Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1575: Gold on face

Zhou Liang snorted softly and raised his neck, said: "Then I advise you to touch the head of the item!"

"Why do you say this?" the bandit's eyes flashed and asked, "I am one of the ten most important lords of the leader."

Zhou Liang said disapprovingly: "It is a pity that my master gentleman's sword has already pleaded with the leader. If you dare to move their grandchildren, it will openly disobey your leader!"

After hearing this, the bandits smiled.

There was no fear and worry in his expression, and he smiled lightly: "Gentleman Sword, do you have anything to say?"


The villagers were shocked. Who did the bandits talk to?


He only listened to the grass not far away, and walked out with a long sword slanting around his waist, dressed in a green pine ink gown, with good facial features, and full of vigor.

With his fierce sword spirit, he gave the villagers a sense of backs before he approached.

Belong to know at a glance, not a mortal type.

"Master!" Until Zhou Liang exclaimed, his identity was revealed.

It turned out that he was the master of Zhou Liang, gentleman sword!

However, the gentleman's sword is not as Zhou Liang imagined, and can deter the bandits.

Instead, he came to the bandit standing on his arms, respectfully huddled, fearful, and said, "Adult, please give me the opportunity to explain."

His stubborn stance made Zhou Liang stunned, and soon had a bad hunch in his heart.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the right palm of the gentleman's sword was wrapped in white cloth, all of which were stained with blood.

"Ten breath." The bandit said lightly.

The gentleman sword immediately strode in front of Zhou Liang, looking at him with no smile and a cold face. The latter shivered and said stiffly: "Master!"

Just shouted out, in exchange for a big ear.

The gentleman sword raised his hand is a palm, pumped on Zhou Liang's face.

Zhou Liang is, at best, a mountain villager, and Junzijian is the first master of the martial arts in the county.

Slap in the face, but not just a face pain.

Zhou Liang's mouth and ears were full of blood, and large pieces of skin on his face were worn away, and large pieces of blood penetrated outward.

"Who is your master?" The gentleman sword sneered coldly: "The ungrateful countryman! The old man kindly gave you a secret book of introductory cultivation, but you are in the name of the old man's disciple, bad reputation!"

With this slap, Zhou Liang could be circulated in a circle and said: "Master, you said you would accept me as a disciple!"

The gentleman sword coldly said: "What is the premise?"

"The premise..." Zhou Liang suddenly guilty of guilty, the premise is that he can complete the cultivation of "The Essentials of the Earth" to be qualified to become his disciple.

"I don't have 10,000 or 8,000 people who have given away "The Essentials of Earth Smashing." No one is as bold as you, acting out of my reputation!" The gentleman said with hate.

The villagers were disappointed.

Feelings have been in trouble for a long time, it is Zhou Liang who is passionate, wishful thinking of himself as a disciple of gentleman sword.

In fact, people simply give away a book.

Zhou Liang not only had a sore face, but also a dull face. His lips wriggled and said: "I... I didn't do anything wrong."

"Not yet?" The gentleman's sword was furious, and he slapped again, this time directly flipping Zhou Liang to the ground.

His stubborn foot stepped on his chest and growled: "What did you say to the grown-ups on the basis of my reputation?"

The adults he referred to were obviously the previous bandits.

Zhou Liang shuddered: "I didn't say anything. I just told them that you asked the leader for love and let go of the three cavemen."


This sentence is like Mars, completely exploding the gun barrel of the gentleman's sword.

Angrily, he stepped on Zhou Liang's leg directly: "Little beast! Have you said it did not harm me?"

He raised his right hand and removed the bandage, revealing a shocking palm.

The palm with five fingers, only three fingers left, ring finger and little finger are all neatly cut off!

"Because you are a brute, I lost two fingers!"

It turned out that when the county town was attacked as early as possible, the chief leader made a public speech and no one should interfere with their actions.

Violators will be severely punished!

Gentleman Sword, as the strongest martial artist in the county, teaches a disciple who hinders the bandits, can he end well?

Zhou Liang's face was pale and he couldn't stop breathing.

Looking at the wrathful gentleman's sword, Zhou Liang was a stranger. Wasn't the gentleman's sword treated with Yan Yue, treated with courtesy, wasn't it a modest gentleman?

What he looks like now, so strange, so scared him!

Tolerant of severe pain, Zhou Liang said: "But, you agreed, help me to intercede with the leader!"

He remembered very clearly that after his request, the gentleman sword did not refuse, but nodded with a smile, saying that there was no problem.


The other leg was stepped on alive, because of anxiety to clear the relationship, the gentleman sword has already said nothing: "Piss the urine and take photos of yourself, what do you count, and also deserve me to plead for you personally?"

"In my eyes, you are just a redneck!"

Gentleman Sword feels quite wronged.

He just found out that Zhou Liang had a little talent for cultivation, so he gave away a secret code.

At the request of the other party, the gentleman said vaguely "No problem", which can be tasted in normal social people. This is perfunctory.

Zhou Liang is an uncultured villager in the mountains, and he can't understand it at all.

I really thought that Gentleman Sword was no problem, it was really no problem.

Moreover, under unconfirmed circumstances, he hurriedly told the bandits that he had already said love.

The gentleman's sword can be said to be sitting at home, and the disaster comes from heaven.

How could he not be angry?

"Something is dead, Laozi killed you!" Junzijian, on the one hand, lost the hatred of his fingers, and on the other hand, to prove to the bandits, he immediately killed the killer.

The bandits watching the play over there said lightly: "Slow down!"

He personally stepped up and looked into Zhou Liang's eyes: "Tell the cause and effect again."

It is up to him to confirm the truth once.

But the leader told him that if the gentleman sword really blended in, he immediately raised his head to meet.

Facing the bandits, Zhou Liang lost the reliance of the master gentleman sword and became inferior to ordinary villagers. He shivered and told all the things.

Basically the same as what I said just now, no big difference.

After confirming that he did not lie, the bandits got up and smiled at Gentleman Sword: "It turned out to be a misunderstanding, so I will go back to the leader and return to life."

Gentleman Sword Chang Song breathed, a dangling heart, finally let go.

He looked at the villagers again and said, "So how do they deal with it?"

The bandits did not look at it, and said lightly: "I was just ordered to investigate the matter, and it will be fine, leave."

After that, he attracted a bird and walked away.

Seeing them leave, the gentleman's heart was completely put down, but Yu's anger remained unabated.

He stared at Zhou Liang coldly and sank his face into the water: "The old man has lived all his life, and he has fought hundreds of battles. He has never suffered any damage, but he has only killed two fingers!"

"Chop you up and feed the dog, don't bother the old man's hatred!"

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