Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Shocked four

Bai Zhantian Zema came to the Sang Yu team and saw many of the familiar faces he personally selected from the tribe.

"See the commander-in-chief!" Sang Yu led more than two hundred people on one knee to kneel, respectfully.

Bai Zhantian laughed and dismounted, and helped Sang Yu up: "Please hurry up!"

What is more exciting than having an invincible iron master under your command?

He looked at the sturdy soldiers with calm temperament and sharp eyes. He couldn't help but express emotions. When he first selected a group of tribes, he just wanted to train them briefly.

I never dreamed of it. Xia Qingchen's training in just ten days actually created such a terrible team.

"What about Xia Qingchen?" Bai Zhantian asked immediately, and his gaze was also around.

Sang Yu pointed to the huge sedan carried by several barbarians in the middle of the team and said, "Master Xia is still in retreat."

The generals who came immediately heard this displeasure and immediately shouted, "What are you waiting for, let Xia Qingchen come out to see the commander-in-chief."

As the second commander of Liangjing, Bai Zhantian has always ignored the power of the imperial power, and only the prowess of the cold king can come to meet him in person. Now he makes an exception to greet Xia Qingchen, but he is closed and he is too ignorant.

"Let him continue to retreat without disturbing!" Bai Zhantian immediately waved his hand to stop his impulse.

General of the First Military Region: "But..."

"But what?" Bai Zhantian looked at him sideways. "If you can build such a team in ten days, the commander will welcome you as well!"

The general in the First Military Region bowed down in fear and fear: "The subordinates dare not."

Speaking on the lips, there is a sense of resentment in his heart. Even if Xia Qingchen has built such a powerful team, that is not a reason to despise Bai Zhantian.

Bai Zhantian looked away, and immediately asked: "How is the situation of the traitor?"

The rest of the generals raised their ears one after another. This bandit is a hidden danger in southern Xinjiang. If it is not removed as soon as possible, the trouble will become bigger and bigger.

"It has been wiped out, and one will not stay." Sang Yu answered honestly.

Several generals showed gratification, Bai Zhantian slowly nodded, a heart disease in his heart was finally removed.

In fact, seeing Sang Yu's wrong tornado, he knew that the rebel wolf robbers have been wiped out. With such a combat power, what is it?

After a pause, Bai Zhantian's eyes locked on the thousands of barbarians in the rear, and the mighty tens of thousands of cold women: "What are these?"

Sang Yu calmly said: "The commander-in-chief is part of the barbarian prisoners we arrested, and the captured women who were rescued from the cold environment."

Wen Yan, Bai Zhantian, and his white eyebrows bent slightly, and the nine generals were also expressionless.

Just before the atmosphere of joy, suddenly turned to kill.

The general in the First Military Region questioned: "Quickly let go of those barbarians!"


Sang Yu was stunned and asked, "Why should I release it?"

They were important captives who couldn't be easily captured from the center. Everyone is a core group of priests. How can they be released?

The General of the First Military Region pointed to his chest: "Your task is to go deep into Lounan to wipe out the rebel wolf robbers, not to capture the barbarians of the small tribe. In this case, what is the difference between you and the barbarians?"

Sang Yushi only understood that it turned out that they had mistakenly thought that they had robbed the innocent barbarian tribe after waiting to kill the rebel wolf robbers.

He was right and forceful: "Return to General, Return to Commander, these people can't let go!"

The generals of the First Military Region spoke with great vigour: "Sang Yu! You know your identity. Now that you are a member of the South Xinjiang Army, you must have the morale of the soldiers. Even if the two sides are hostile, you cannot kill or capture the ordinary people of the other party at will. ."

If it was Sang Yu, he was probably really shocked by the momentum of the generals of the First Military Region. After experiencing the baptism of the trip to Lounan, he has already transformed.

His body was very immobile, and said indifferently: "I can think that you are despising our troops?"

Yes, the generals of the First Military Region did despise them.

A group of people from indigenous tribes only relied on Xia Qingchen to train for ten days to develop a tornado formation.

They are powerful, but they are not regular troops. Of course, they cannot be compared with troops with excellent traditions like the First Military Region.

In the eyes of the generals of the First Military Region, they are still those tribes of indigenous tribes who have no learning, no skills, and no discipline. They do not regard them as a member of the Southern Xinjiang Army.

"If you don't want to be despised, don't do anything despising!" the general of the First Military Region shouted with a lesson.

The actions of Sang Yu's troops will only discredit the honor of the South Xinjiang Army.

Sang Yu looked faint, and he glanced behind him, followed his finger to a delicate barbarian woman: "Come here!"

The barbarian woman walked in a daunting manner and said weakly, "Master Sang Yu, what do you tell me?"

Seeing this scene, the generals of the First Military Region were even more indignant, which could scare the unruly barbarians into such a situation. It can be seen how many brutal actions the barbarians in the Sangyu army have made against these innocent barbarian captives.

It really corrupted the reputation of the South Xinjiang Army!

"Tell them, who are you." Sang Yu patted her shoulder and pointed to Bai Zhantian and the nine generals present.

The barbarian woman was only promised and kept busy: "I am the little master of the family of Tibetan mirror priests in Lounanjing, Zangshuiyue."

On that day, the Sangyu forces suddenly came across and caught the family of Tibetan mirror priests who were about to escape, caught by surprise. Tibetan water moon was captured on the spot. On the way, she saw many barbarians who wanted to escape, all of them were killed by Xia Qingchen's iron suppression. Completely tamed, no longer rebellious.

At this moment, one hundred and fifty one will clarify their origins.

"However, she is a member of the ordinary barbarian tribe, how can you..." The words of the general of the First Military Region came to an abrupt end: "Who are you?"

Also shocked were several other generals and even Bai Zhantian.

If you heard it right, did she claim to be from the priestly tribe?

Was the tribe of priests she referred to the top ten high priest tribes in Lounan, or was it an unknown tribe?

Should it be the latter?

Zangshuiyue stepped back timidly and spoke quickly: "It is one of the top ten priest tribes in the southern part of Loulou, the little master of the Tibetan mirror priest tribe, Zangshuiyue."

With a puff, he knelt down and pleaded: "Please don't kill me, my father is a priest of the Tibetan mirror. It would be useful for you to save my life!"

The scene was silent, she was actually the clan of the ten priests, no, she was a clan! !

Sang Yu glanced at their shocked expressions, complacent, and glanced at the remaining barbarian captives: "Tell them, your identity!"

"I am the third-generation tribe of the Liluo priest tribe."

"I am a tribe of Wulu priest."


Compared with the chaotic self-reported home, Bai Zhantian and the nine generals looked very deadly!

(Twelve five o'clock noon tomorrow will start to make up)

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