Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1167: So bold (three more)

It is enough to get a promise.

Bai Zhantian breathed a sigh of relief, said secretly in his heart: "Liang Wang, Liang Wang, what the old officials can do is nothing more than that, you should take your own weight!"

Xia Qingchen looked at him: "If your matter is over, then it is my turn to say."

"Please say!" Bai Zhantian said in awe.

Xia Qingchen's eyes gradually dignified, and he seriously said: "You move the border people as soon as possible, and all back to Tiannan City! Border, give up!"

Abandon the frontier?

Bai Zhantian's expression changed slightly and solemnly said: "Why did the God of War say this?"

If someone else said this, he was already angry!

As the leader of the legion guarding the southern frontier, his duty was to defend the generals and fight against the barbaric invasion, but at this moment someone stood in front of him and asked him to abandon his frontier and desert the mountains and rivers.

After changing someone else, he was put to death as a traitor.

Only Xia Qingchen said this, which made him unable to think deeply about Xia Qingchen's words.

Xia Qingchen said calmly: "Frankly speaking, when the barbarians invade, it will be difficult for the South Xinjiang Army to resist."

Bai Zhantian heard the words and laughed: "The **** of war is underestimating the coach. Those barbarian invasions are not once or twice, but they can invade head-on. Which one was cheaper in the hands of the coach?"

With his rich and incomparable experience, even if the barbarian army is under pressure, he is sure to reject all the enemies coming from the border!

Xia Qingchen shook his head slightly: "You only met the ordinary army of barbarians, and the military strength of the army that Nu Tianyi personally trained was beyond your imagination."

He witnessed a thousand specially trained barbarian soldiers dispatched by Nu Tian Yi, who, like the Qi Man, had undergone special training by the descendants of the barbarian gods and had extraordinary strength.

Moreover, according to Xia Qingchen's understanding of the slavery, the thousand special soldiers are by no means the only ones.

He must have secretly trained more similar soldiers.

Had Xia Qingchen personally been to Lounan, and happened to encounter the slavery of the slavery and the three priests to fight for power, it might not have been found that the slavery of slavery had cultivated an army of sharp destructive power.

"The coach also has the confidence to compete with them." Bai Zhantian said to himself, seeing Xia Qingchen also persuaded, Bai Zhantian interrupted him: "God of war need not say much!"

"Even if you really say that I am not their opponent, I can't give up the border." Bai Zhantian said: "The duty of the soldiers is to protect the home and protect the country. If even their homes are abandoned, they are not worthy of being soldiers!"

"Where my army in southern Xinjiang would rather die on the battlefield, he would not retreat an inch!"

Speaking of this, Xia Qingchen persuaded useless: "Then you can do it yourself!"

In his opinion, Jiuli City is surrounded by endless mountains and hills, which is most suitable for the barbarian army to exert its combat power. For the Southern Xinjiang Army, it is in a disadvantageous situation.

The Tiannan City is thousands of miles away, but the plains are mostly used, and the various lethal ninjas in the cold environment can come in handy.

Unfortunately, Bai Zhantian is a qualified soldier and cannot take Xia Qingchen's suggestion to retreat.

"Although I provoke them to civil war, the wrist of Yinu Tianyi may not be able to delay too long, you prepare early." Xia Qingchen finally said.

Bai Zhantian nodded deeply: "Thank you God of War for reminding! You can rest assured that before the war I will move the people of the border areas, at least to make them safe."

Xia Qingchen nodded and paced away from the secret room.

Outside the secret room, Luo Narcissus was hovering anxiously outside the door, and when Xia Qingchen came out, he beamed and said: "Young Master, Hu Yifan woke up."

Xia Qingchen's eyes were cold and finally woke up!

Bai Zhantian also showed his white eyebrows: "Is it? I also went to see where he is really sacred!"

The military supplies transported from the southern boundary of the South Xinjiang Army, but they were successfully looted many times. He admired the well-informed rebel robbers.

In addition, this time, Jiuli City was robbed by opening the city gate without warning. Bai Zhantian should be confused to know that there are traitors among them, and that there are still a few traitors who have reported and assisted in secret.

A group of people rushed to the room.

Qiu Qiu was pressing Hu Yifan's head, pumping wildly, and said fiercely: "Say! Where is the stinky girl?"

Hu Yifan was just awake, his injuries were not recovered, he was extremely weak, and he had no resistance at all. He was forced to accept beatings from the enemy.

Xia Qingchen stepped forward, pushed away Qiu Qiu, picked up his collar, and looked coldly: "Do you know me?"

Seeing the face in close proximity, Hu Yifan shivered, why didn't he know?

"Xia... Lord Xia spares his life!" Hu Yifan immediately begged for mercy, just want to live.

Xia Qingchen said coldly: "I ask you, my maidservant, what are you doing?"

Hu Yifan was cold and sweating, drumming straight in his heart, and was about to lie without knowing. Bai Xiaozhu on the side pointed out: "Brother Xia, it is him. I remember the tattoos on his forehead!"

This completely destroyed Hu Yifan's heart and pleaded: "Master Xia, I didn't mean it, I just..."


Xia Qingchen's other fist slammed into his abdomen, breaking his ribs. The severe pain made Hu Yifan's face grow into a pig liver.

"Ask you if you ask, where is she?" Xia Qingchen's eyes were like a dagger, inserted into Hu Yifan's heart.

The latter's heart twitched and said hardly: "I left her on the cliff while she was still alive."

Xia Qingchen sank his heart, so to speak, Zhang Lianxing was not taken away by Hu Yifan and his associates, but whereabouts...unknown!

"You, do you have any friends?" Xia Qingchen pinned her last hope on Hu Yifan's friends.

Those people may not have taken Zhang Lixing away from Hu Yifan.

Hu Yifan just showed his hesitation. If he wanted to expose Wu Yan, there was a tingling pain in his abdomen. That was Xia Qingchen's second punch.

"It's hard to protect yourself, so don't try to protect others." Xia Qingchen said coldly.

Hu Yifan gritted his teeth slightly and said, "I can tell you everything, but give me a happy heart!"

He did what he once did, without expecting to fall into the hands of Nanjiang to survive, if he could get a happy death, it would be a great luck.

"As long as you give me the answer I want, everything is easy to say." Xia Qingchen said.

Hu Yifan took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let me tell you! About your maidservant, Wu Yan actually instructed from behind."

"Wu Yan? Who?" In Xia Qingchen's eyes, there was never such a small role as Wu Yan.

Hu Yifan said: "It's the young master of the Wu family in the north of the city. Well, the one who was on the platform and disfigured him."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, Xia Qingchen finally remembered who it was. Wasn't that Wu Jia Wu Yan, who had helped the barbarians speak and had no stand in the cold?

"Hehe..." Xia Qingchen smiled, his smile very cold: "Give you a lesson, you have no regrets and hit my attention? You Wu family, so bold!"

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