Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1574: Bandit is back

It took a long time for Zhou Mengmeng to pinch Grandpa's arm: "Grandpa, am I dreaming? Unknown brother... flew away?"

The three cave masters could not feel the pain of being pinched on his arm, and murmured: "It should be!"

How can people fly away?

That's what a fairy can do!

However, everything that happened in front of them was really real, not like a dream.

Boom Boom Boom--

The tight gong sound interrupted the thoughts of the granddaughter.

But the village head picked up the gong again, and it struck loudly.

What happened?

The granddaughter of the bird who was still a startled bird, too late to think of Xia Qingchen, turned to the rooftop to look over.

They are not the only ones standing around the house and looking around. The villagers who are alarmed look at them in panic.

It's just that the village is quiet all around, not like an emergency.

"I thought it was a bandit again!"

"It's strange, the village chief knocked on the gong urgently, why?"


The Three Cave Master's face is somewhat incomprehensible, and the Gong is the communication tool in the village.

When it sounds closely, it means danger is coming. For example, before the bandit surrounded the village, the gong was intensively thought about.

But now it doesn't look like there is a bandit infringement.

Suddenly, the Three Cave Masters felt that the air was shaking like a sudden, as if the ripples in the water suddenly appeared.

Before he could understand it, suddenly, the three cave masters had huge ears.

A sound wave full of cultivation, suddenly passed into the ear, buzzing its eardrum, and the ear canal was like a burst, extremely painful.

"Ah!" Zhou Mengmeng also covered his ears, his expression was extremely painful.

Not only them, but all the villagers in the whole village.

The adult said that the child was directly stunned by the sudden strong transverse sound wave.

Everyone rolled a sentence in their heads at the same time: "All come to the village entrance!"

The sound of Furu Thunder made all villagers feel a sense of trouble.

"If you don't obey, kill the whole family!" The voice followed.

Many villagers who tried to close the door but could not close the door all hesitated.

"Go! Look at what happened!"

"Go, just go. What people in Shiyan Village are afraid of failing?"

A group of villagers, men, women and children came to the entrance of the village.

What made their faces drastically changed was that the village head's body was lying under a tree, and he was covered in blood in a pool of blood, and his eyes were full of fear.

His gong was carried by a bandit.

It turned out that they killed the village chief and ordered them to come over.

"Tu...bandits!" Many village names swallowed hard.

Doesn't it mean that Zhou Liang sent the bandits away with his personal relationship?

How long has it been for the bandits to return.

In addition, before the black lights were blind, the bandits were many, so no one actually discovered that this was another group of bandits.

"All here, huh?" The bandit carrying a gong said coldly with a cold face.

The villagers were frightened. There was a villager with sharp-billed monkey gills. His eyes rolled. When he saw that there were only four bandits, he quietly bowed and left the crowd.

However, just nine steps away, the bandit seemed to perceive it and snorted, "Look for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd suddenly heard a screaming cry from behind.

Turning his head, he saw that a sword appeared somewhere, cutting the sword of the villagers who tried to flee.

He cut his body in the upper half, still crawling on the ground, screaming in pain.

Leaving the lower half in place, blood flowing.

The **** picture made the villagers shudder, looking at the bandit in fear, and dared not move.

In an instant, Muraguchi died silently, even without gasping loudly.

Each of the four bandits stood in a corner, like a tiger staring at a flock of sheep.

"Who is the Three Cave Masters?" asked the bandit carrying the gong, carrying it with one hand, and asked with a cold face.

The shock that was full of cultivation just now is what he sent out, which is the level that can only be achieved by the small star position.

In the crowd, the three cave masters trembling at the sound, he had an extremely unknown hunch.

The three cave masters hurriedly searched the crowd and quickly found Zhou Liang's figure not far away.

The latter was also looking for him. After the two looked at each other, Zhou Liang gave him a soothing look to make him not nervous.

In this way, the Three Cave Masters calmed down a little and came out with a humble attitude.

He only looked at the bandits, and immediately lowered his head, Bi Gongbi respectfully said: "The old man of the three cavemen, follow the dispatch of the masters."

Drumming straight in his heart, I don't know what the other party is looking for him.

Unexpectedly, the Tongluo bandits did not have any nonsense, and directly said: "Come on! Crush this old guy on the spot and feed the dog!"


The audience was shocked. If they didn't even say a word, they would feed the three cavemen to the dog?

They don't even know the reason!

The two bandits had stepped forward without saying anything, and pressed the three cave masters to the ground.

The latter's old face was white, and he hurriedly shouted: "Yeah! Forgive me, the little one didn't offend you!"

The sudden crisis made the three cave masters unexpected.

Unfortunately, the bandits didn't bother to explain, they just started.

One of the bandits raised his sword without hesitation and cut it towards the neck of the Three Cave Masters.

"Leave people under the knife!" Where can Zhou Liang watch the changes, immediately stand up.

Having had the proud experience of drinking back Ma Hao and others, Zhou Liang was confident.

He showed no confidence and showed confidence. "Brother, we are flooding the Dragon King Temple. The family doesn't know the family!"

The Gong bandit's silent brow tip gently raised, surprised and said: "Who are you?"

Zhou Liang shook the old Orion sleeve robe and thought that he was dashing: "You are not good, Zhou Liang, disciple of the county swordsman!"

The identity once again showed the villagers envy and hope.

The villagers looked at him like a savior.

"It turns out to be you!" The Gong bandit's face changed slightly, and he immediately made his eyes jealous, and the bandits immediately let go of the Three Cave Masters.

Seeing this, Zhou Liang was more proud and relaxed.

It seems that his master swordsman is indeed a magnificent man, and his name is very useful.

The two bandits were particularly good-selling, and did not dare to make any mistakes.

"Yes! It's right down." Zhou Liang said: "Don't you come here once? Why come again? Didn't you understand what I... my son?"

He temporarily changed his mouth and claimed to be "the son".

"Oh? What did you say to the previous batch of brothers, might you also tell me to listen to the brothers?" The bandit dropped the gong and asked with a smile.

The two seemed to instantly become good friends who had not been seen for many years.

Zhou Liang swelled excessively at this time, and did not notice that the other party's tone was wrong.

He pointed to the Three Cave Masters and said, "That's my future husband-in-law, Zhou Mengmeng is my fiancee, bullying them, is enemies with me Zhou Liang!"

The bandits smiled meaningfully: "If we must take away Zhou Mengmeng?" (tomorrow to fill)

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