Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: The truth is revealed (four more)

With his prestige in southern Xinjiang, and even the indigenous forces of southern Xinjiang, he hit his head with his idea.

Really ignorant and fearless!

"In addition, I didn't catch her originally. A woman in the main palace of Tiannan City attacked her, gave her a hand, flew it out of the courtyard wall, and injured her very badly."

Xia Qingchen's eyes suddenly cold, the woman in the main palace of Tiannan City?

He could imagine that the pitying star fled back to the main palace of Tiannan City with all kinds of hardships. When he was about to escape to ascension, he was desperately secretly calculated by himself.

"Without her, I can't catch your maidservant at all." Hu Yifan added.

Xia Qingchen's face was cold and cold: "Is that woman about twenty years old with a cinnabar mole on her face?"

"Yes! It's her! Do you know?" Hu Yifan was surprised.

He still can't figure out who the woman is and why he should do that.

"When! Sure! Recognize! Identify!" Xia Qingchen almost gritted her teeth, expressing her hatred.

That woman, without a doubt, is just tears!

He knew that Lian Xing's disappearance was related to this woman. It was she who caused Lian Xing to fall into the hands of the enemy, but also forged the letterhead of the rebellious wolf robber, threatening Xia Qingchen not to win the victory of learning against South Xinjiang.

When Xia Qingchen suspected her, she was still pretending to be innocent and pretending to be pitiful!


Xia Qingchen clenched his palm tightly, making a creak.

This **** bitch!

Don't slap it with thousands of swords, it's hard to vent your anger!

Xia Qingchen threw it on the ground and said gloomyly: "Commander Bai, he gave it to you! I suggest you ask me where the military ninja arrows and crossbows from the wolf robbers come from!"

He clearly remembered that the rebel wolf used a large number of high-end arrowheads from the cold environment, which are not available to ordinary people.

"No need to ask, it was provided by the Wu family!" Rebel wolf robber who is dying, what else can you hide?

And he fell to the point where he is today, thanks to Wu Yan's little bunny. If it weren't for his determination to provoke Xia Qingchen, would he provoke him to kill the rebel wolf robber himself and have been chased to the center?

He became a dead soul, and the Wu family had to follow the funeral!

"Wu family?" Bai Zhantian was murderous: "I guessed it was the Wu family!"

Originally, the Wu family in the north of the city was still a second-rate family, but in the past few years, it has beaten all commercial competitors and became the premier family.

If there is no reason for it, he is unbelievable.

"The Wu family will give us a considerable amount of subsidies every year to rebel wolf robbers, let us crack down on the caravans of their commercial opponents, give him a unique opportunity, and we will work for them."

Hearing this, Bai Zhantian was already furious: "Come here! Prepare for the army!"

Hu Yifan's mouth twitched, and said: "In addition, I remember that the Wu family and the Lounan barbarians are very close, and often send secret information to them. I have seen them several times at Da Dang."

"Jiuli City where you are located, there are several Wu family members who specialize in sending messages. They are hiding in Jiuli City as ordinary residents."

This news is even more explosive for Bai Zhantian!

He also just thought about the reason why the inexplicable gate of Jiuli City was opened, and it was seized by the barbarians to seize the opportunity. Now the truth is clear! !

"Don't roll in for me yet!" Bai Zhantian was terrified and shouted, shaking the inside and outside of the courtyard.

The nine generals who were rushing out of the courtyard rushed together in full color, and worshipped together in front of Bai Zhantian's heel: "Please command the commander."

Bai Zhantian roared: "Send three military regions, block Jiuli City, and search the Wu family. Before the search, no one is allowed to leave. Offenders will kill on the spot!"

"In addition, send a military area to send troops to Tiannan City with me!" Bai Zhantian was very angry, and his white hair was all open.

Obviously, he was going to kill the Wu family colluding inside and outside by means of iron and blood!

Xia Qingchen had no time to wait for his army to set off, and was forced to kill Wu's family, clenching his fists: "I will take a step first!"

He did not care what Bai Zhantian said, pulled out the Dayan sword, and flew the sword.

Qiu Qiu grabbed Bai Xiaozhu and Luo Narcissus with difficulty. In desperation, he had to take back the nirvana and switch to his own flesh wings. After a thousand miles, he chased Xia Qingchen.

At that time.

Tiannan City.

As the capital of southern Xinjiang, it is as prosperous as ever.

In Wujia, north of the city, there is still a lot of traffic in Wujia's doorway, and there are countless celebrities who come to ask for visits every day.

In the backyard, Wu Yan, who hasn't shown up for a long time, is lying in the yard with great interest, feeding the parrots, and humming a small song recently popular in Tiannan City.

This was taught by Hua Zikui, who was drunk in spring last night.

"Why, the interest is very high!" Wu Kun's smiling hand came as he saw his son's recovery and his mood was more pleasant.

Wu Yan put down the bird cage and laughed and said: "Of course happy! Xia's dead, how can I be unhappy?"

They communicated through the inside of the barbarians, and they have received reliable news. Xia Qingchen was buried in the volcano in the south of the building, and his bones are gone!

This news was handed out by the people around Nu Tianyi, and there will never be any mistake.

Since the capture of Lian Xing, Wu Yan has been distracted since January, lest Xia Qingchen really annihilate the rebel wolf robbers, catch Hu Yifan, and expose him.

Unexpectedly, he broke into the center and died.

That was simply great news. The boulder hanging over his heart was finally put down.

Wu Kun smiled and looked at his son suspiciously: "Yan'er, don't you do something you shouldn't do?"

Recently, my son is worried all day long, he is not blind, how could he not notice.

Just asking for many times, Wu Yan refused to tell the truth.

Wu Yan smiled and stretched a lazy waist easily: "Relax, things have passed, no big deal."

Xia Qingchen is dead. Who will come to hold him accountable?

"Humph! Don't go into trouble again!" Wu Kun kicked him angrily: "Do not worry about Lao Tzu!"

Wu Yan hippie smiled: "If you have a father, you must have a son!"

"Fuck you!" Wu Kun laughed and scolded: "Okay, take a good look, the big guys in Liangzhou will be fair to us, don't embarrass me at that time."

After hearing the words, Wu Yan looked up in awe.

The big man of Liangzhou came to Nanjiang a few days ago and has been staying in the main palace of Tiannan City.

Because the Wu family has been honoring the big man all the year round, he responded to Wu Kun's request for convenience and asked him to go to the Wu family in the south of the city to seek justice.

"Now Xia Qingchen is dead, I think there is nothing else the second uncle can rely on! Huh!" Wu Yan said fiercely, his already eroded face was even more grim.

The father and son packed up a little and came to the door of Wujia in the south of the city.

Inside the house, Qiu Wanjin and Wu Xiong frowned.

"Wu Xiong, do you know why you were depreciated?" Qiu Wanjin worried deeply.

Three days ago, Shi Yanhu, the commander of the moat, secretly sent him a secret letter. The content of his heart was that Liang Wang wanted to revoke his position as a general in the tenth military region of southern Xinjiang and become a commoner.

The content of the secret letter is too shocking and vulgar, causing their collective uneasiness.

Cool King is high, how can he pay attention to his little general? Moreover, why should they be specifically dismissed from their military posts?

He can’t remember that he offended Liang Liang.

Wu Xiong stared at the curtain of rain outside with a hand in hand, feeling sad: "I probably figured it out, it was because of Xia Qingchen!"

His face was filled with helplessness: "The Chamber of Commerce half a month ago, Xia Gongzi shouted to the Nine Heavens God, shocked Tiannan City, and caused the people of South Xinjiang to regard it as a living **** walking on earth. plus."

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