth under a sudden tornado. Mo said that the impact was difficult even to barely stabilize.

The digital generals who saw this scene from afar were taken aback: "What is that? When will the barbarians provoke natural disasters to destroy the enemy?"

"This... is this too terrible?"

"Fake it, the invincible Qingjia Tianjun was just broken up like this?"

If the opponent's troops are adequate, they will be able to destroy them one by one while the Qingjia Heavenly Army is scattered.

The eyes of Bai Zhantian and Lao Tian were so shocked that they couldn't be concealed, so that the palm of the trident fork shivered slightly.

He was not afraid, but worried.

With one heart, sinking deep into the abyss, the strongest heavenly regiment in southern Xinjiang, if the looting defeat of the barbarians in the hands of the Lounan army really came, wouldn’t they have no power to fight back?

But at this moment, the tornado gradually stopped, and more than two hundred people fell from the ground, and they all cried out loudly: "A truce! We are ourselves!"

Their voices were loud, reaching the remote place where Bai Zhantian was.

The nine generals who looked extremely embarrassed were stunned, and they looked at each other in disbelief. Meaning, did we hear it wrong?

It wasn't until the echo echoed repeatedly that they finally confirmed.

"Commander, is this a barbarian fraud?" The general of the First Military Region was unsure.

If they say they are bombing, but they obviously have the opportunity to destroy the first day of the regiment, why let them go?

But if they are really their own people, what about the thousands of barbarians in the crowd?

Unless a messenger visits, the barbarian will never easily step into a cold place.

Bai Zhantian's white eyebrows were tightly screwed together. Obviously, as commander in chief, he also did not understand the intention of the "enemy army".

"Pause hands, send Hou Qi to ask and understand!" Bai Zhantian pondered.

Soon, communication between the two parties was established, and Hou Qi brought back a news that left nine generals at a loss, but Bai Zhantian was surprised.

"They are people of my Southern Xinjiang Army?" The general of the First Military Region was ridiculous.

There is no designation, and it can attract powerful natural disasters to destroy the enemy. When did their southern Xinjiang Army have such an invincible and terrible army?

Only Bai Zhantian, his calm face gradually blossomed into the old smile of surprise, he ran on the horse, and rushed forward with a laugh: "The commander knows that you will not let me down!"

That team, other people don't know, can he not know?

That was the special army he had invited Xia Qingchen to train, and was specifically used to suppress the rebel wolf robbers.

What is beyond his imagination is that this army's combat power can actually compete with its blue armored army. It is not what he sees with his own eyes. It is difficult to believe that Xia Qingchen can cultivate another kind of invincibility beyond the joint attack. Heavenly Soldier!

At this moment, Bai Zhan naively felt that it was a blessing of heaven to have Xia Qingchen!

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