Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: Worship for all (one more)

It wasn't until Sang Yu pressed his hand that the barbarian captives finally calmed down. He looked at the general in the first military region lightly: "Is there anything else to say?"

The generals of the First Military Region were full of incredible colors. They had forgotten to confront Sang Yu and were shocked by the amazing identity of those captives.

Of the ten priests, which one is not a stomping foot in the Lounan Realm, and the three realms will be shocked?

Its status is equivalent to that of the ten palace masters of the cold environment.

I would like to ask, will any core family member of the tenth house be captured by Zhongyun Realm or Lounan Realm, will it cause an uproar?

The answer is yes!

And it will shock three realms!

But now Xia Qingchen captured, not a tribe of priests, but ... all the tribes of all priests! !

The generals of the First Military Region had a blank mind, and they couldn't believe how they did it.

Unless it is the power of the country to destroy Lou Nan, it is possible to capture all the tribes of the priests!

How many people can Xia Qingchen lead?

three hundred! Only three hundred!

At this moment, he finally felt the heavy weight of the word "God of War" in Xia Qingchen, and he could be crowned with this honor, which is no boast!

Even the Bai Zhan Tian, ​​no, the 10 Bai Zhan Tian, ​​may not be able to lead 300 people to break into Lounan, and arrest the tribes of the ten priests.

Bai Zhantian Cang Rong trembles, presses his heart excitedly, and breathes quickly and asks: "Where did you guys catch?"

As far as he knows, the top ten priests are in the middle of Lounan, and there is a large army shelter near Lounan. How can three hundred people break into the center to capture the captives and successfully bring them back?

Sang Yu clenched his fists and said, "Return to Commander-in-Chief, we got back from the central government."


Bai Zhantian and the nine generals were completely shocked, he hurriedly asked: "Tell me, where have you been these days, what did you do?"

He couldn’t wait to know that it was just for them to kill the rebellious wolf robbers, but how could they capture all the tribes of the ten priests!

Sang Yu one hundred and fifty one, all things are clear.

Hearing, Bai Zhantian's eyes were sharp and his eyes fell on Xia Qingchen's closed sedan chair, and he performed a solemn military salute in awe.

He is as old as he is. He can hear that the sudden civil strife in Lounan border is definitely Xia Qingchen's deliberate action. The purpose is to gain more time for the cold.

"Cangtian has eyes, and the cold environment does not die!" Bai Zhantian deeply sighed. There will be a summer of light dust in the cold environment, and will not perish.

With this God of War, why worry about the enemy?

"Arrange people and **** the rescued women back to their hometowns. If their hometowns are destroyed, they will move to the city to settle down." Bai Zhantian immediately settled down. Those women are the captives who Xia Qingchen did not hesitate to rescue and must be treated favorably.

"Sang Yu's troops, formally become the independent guard of the coach!" Hundred battles made another order.

It is said that the nine generals are envious.

Any commander has his own guard, but not necessarily an independent guard.

The guards are only responsible for protecting the safety of the commander, but the independent guards are the most elite in performing various difficult tasks, and everyone must be skilled.

At present, among the commanders of Liangjing, only the commander of the moat has his own independent guard.

Bai Zhantian has been planning to establish an independent guard for many years. However, he has not yet selected enough candidates, but today he directly appointed Sang Yu's troops as the independent guard in one breath, which shows that Bai Zhantian is highly affirmed.

Sang Yu and others were very excited and bowed on one knee: "Thank you Commander!"

On their way back, they have been thinking about where to go from now on, whether they will dissolve the mission on the spot or join a certain military area to become a war group.

Unexpectedly, stepping into the sky to become the independent guard of the hundred battle days is a great honor.

Of course, they will not forget that it is Xia Qingchen who created everything they have today.

They are still like this, how can Bai Zhantian forget?

The general of the First Military Region inspected his words and immediately waved his hand to command the soldiers around him: "Go, take the sedan chair of Xia Zhan God and send him back to Jiuli City!"

Such a **** of war should be escorted back to the city by their own people!

But who knows, Bai Zhantian waved his hand, stepped forward and said, "Chairman, come on!"

In a word, everyone present was shaking.

Including the generals of the First Military Region, all generals and commander-in-law's guards were all surprised.

The former hurriedly dissuaded: "Commander, no!"

How can the grand commander of the empire command the million masters, how can he lift the chair? It is the arrival of the Cool King, and there is no reason for the commander to lift the sedan?

Isn't that a self-deprecating identity, and it's a ridicule for everyone in the world?

This move will greatly damage its prestige!

But, Bai Zhantian insisted on his own way and said deeply: "If he can guard the cold environment and defend the homeland, the coach is willing to lift the sedan!"

With that said, he stepped forward and took the pride from a barbarian.

The rest of the generals saw this and had to step forward to accompany the commander to lift the sedan together.

In this way, headed by Bai Zhantian, the highest level of the entire Southern Xinjiang Army, carrying the sedan together to welcome Xia Qingchen's return.

When returning to Jiuli City, the crowd of people from Jiuli City who heard the news, they were shocked not only by the barbarian aristocrats who came back from the captives, but also by Bai Zhantian and the nine generals lifting the sedan chair together!

"Is it Xia Qingchen, Xia Ares?"

"Even Commander Bai regards it as a god, does he personally lift him?"

The power of example has always been respectable, and the superior commanders respect Xia Qingchen so much, can the plain-headed people not be infected?

"I heard that the God of War Xia can easily attract the gods of the Nine Heavens.

"I have also heard that he is probably the God of War after nine days!"

"He really is a god!"


Driven by believers and Bai Zhantian, the residents along the way, either voluntarily or infected, even kneel down to worship, as if Xia Qingchen is a real fairy on earth.

For a time, Jiuli City called for a tsunami, and worshippers were everywhere.

That scene made all nine generals feel chilled. Is this the prestige of Xia Qingchen?

I am afraid that the cool king will come to Jiuli City, it will not cause people to worship and call the scene of fairy gods.

In a certain sense, Xia Qingchen's prestige in southern Xinjiang has already surpassed Liangwang!

Eventually, the sedan chair was carried back to the temporary commander's mansion, Bai Zhantian put down the sedan chair, and silently stood by the sedan chair, waiting for Xia Qingchen to exit.

one day later.

In the sedan chair, Xia Qingchen's palm flashed a peach-shaped flame, and the whole body was pink, beautiful as a real flower.

But, in fact, it is a brand new skyfire after Xia Qingchen's refining.

Its power has reached four and a half stars, which is comparable to the chief spiritualist who has never appeared in the royal palace!

However, the point is that Xia Qingchen's attention is not on the peach blossom skyfire at all, but a blood red spirit liquid suspended above the flame. (One update to Chapter 2)

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