Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1576: A thousand horses

I think he is the first martial arts master in the county town. He admires the county and has infinite scenery. Finally, he was planted in the hands of a rural villager.

One can imagine how he hated it.

"Who is the Three Cave Masters? Who is Zhou Mengmeng? Get out of here!" Obviously, the gentleman's sword is going to be angry to everyone involved.

The origin of the matter is to plead for the Zhou Mengmeng family.

They are to blame!

Facing the angry and famous gentleman's sword, no villagers dare to take shelter of the Three Cave Masters.

They gave way to reveal the grandfather and grandson in the crowd.

Zhou Mengmeng gripped Grandpa's hand tightly, feeling nervous and terrified.

"Are you Zhou Mengmeng?" Jun Zijian saw Zhou Mengmeng with a good look at a glance, and hummed: "Beauty is bad!"

The three cave masters stood in front of Zhou Mengmeng and knelt down to ask: "Master, please raise your hand and let my granddaughter go, she is young and irrational!"

In fact, what is Guan Zhoumeng's dream?

From the beginning to the end, she was only the victim of the bandits, but in the end she became a sinner.

Scarcity is the most irresponsible stigmatization of women.

"You still have a face to plead? It's hard to blame for teaching such a granddaughter." The gentleman Jian Zhengyi said awe-inspiringly: "Your grandson and grandfather blame the old man, the price is death!"

It turned out that under his anger, he wanted to kill the grandson and grandson together to vent their anger.


The gentleman's sword grabbed his palm, and the long sword flew out of his waist.

Seeing that the other party was going to make a move, Zhou Mengmeng suddenly remembered the scroll that Xia Qingchen gave him before leaving.

Xia Qingchen said that when the bandits came, unrolling the scroll could escape the disaster.

Although she thinks it is ridiculous, a scroll can let the bandits put them?

But now only dead horses are living horse doctors!

She pulled out the scroll from her arms and said softly, "Stop it! What do you think this is?"

With that said, she unrolled the scroll, revealing the seven dragon dances!

Most of the villagers are illiterate and look at each other.

The gentleman's sword also froze, glanced at it for a while, and said, "Xia Qingchen is here for a visit?"


Zhou Mengmeng hasn't read the words in the scroll yet. He heard that he turned over and couldn't help but be surprised.

This is what Xia Qingchen said, life-saving scroll for her?

She thought what threats were written above, but in the end, it was "Xia Qingchen came here"?

But why did Xia Wuming call himself Xia Qingchen?

She had no time to think about it, the gentleman sword opposite had already asked coldly: "Who is Xia Qingchen? The old man is so ignorant, I really don't know!"

If the county is a large area, I have never heard of Xia Qingchen.

He also heard about any big man in the city. Xia Qingchen was something. He had never heard of it.

"If you want to frighten the old man, little girl, you might be wrong." Gentleman Jian sneered.

What kind of big guys can the little girl in the mountain country meet?

I'm afraid that this Xia Qingchen is a fictitious existence, she wants to take advantage of him.

This method may be useful to the people in the village, but for him, it is too naive.

"Your grandchildren are on the road together!" The gentleman's sword vented his resentment and stabbed with a sword.

But as soon as he stepped out, the ground suddenly shook and became more and more violent.

At the end of the sky, a large cloud came, drowning the rising sun again under darkness.

The gentleman's sword suddenly stopped, his face surprised.

He looked into the distance, and his eyes were far beyond ordinary people. He saw a golden eagle in the dark clouds.

"Golden Eagle?" The gentleman's sword looks changed greatly.

He has only seen a golden eagle once in his life, and that is the mountain eagle's golden eagle!

In addition, there are hundreds of flying birds in the dark clouds, and they are rushing towards Shiyan Village.

As for the ground, there are as many as tens of thousands of galloping horses running wildly, raising dust at the end of the ground.

The beasts in the Quartet, the bugs in the forest, and the fish in the water seemed to perceive the anomaly and fled.

In the village, chickens and dogs jumped, and barking and chirping constantly.


As if the sky and thunder were rolling, the mighty army of thousands and thousands of horses finally killed Shiyan Village.

They have three layers inside and three layers outside, and the Shiyan village is surrounded by water.

Looking from the top down, Shiyan Village, surrounded by siege, is as small as a small black fish in the lake.

The gentleman's sword looked cold, and all the bandits were dispatched!

He numb his scalp and hurriedly clenched his fists at the golden eagle in the sky: "Adult, how can I bother you in this back country?"

His heart hung up fiercely.

How the bandit leaders existed suddenly came, and all of them came toward him.


After a cry, the golden eagle and a group of birds circled down.

But when he saw the golden eagle, a middle-aged man in black armor sat down with his legs crossed and a golden spear on his knees.

Under the peep, his eyes were extremely cold.

The coming of him, since he has a glance of the audience, made a thousand horses and horses quiet, even the horses were silent.

Only the sound of the wind blew through the village.

When have the villagers seen such battles?

The women and children sat down softly, and the men could barely stand, trembling.

The villagers in Shiyan Village are all caught in huge panic and anxiety.

The bandit leader's cold eyes glanced gently at the gentleman's sword who asked inquiringly, and his eyes narrowed slowly: "Man, did you kill it?"

He received news from Ma Hao that they were ambushed by the strong.

How can they tolerate rebels within their jurisdiction if they have ruled the entire county?

Therefore, the chief personally dispatched and led thousands of troops to Shiyan Village.

The gentleman sword froze: "Who?"

His natural response made the bandit leader dispel doubts.

He had some speculation that the gentleman sword did it.

After all, he happened to be on the way to Shiyan Village and was the first person in the county martial arts. He was fully capable of destroying Ma Hao's team.

It now appears that he is completely unaware.

His eyes were swept towards the villagers, and his voice was like a thunderous thunder. Their heart beat and their breathing was difficult: "Who is it, who killed me?"

According to the information returned, they were attacked by unknown strongmen on the way to the hostages in Shiyan village.

So he went straight to Shiyan Village to find the answer.

Everyone was dissatisfied, and even the bandit leader asked no one.

A bandit sneered: "The brothers who left your Shiyan village were all slaughtered. Who did it, said."

The villagers were taken aback. At first, all the bandits were killed?

They all breathed in cold air, and were inexplicable.

"We didn't do it!"

"Adults, this is really not what we did!"

The bandit hummed: "Of course you don't have that skill. I asked, do you know who did it? Or if there is any clue, say it immediately!"

But the villagers still shouted unknowingly, constantly begging for mercy, noisy and noisy, making the bandit leader frown.

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