Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: Let him lead someone (two more)

After all, everyone knows that Xia Qingchen's Yunlan battle group was forced to dissolve by the cicada.

He was fighting against an unrelated Wu family and Xia Qingchen for no reason. How can it be considered a fake public benefit?

Therefore, he did not hesitate and said: "There is a deep relationship with the Wu family in Xia. This invitation was a coincidence. It was a coincidence that Xia Qingchen led the mysterious strong to besiege the Wu family. "

"The origin is deep?" Bai Zhantian specifically asked.

Cicada Daozi was surprised, but nodded his head, and affirmed: "Yes, we have been together for many years."

What he didn't think of was that, just after he finished speaking, Bai Zhantian suddenly bounced from the bird and punched his head from top to bottom.

When it was said that it was too late, Cicada said it was too late to dodge, and could only hurriedly block it over his head.

But, how can one hand withstand the wrath of Bai Zhantian Thunder?

With only a dull loud noise, Cicada Road was severely smashed to the ground and fell into the mud.

His hands were over his head, his bones shattered, his forehead was broken, and blood was flowing.

Cicada Daozi endured severe pain and roared: "Bai Zhantian, do you even want to kill the special envoy?"

He knew that Bai Zhantian had great respect for Xia Qingchen, but what he didn't know was that Bai Zhantian was so bold.

Bai Zhantian Fei fell down, stepped on his back and shouted, "Come here, take me the cicada Daozi, and listen to the question!"


Cicada Daozi laughed angrily: "Bai Zhantian, you are too much, what am I wrong, you will interrogate me as a sinner? Do you really think that the cold king dare not move you?"

Bai Zhantian exerted force on the soles of his feet, cracked his spine, and said indifferently: "The Wu family colluded with Lounan rebels and Lounan barbarians, killing and looting Lounan civilians."

"The coach special command Xia Qingchen came to capture the Wu family criminal minister, but you blocked it. The coach does not try you, who should try?"

Collusion with the enemy is always an unforgivable death sin!

Why does Cicada Daozi shelter the Wu family?


Cicada Daozi was taken aback, he really didn't know, the Wu family even colluded with Lounan barbarian!

"I... I don't know! I really don't know!" Chan Daozi quickly cleared his relationship.

Bai Zhantian sneered: "I don't know? You just admit that you have a relationship with the Wu family, and Xia Qingchen came to destroy the Wu family. You are the first to help you. You tell the coach now that you don't know it?"

The Special Envoy of the Liang King, a traitor who came to South Xinjiang to help collaborate inside and outside, these scandals spread, and Bai Zhantian will not kill him, Liang King will unload it for eight pieces!

Cicada Daozi's face was white: "Commander, I'm wronged, I'm wronged!"

At this time, a group of soldiers came over and tied him to Wuhuada with a special chain. Bai Zhantian waved his hand: "Bring it back to torture! Also notify Liang Wang and let him send a special envoy to lead him!"

Regardless of whether Cicada Daozi really passed through the enemy and treason, he did not have the power to execute the special envoy. Eventually, the cold king needed to bring the people back first.

It is conceivable that when Liang Wang received the notice, how ugly his face would be.

The special envoy on his behalf actually succumbed to the rebels of southern Xinjiang. Wasn't that hit his face?

On the roof, Xia Qingchen looked at Wu Yan, who was soft on her legs, with a crying voice, and said indifferently: "I thought you would know that the pitying star is falling, what a pity!"

He took a step forward, pointing at his head, ending his life.

At first I thought that Hu Yifan's associates took Li Xing away, but now it seems not, then it is useless to retain Wu Yan's life.

At this time, Bai Zhantian led the elite soldiers to surround Wu House, and arrested all his people, leaving none.

"Where does Master Xia go?" Bai Zhantian's expression couldn't express his concern.

Liang Wang sent a special envoy to investigate Xia Qingchen's call to the gods. He had heard that, together with Xia Qingchen severing the king power dragon sword, if he returned to Liangzhou, he would be afraid of danger and unpredictability.

Xia Qingchen said calmly: "Of course it is back to Liangzhou. I once promised someone to do something for them. I have to go."

"Then, I'll send someone to send you back." Bai Zhantian said uncomfortably.

Although the world is big, Liangzhou is the place where Xia Qingchen should not go.

"No!" Xia Qingchen gazed at the main palace of Tiannan City: "I'll kill myself before I talk!"

His eyes became cold and biting, and his eyes were colder than when he killed the Wu family.

Wu Yan's arrest of the pity star can be said to be ignorance and recklessness. Such a stupid person can be killed.

But, Hua Huan tears, she is malicious! ! !

Mingxing Lianxing had successfully fled back, but she maliciously attacked her heart and broke her heart and sent it to the enemy!

Afterwards, she also pretended to be innocent and forced Xia Qingchen not to win the two realms in the name of the enemy.

He hates the most in his life, is the traitor!

The hate of the enemy lies in the conflict of interests, but the hate of the traitors lies in the conflict is not only the interests, but also the bottom line!

Traitors are more hateful than enemies!

This kind of woman is not a thousand swordsmen, Xia Qingchen can't let her heart out!

"Let's go!" Xia Qingchen's waist had a big sword, and turned into a golden rainbow, carrying Xia Qingchen straight to the main palace of Tiannan City.

The black robe behind him shone and followed.

Bai Zhantian gazed at the group of black-robed people silently. The general in the first area stepped forward and whispered: "Commander, what is the origin of the group of black-robed people? The strength is terrible!"

He is very strange, Xia Qingchen is clearly here alone, why can he easily call so many peerless strong?

Bai Zhantian murmured deeply: "I think it should be the mysterious force recruiting troops in southern Xinjiang."

In the past six months, a group of mysterious people have suddenly appeared in southern Xinjiang. They have bought huge masters scattered in southern Xinjiang with huge amounts of money for their use.

Bai Zhantian once ordered people to track down, but all of them did not die, and so far no source of that force has been found.

But what can be confirmed is that most of the scattered strong men in South Xinjiang have been sold by that force, because many scattered strong men have disappeared from the world and have not appeared for a long time.

Moreover, he believes that there is a similar situation not only in southern Xinjiang, but also in the entire cold environment, even in Zhongyun.

"That Lord Xia is also that force?" The General of the First Military Region hesitated.

Xia Qingchen can find them, and he is out of that force out of ten.

Bai Zhantian frowned, "Then... what kind of power is it? Even Xia Zhanren can absorb it!"

the other side.

In the main house of Tiannan City, Xia Qingchen was shocked, and the strong airflow changed, attracting the main house of Tiannan City to appear.

"Senior Xia?" The latter showed a happy face and took the initiative to meet him, but when Xia Qingchen's face was cold, he quickly said: "What are you?"

Xia Qingchen was full of murderous intent, saying one word at a time: "How about flowers smelling tears?"

In view of the unreasonable trouble caused by Hua Wen tears when the two realms were discussed, Xia Qingchen wounded him and put the Tiannan city master in prison. (Updated at 9:30 pm)

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