Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Reel

"It seems that they don't know anything." The bandit leader said lightly.

The bandits next to him grasped and understood, and said fiercely: "Give you three rest time again, if no one knows, kill them all!"

Tucun, for them, is just a commonplace.

The timid villagers immediately hugged the young children and howled and cried, and the men knelt and begged for mercy.

Not only can no one provide useful clues, but the scene is getting chaotic.

Three interest passes.

The bandit flashed fiercely and shouted: "Kill all the waste!"

Swish swish—

The army of bandits around them pulled up hundreds of longbows and aimed at the poor hundred villagers.

For a time, crying and shouting were louder and upsetting.

Waiting for the moment when they were about to shoot, Zhou Liang, who was terrified, suddenly moved, "Wait! I remember!"

The bandit waved his hand, stopped the bandits from shooting arrows, and stared at Zhou Liang: "Do you have a clue?"

"Yes!" Zhou Liang hurriedly said: "There was an injured person in our village. I remember he said a word last night."

"Hurry up, what's the point?" The bandit was impatient, raising his hand as a whip, which made his back blossom.

Zhou Liang hurriedly said: "He said that he went out in the middle of last night to deal with the bandits."

San Cuye and Zhou Mengmeng's complexion changed.

That was almost absurd, and even they didn't believe it. Zhou Liang scoffed, saying that Xia Qingchen was a hindsight. He only knew how to play tricks.

Now in order to save his life, he "believe"!

He clearly betrayed Xia Qingchen!

But they don't believe it, the bandits believe it.

The bandit leader's gaze: "How old is it, what is it called?"

Shiyan Village is surrounded by mountains on all sides. It is extremely remote, and ordinary strong people will never come here, and it is even more difficult to destroy Ma Hao's entire team.

This foreign wounded is suspected!

"Call... Call Xia Wuming, about twenty years old, seriously injured and unable to move for the first few days." Zhou Liang said.

Hearing that he was 20 years old, and was seriously injured by the immobility, many bandits were disappointed.

How could such a group kill the bandit squad?

"It's a waste of tongue!" The bandits ordered lost patience and said fiercely: "Come on, kill all!"

While the bandits reopened their bows, the bandit leader said in a deep voice: "What kind of injury?"

Zhou Liang recalled and said, "It is said that the spine was injured, and at the beginning, it could not move like a dead person."

"Can you move in a few days?"

Zhou Liang forgot about it and said, "For about seven days, I didn't take medicine or see a doctor during this period. It's so good. I can walk, I can jump, I can talk!"

The leader of the bandit flashed.

How can ordinary people do such a serious injury and recover in just seven days?

It must have been the man who killed his brothers!

"Where is he?" asked the bandit leader Sen Ran.

Zhou Liang hurriedly pointed to Zhou Mengmeng and the Three Cave Masters: "They were taken by their grandsons and grandchildren, it has nothing to do with me!"

The first time, he betrayed Zhou Mengmeng.

Even before that, he loved Zhou Mengmeng so much, but before the real crisis, he did not hesitate to betray each other.


The bandit leader's eyes looked like electricity, sweeping towards the two.

His extremely penetrating gaze instantly made the grandson and grandson jump, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"What about others?" the bandit leader asked with awe.

Zhou Mengmeng was so scared that he stumbled back and fell to the ground, saying, "The unnamed brother has...have gone!"

"Where did you go?" the bandit leader asked again.

That look seemed to be able to eat Zhou Mengmeng.

Zhou Mengmeng's eyes dodged and shook his head: "No... I don't know... he flew away..."

Fly away?

If the non-bandit leader is still on the scene, many bandits have long laughed.

Can people fly?

Their leaders have such a powerful presence that they dare not say they are flying.

The bandit leader gazed at Zhou Mengmeng's clear and flawless eyes, and after confirming that the other party had not lied, said lightly: "They are useless."

This sentence is equivalent to sentenced them to death.

The little bandit next to him immediately shouted, "Come on! Kill them, the chickens and dogs do not stay, and then burn this place!"

"It needs to be known that our Chimei army is not easy to provoke!"

Oh oh--

The bandits made a cry of excitement, raising torches and rushing towards the village.

One by one, bows and arrows pulled up long bows and shot at the villagers one after another.

Zhou Liang was desperate and shouted: "Fathers and fellows, kneel down and beg for mercy!"

So far, they can only use their integrity to impress the bandits.

The villagers who lost their quasi-heartedness knelt down and cried out for mercy.

But, bandits who kill people without blinking, if they are human, how come there are so many killings?

At the time of despair, Zhou Mengmeng hugged his grandfather and cried out in fear.

Suddenly, she saw scrolls scattered on the ground.

In despair, she took it as the last life-saving straw, picked it up, and stood up and shouted, "Stop it! The anonymous brother said, show you this, you will retreat!"

Gentleman Sword glanced, sneered, and the evaluation was underpaid: "What a broken scroll, I can't even cheat, but I want to cheat adults!"

"Yamano Village Woman!"

Zhou Liang even scolded in the end: "Dead woman! You **** kneel! You want to die, don't implicate us!"

He was almost mad. At the most important moment, Zhou Mengmeng did not kneel down to ask forgiveness, and stood up to confront the bandits.

This **** is killing their lives!

If the broken scroll is useful, it will have been useful to the gentleman sword for a long time. Why not wait until now?

The bandit leader didn't look at it, would he care about the threat of a village girl?

He turned around without looking back: "No one stays!"


The bandits no longer doubted and began the massacre.

The gentleman's sword bears the brunt, stepping forward and kicking Zhou Mengmeng to the ground, grabbing the scroll in his hand.

He palmed a handful, rubbed the scroll into a ball, and scolded: "What shit, I don't know what it is!"

However, the changes are steep!

The twisted scrolls burst into an unstoppable force from the inside, and through the broken scrolls, they came out instantly!

Puff Puff Puff Puff——

The gentleman's sword trembled fiercely, and he looked at his chest in disbelief.

That inexplicable force actually penetrated his chest, breaking his entire chest into pieces of meat, revealing a large vacancy.

He rolled his eyes and immediately fell to the ground, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

The force of tyranny is not reduced, sweeping towards the southeast instantly!

A **** scene of numbing scalp!

Wherever the power passed, thousands of bandits and war horses in the southeast were instantly crushed into flesh and blood by the mysterious and horrifying power, staining the sky in the southeast!

The force annihilated the bandits, cast a steady momentum, and shot into the distance.

Until ten miles away, it hit a huge mountain hundreds of feet high.


After a loud bang, the mountain surface cracked, and the powerful force engraved seven large characters from top to bottom!

Xia Qingchen is here!

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