Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: Disapproval

Jiu Shizi smiled slightly: "Relax, Xia Qingchen understands his situation. If he messes up again, he will only let himself fall into a more dangerous situation, so he will swallow his voice."

The audience nodded slightly, and Liang Wang had great opinions on Xia Qingchen. If he made any more troubles, Liang Wang would risk the world and act against Xia Qingchen.

At this moment, Xia Qingchen should be more cautious.

The three looked at Jiu Shizi's gaze even more, and gradually became more cautious and cautious in their speech, daring not to show their attitude at will.

Hua Wen tears, I heard admiration in my heart, how good fortune can I follow a master like Jiu Zizi?

What is Xia Qingchen with his body?

From now on, she must bear the tree of Jiu Zizi well!

The people in one house were breathing a sigh of relief, and Jiu Zizi continued: "To summon you today, in addition to notifying this matter, but also to discuss the matter of royal hunting in detail, we..."

But at this moment, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the courtyard, and Jiu Shizi's mouth was ticked: "It seems that my people have returned without merit. Let Chief Zhang come and report the situation."

He wants to make everyone here take a peace of mind, so as not to continue to worry.

Soon after, the leader of the Golden Armor was ordered to come, but it was carried by four people!

"Adult!" Chief Zhang lay on the stretcher, motionless, speaking extremely hard.

The three representatives and flowers in the living room smelled tears, and their expressions slowly stiffened.

Doesn't it mean that Xia Qingchen will rationally restrain himself? Why is Chief Zhang hurt like this?

Jiu Zizi's eyes fell on the leader, his eyes gradually narrowed: "Xia Qingchen hit?"

He didn't expect that Xia Qingchen would dare to start!

Isn't he afraid of making a big noise, is he known by the cool king?

However, what he didn't even think of was yet to come.

The leader of the Golden Armor was embarrassed: "Yes! And, Xia Qingchen also asked me to talk to the world!"

Jiu Zizi looked around at the four people with unnatural faces. He slowly picked up the teacup and took a sip, with a long tone: "Say."

The leader of Jin Jia hesitated to say: "Xia Qingchen said...Tear Huawen tears in front of him within an hour, if not..."

He didn't dare to talk anymore.

"Otherwise?" Jiu Zizi leisurely said.

The leader of Jinjia said: "Otherwise...he came to the mansion of the world."

The three delegates were fidgety. Xia Qingchen dare to come to the mansion of the world to force people?

He... he's too bold to be a god?

If in the past, he can still use his prestige of the God of War to break through the world, no one can help him.

But now, Liang Wang is staring at him, he hasn't even converged?

This is completely different from the analysis of Nineth Son!

Hua Wen tears a joyful heart, quickly cooled, she stood up in fear, cast her eyes for help: "Shizi, please..."

Jiu Zizi waved his hand, smiled calmly, and stood up to the leader of the Golden Armor.

Looking at the serious injury on the leader, he cared: "Is the injury serious?"

The leader of Jinjia was flattered and quickly responded: "Not important! At the end, he will be willing to go for the sake of Jiu Shizi!"

"Well, since it's not heavy, then, I'll give you a ride." With a smile on his face, Jiu Shizi suddenly showed a dagger in his hand and inserted it into the heart of the leader.

Suddenly, blood spewed out of the heart, and the face of Jiu Zizi was sprinkled, making the smiling face look very beautiful.

In the incredible eyes, the leader of the Golden Armor slowly lost his breath...

Jiu Zizi dropped the **** dagger in his hand, wiped his face, and said lightly: "Bring it out, feed the dog!"

The person who spoke to the enemy has lost his loyalty in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the three representatives and Hua Wen tears all felt the coldness of the cold feet.

This Nineth Son, turned upside down mercilessly!

"Shizi, I will say goodbye first." The representatives of Feng Wang Palace and the other two palaces got up and said goodbye.

Jiu Zizi turned around and smiled slightly: "What are you doing in a hurry? Why don't you stay and watch the show?"

Xia Qingchen is going to kill the door, still watching the show?

"Don't you want to see it, Xia Qingchen dare to really go to the door, what dare you do after you go?" Jiu Shizi smiled with contempt.

He didn't believe it. When Xia Qingchen fell into such a dangerous situation, he dared to do something that angered the cool king.

It’s not a normal event.

Xia Qingchen Anyone who has the slightest awe of Liang Wang will never dare to make trouble.

Since Xia Qingchen had to speak in person, he would have to wait and see how Xia Qingchen fulfilled this statement!

"This..." The three representatives hesitated, and Jiu Zizi laughed: "Not only do you have to watch, but I also invite the celebrities in Liangzhou City to take the stage to see how Xia Qingchen is in person!"

"Come here, hold my invitation, and invite the first-class families of Liangzhou City as guests."

Seeing this, the three representatives could only sit down again, and they couldn't help but feel relieved to see Jiu Zizi invite everyone to come.

Under the eyes of celebrities in the city, even if Xia Qingchen came in person, wouldn't he dare to overdo it?


Time passed bit by bit.

Xia Qingchen waited outside the city to wait for the news that the 9th son met, and many people heard the news.

Among them are the three sons of the military palace, and the strong people who listen to Xuelou hidden in the crowd.

"Xia Gongzi, don't be impulsive, we have to discuss for a long time." The three sons were in a state of anxiety. The 9th son now has unprecedented momentum, far superior to the former 2nd son.

If Xia Qingchen was in trouble at the Nineth Son's Mansion, it would have been known to every city, and it was almost impossible to hide the ear of Liang Wang.

If the Cool King knew this, he would never tolerate him.

While Xia Qingchen had not yet arrived at the Nineth Prince's mansion, things still had room for manoeuvre. If it dragged on, the situation would be extremely bad.

Xia Qingchen's expression was faint, and he said, "Xia Mou never said what he said."

After an hour, when the flowers smell tears in the future, he will come to the palace of the Nineth Son!

The three sons persuaded to no avail, but could only hurry, praying silently in their hearts, Jiu Zizi sent people over earlier to avoid a fearless conflict.

Only, hope is slim.

"The special envoy of Jiu Zizi is here!" What can inspire San Gongzi's spirit is that there are several demon horses galloping in the distance, sitting on them are three people holding the token of Jiu Zizi.

However, they did not bring Huawen tears.

"Xia Qingchen, Jiu Shizi's message, Hua Wen tears are participating in Jiu Zizi's staff recruitment ceremony, she is immediately the person of Jiu Shizi, you will not be sent for a lifetime," a token holder, raised his voice Road.

After talking, the two envoys beside him laughed coquettishly, without concealing their sarcasm.

San Gongzi's face fell, and they came not to resolve conflicts at all, but to intensify them.

In public taunts, one hour later, if Xia Qingchen didn't eat up at the Nineth Prince's mansion, his first name was destroyed.

But if it comes, it is to put yourself in a dangerous situation.

If Xia Qingchen hadn't heard of it, she just glanced at the sky and said lightly: "There is still half an hour."

Half an hour later, it was the moment when he visited the house of the nineth son!

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