Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: Be smart (one more)

King Power Dragon Sword is the most precious gold in the world where the cool king gathers in the world. The forged inheritance nirvana, how sharp can be imagined!

With a sword going down, Xia Qingchen had to be cut off his arm even if he was amazing!

Cicada Daozi took the opportunity to save a scourge!

A group of people in black robe were swept away, unable to block the sword, Qi Qi exclaimed: "Flash away!"

It is said that instead of converging, Cicada Daozi accelerated his sword.

Because the speed of the sword was too fast, the air was buzzing, and a series of Mars burst with the shadow of the sword.

Even if Xia Qingchen reacted, it would not be possible to avoid the sword completely.

But in fact, Xia Qingchen didn't mean to retreat in the slightest moment, he held the sword handle around his waist lightly.

Then, I saw the world flashed, a flash of blood flashed from the rain curtain.

Ordinary people have never seen anything with their naked eyes, and Xia Qingchen still stood on the spot, keeping the gesture of holding the sword handle.

Cicada Daozi still came with a sword, and the sword was about to be cut on Xia Qingchen's arm.

Nothing has changed, and the flash of blood seems to be an illusion that appeared out of thin air.

Until the king power dragon sword cut into Xia Qingchen's arm!

The black robe people's pupils contracted sharply, and even the exclamation was too late, but what made their already contracted pupils extremely contracted into a needle, it was not Xia Qingchen's arm that broke the response!

But... King Power Dragon Sword! !


Wang Quanlongjian touched Xia Qingchen's arm, and he began to break neatly in the middle.

One piece was still in the hands of Cicada Daozi, and the other piece fell to the ground with a clatter.

The audience was in a daze.

Whether it is the black robe people or the cicadas, they are all in a huge daze.

Collect the most precious metal in the world, invite the strongest spiritual master in the world, use the best refining place, forge the exquisite sword, just like this...broken?

Finally, their eyes fell on Xia Qingchen's waist, remembering the magnificent red light that had just flashed.

Xia Qingchen!

It was the sword in his hand. It was sharper and harder than Wang Quanlong Sword, and cut off the latter's hard sword. Therefore, when Wang Quanlong Sword touched Xia Qingchen, it would suddenly break.

Cicada Daozi lost his grip on the hilt of the King Power Dragon Sword, and lost his sight for a while, looking at his broken sword in disbelief.

Until the severe tingling from his chest made him recover, he looked down and his chest was red.

A long blood line spread from his neck to his abdomen!

That was hurt by Xia Qingchen's sword spirit just now!

Just a little bit, go deep into the abdomen and open it up!

Suddenly awakened, he was afraid after a while, and hurriedly retreated, shocked: "You... you cut off the king's dragon sword?"

He was shocked not only by the terrible sword in Xia Qingchen's waist, but also by Xia Qingchen's boldness.

The inherited Wang Jian of the previous generation was destroyed by Yawu God 100 years ago. For this reason, the contemporary Liang Wang has worked hard to produce a new generation of inherited Wang Jian-Wang Quanlong Jian.

But as a result, he was cut off by Xia Qingchen again, and Liang Wang learned how furious it should be?

"Then you can explain it to Liang Wang!" Xia Qingchen said lightly.

King Power Dragon Sword has always been used only as a deterrent, and Chan Daozi claimed to use it as an enemy, but the result was devastating damage. It was him, not Xia Qingchen, who was worried.

"You... how can you destroy the sword, I can't make a difference, can you be better?" Cicada Road was angry and angry.

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "I'm not good, Liang Wang can't decide, but you, think about how to explain it."

If the Cool King knew that Cicada Daozi used the King Power Dragon Sword to interfere with irrelevant envoy missions, I was afraid it would be even more annoying.

"Xia Qingchen! I'm incompatible with you!" Cicada Daozi was so angry that he finally became the confidant of Liangwang after many years of hard work, but because of Xia Qingchen's status, his status is likely to plummet!

How to calm down your anger without killing Xia Qingchen?

Swish swish—

The black-robed people who stabilized their body rushed over and laid siege to Cicada again.

Before Cicada Daozi held the king power dragon sword, and in order to reach the end of the Xiaoyue position, he would naturally be able to rival the crowd.

But now that the King Power Dragon Sword is lost, how are the enemies of many moon-level powerhouses joining forces?


Without much effort, he was smashed his shoulder blades by a mid-month powerhouse. When he fell into the downwind, many black robes took advantage of the siege, making Cicada Road dangerous.

Cicada Daozi was beaten with a disgraced face. Where did he dare to continue to fight? Two palms hit the black robe in the early two months before Fei.

While fleeing, he turned back and shouted: "Xia Qingchen, we are not finished!"

Xia Qingchen glanced at the thick dark clouds on the sky dome, and said lightly: "It is indeed endless!"

As soon as the voice fell, the clouds suddenly separated, and flocks of birds flew down from above.

On the neck of each bird, there is a unique flag-the flag of the South Xinjiang Army!

Upon seeing this, Cicada Daozi was overjoyed and took the initiative to meet him, shouting: "I am the special envoy of Liangliang Cicada Daozi, ordered to perform official duties, and now encounters the assassin of the rebel thief Xia Qingchen! Ru waits for the order to kill the rebel!"

Open killings of envoys are all capital crimes. It is reasonable for him to mobilize the army in southern Xinjiang as an envoy.


The mighty bird fell, and the head of the bird was on the top of the head.

He looked cold and stared at Cicada Daozi: "What are you doing here?"

Cicada Daozi, of course, Bai Zhantian knew that one of the special envoys who came to order Bai Zhantian to release people with Jin Ling was Cicada Daozi.

It was found that Bai Zhantian was very close. Cicada Daozi couldn't help but hit a chilling cicada.

In southern Xinjiang, he can be arrogant in front of anyone, except that he can't hold his head high in front of Bai Zhantian.

After all, others respect his identity as an envoy, but Bai Zhantian is a ruthless character that even the son of Liang Wang can kill.

Moreover, the Cool King will never be able to fight against Bai Zhantian for him.

In other words, if you die in the hands of Bai Zhantian, you really die.

"See Commander Bai!" Obviously, he is a class-level identity, but Chong Daozi is very cautious.

Bai Zhantian stared at him with cold eyes, and he did not have any affection for the nearby minister beside the cool king. He shouted, "I am asking you!"

Cicada Road shuddered and said: "Commander Bai, this is the case. I was a guest in Wu Mansion. When I met Xia Qingchen and committed murder, I came forward to stop it. I never thought that he was fierce and not only killed innocently, even me. Want to kill!"

He thought to himself, no matter how arrogant Bai Zhantian is, it must be justified?

It is impossible for Bai Zhantian to ignore such serious crimes as killing special envoys.

"What is your relationship with Wu Fu?" Bai Zhantian asked first.

Chan Daozi turned his gaze, and if he answered the ordinary relationship, he was afraid that he would have a suspicion of deliberately opposing Xia Qingchen.

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