Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: Disdain

As for the so-called dangerous situation, hehe, if Xia Qingchen wants to go, no one can stay!

Da da--

Suddenly there was a messy and rushing horseshoe sound, and with the dust rising, an army of tall horses galloped.

In the first place, it was the long-lost moat, the general of the Northwest Army, and Zhao Fei Mo.

She turned and dismounted, came to Xia Qingchen and smiled: "Master Xia is back, why didn't you inform us of the Northwest Army?"

How to say that Xia Qingchen is from the Northwest Army, and finally came back without notice.

"I have prepared wine and food for you to pick up the wind and dust, please!" Zhao Fei Mo smiled and made the action.

Xia Qingchen looked at her leisurely and said: "General Zhao does not have to bother me to let me leave. I have taken your mind, but this matter has nothing to do with you. I leave quickly."

Zhao Feiguo was warned by "Listen to Snow Lord" and should not contact other men.

At least half a year, Zhao Fei Mo has never been close to Xia Qingchen any more. How can he now turn to Xia Qingchen to pick up the wind and dust?

She did her best to take Xia Qingchen out of this place and resolve the conflict between him and Jiu Shizi.

Zhao Fei Mo smiled and tried to persuade: "With your wisdom, without me analyzing your situation at this moment, please stay sensible and don't be impulsive."

Xia Qingchen slightly sighed: "I wish, someone could persuade Nine Sons with the same words."

In the end, what kind of tendon is wrong, Jiu Zizi, to provoke Xia Qingchen?

Do you think he is not treated by the cool king, so do you have to step on it?

"Hey, I knew I couldn't persuade you." Zhao Feiguo knew Xia Qingchen too well. He was the one who said nothing, and ordinary people couldn't convince him.

With that said, she took a secret letter from her arms and gave it to Xia Qingchen.

The latter took a look at it, revealing unpredictable colors.

The letter, written by Shi Yanhu, is the commander of the moat, and there are only a few numbers on it.

"Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future."

Xia Qingchen watched it silently and crushed the secret letter to prevent outsiders from seeing it. As the identity of Shi Yanhu, he was willing to write to him under the threat of being questioned by Liang Wang, which shows that Shi Yanhu really attached importance to him .

He did not want to go the wrong way, and since then stepped into the abyss of nowhere.

"Tell him, I, have endured enough!" Xia Qingchen calmly said.

Zhao Fei Mo sighed secretly. Sure enough, even the commander's persuasion was useless.

But she understood Xia Qingchen very well, and as he said, he already had enough.

From the troubled Far East to the deterrence of the Northern Frontier, the credit for the establishment of the world has been wiped out by the Liang King. Not to mention his credit, he actually also married his wife to the enemy!

Is this what a Mingjun should do to his courtiers?

The upper class of Liangzhou City expressed deep sympathy for Xia Qingchen and felt unworthy of it.

In this way, the cool king is indifferent!

Xia Qingchen never made unexpected moves from beginning to end, maintained great restraint, and did not make any actions to deliver treason.

It is well known how patient he is.

Now, even a winged 9th son, dare to jump on top of Xia Qingchen's head to pee. He came to participate in the staff's etiquette recruitment, as the name implies, which actually made Xia Qingchen ride a tiger.

Xia Qingchen continued to bear it, fearing that he would really lose his reputation and become a laughing stock.

"Hello!" Zhao Fei Mo sighed deeply and turned away.

But just after she left, various forces came one after another to persuade some to send people and some to send representatives.

Even ordinary people were disturbed, so that the crowds on the eastern outskirts of the city were so crowded that the city gates were clogged with water.

"The military palace ordered that Xia Qingchen quickly see the palace master!" In the crowd, a military palace special envoy carrying an urgent military flag stepped on the crowd's shoulders and came into the air.

"Qi Meng has please, please be sure to invite Xia Qingchen to be a guest!"

"The three Asian ancestors set up banquets, please invite Xia Gongzi to enjoy his face!"


The east of the city is boiling, even more lively than the Imperial City.

There was a lot of movement and even shocked the cold king who was retreating.

"Xia Qingchen is back?" In a dark room, the cold king in Jin Jiao was slightly surprised.

Isn't he in southern Xinjiang? Why did you come back suddenly?

"Yes!" The nearby minister responded with a bow.

Jin Jiao pondered for a long time, and his indifferent voice came: "Why, does he want to make Wanmin welcome again?"

He still remembers the scene when Xia Qingchen returned from northern Xinjiang, and all the people in Liangzhou City went to the alley to welcome Xia Qingchen's return.

As the king of the cold environment, he has never received such treatment.

Now, will Xia Qingchen come again?

"No! This is the case..." He outlined his future context.

"Humph!" There was a dull voice from Jin Jiao who slapped his hand against the armrest: "What does he want to do? He also wants to disrespect the king's Wanger? If you really make a little contribution, can you ignore it?"

What is his identity as Xia Qingchen? A courtier!

As a courtier, dare to commit crimes against the following sons?

"Pass me the golden order, let him go back to Liangzhou City immediately, waiting for the release!"


The golden car immediately flew out a golden scroll with the above words written.

The leader of the near court immediately galloped to the eastern suburbs.

At this moment, an hour finally arrived.

Xia Qingchen slowly opened her eyes and murmured, "Time is up."

Jiu Zizi did not send people, then, he hoped that Xia Qingchen personally went to the door to be a dignitarian.

"Qiu Qiu, are you ready?" Xia Qingchen's eyes stared coldly.

Qiu Qiu Yaoya grinned: "Hehe! Since Nineth Son wants to fight against us, then, just as he wishes! I don't know anything about life and death!"

Xia Qingchen strode forward and was about to move forward.

Hong Liang shouted from the gate: "Xia Qingchen takes the lead!"

A royal bird flew over the sky ignoring the ban on air, and stood there an old man in a green robe, shouting with dignity.

Xia Qingchen glanced up at the head and stepped into the city as if nothing had happened.

Passing along the way, pedestrians have given way.

"Congratulations to God of War!"

"Send Ares!"

The people on both sides, with respectful marching ceremony, showed their tragic colors.

Perhaps, they want to watch a cool hero and walk towards the end in desperation.

Xia Qingchen didn't squint, and his steps became faster and faster, like a gust of wind.

The old man in the green robe on the bird couldn't help but binge: "Xia Qingchen! Did you hear, Liang Wang Chuanyu, wouldn't you bow down and take the vocation?"

Xia Qingchen didn't turn his head back and said lightly: "Even my wife has been passed on by him for permission to distribute to others. Will his purpose still be used? Let him keep it for himself!"


In one word, a tremor in the hearts of all people

The anti-decision is not received, and the sarcastic king is also satirized.

They all thought that Xia Qingchen was afraid of the cool king, and even Jiu Zizi who was far away from the mansion was so determined.

But they never imagined that Xia Qingchen's heart, Liang Wang, is actually a fart!

This is still the case with the cool king. What self-righteous Nineth Son thinks in his eyes can be imagined! (Twelve noon tomorrow noon)

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