Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1579: The demon kings come

The wooden man was dressed in Xia Yuan's clothes, wearing his headgear, and even had similar heights and sizes.

It is clearly made up by someone deliberately dressed up to confuse outsiders.

At the same time, Xia Qingchen suddenly smelled of a fragrant fragrance behind him. It was a psychedelic medicine. Those who heard it usually had weak bodies and weak limbs.

However, Xia Qingchen was safe and sound.

He turned his back to his back, and his tone gradually cooled down: "You really have a problem."

Behind him.

Xia Jie looked at the purple jade bottle in her hand, some unexpectedly: "You are fine!"

This is a psychedelic medicine specifically aimed at martial artists, Xiao Yuewei has no room for escape.

She didn't know that Xia Qingchen's cultivation practice was indeed a small moon position, but the two built-in spaces were reopened in Shenxu, and her physique had already transformed into the middle moon position.

All psychedelics have little effect on him.

Xia Qingchen turned around, staring at the familiar Xia Jie in front of her, and said lightly: "You just got the thing in the cup of tea just now?"

Xia Qingchen saw a mouth, a sip of tea came out of the chest cavity, flew away from the body.

It turned out that when Xia Qingchen was drinking tea, he noticed that Xia Jie's eyes were wrong, as if he longed for Xia Qingchen to drink that cup of tea.

So he kept his eye on it. Although the tea was in the mouth, it was immediately wrapped by his moonlight and hidden inside.

Looking closely now, I found that there were ten black worms the size of sesame seeds in this tea.

"Controlling God Demon Worm?" Xia Qingchen recognized it immediately, his eyes narrowed slowly.

This worm can penetrate into people's minds, control people's minds, and do things that are counterintuitive.

So Xia Jie will betray Xia Qingchen!

It's just that this is not a bug that can be found on earth.

It comes from the demon world, and only the demon world can be bred.

"Who did it?" Xia Qingchen thought of Hell Gate for the first time. It should be that the worm was introduced into the world after it changed dramatically.

However, it will never enter Xia Jie's body for no reason, and it must be possible for someone to secretly manipulate it.

"Go to death!" Xia Jie saw that the medicine was useless, screamed, took out a dagger, and pierced towards Xia Qingchen's heart.

She is a mortal, and her power is really limited. Xia Qingchen only squeezed the dagger into an iron mass with an underhand palm.

Then, he pointed his finger at Xia Jie's head, and the thin hair of the sky fire fell from his fingertips into Xia Jie's head.

"Ah!" Xia Jie screamed, holding his head.

There was a burst of black smoke at the heavenly cover, which was the reason why the god-controlling insect in her mind was burned to death by the sky fire.

After counting interest, Xia Jie's pain stopped, and she opened her eyes blankly.

Looking at Xia Qingchen in the distance, he was surprised: "Light dust? When did you come back?"

She didn't have any memories of everything.

Xia Qingchen's expression was solemn: "Who have you met?"

What he cares most about is where is Xia Yuan.

Xia Jie suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said: "Quick! Quickly save your father! Huang Conglong took him away!"

"When is it?" Xia Qingchen's face sank like water.

Xia Jie looked around, and she no longer knew what day it was today, only to say: "Probably when you were still on Linlang Island!"

Hearing the words, Xia Qingchen's eyes suddenly became cold.

No wonder!

No wonder Huang Conglong was not seen on Linlang Island, only Huang Wending was alone on the island.

It turned out that he returned to the mainland to retaliate against Xia Qingchen's family!

Just because Xia Qingchen was on Linlang Island, instead of being suppressed by their father and son, Huang Wending was tortured.

He quietly came to revenge!

"Damn things!" Xia Qingchen's eyes were thick and murderous.

Looking at Huang Zhongting's face, he repeatedly tolerated their father and son, but they didn't know the empathy, and repeatedly violated their scales!

"Aunt, chaos is coming, you are looking for a safe place to take refuge, and come out after the world is peaceful," Xia Qingchen urged.

Xia Jie knew what Xia Qingchen was going to do, and hurriedly said: "Light dust, you must not be impulsive, Huang Conglong Wu Dao is strong, and he is the Huang family, and you will only hit the stone with eggs."

Hearing the words, he just said blankly: "Killing him doesn't necessarily require me to show up!"


He jumped forward and stepped east.

Where Huang Conglong is, he does not know, but where his son Huang Wending is, can still be guessed.

How pretentious Huang Wending would give up the opportunity of **** gate to make a career?

Xian Qingchen galloped away as a red left.

Suddenly, he flashed a silver light around him, but he was a silver-blooded demon emperor.

She said, "You are still alive."

Xia Qingchen glanced at her with a little dissatisfaction.

When he was chased by Moon Venerable, the Pyro Demon Emperor disappeared directly, but he still relied on Beiyuan Jianzun to enter the God Market in time, and finally escaped.

At a critical moment, she was unreliable.

"I received the news from the boss, and I went to meet them." As if knowing what Xia Qingchen was thinking, Pyrenean Demon Emperor said blankly.

Hearing the words, Xia Qingchen narrowed his eyes: "It's the right time!"

"How many demon tribes come to seek refuge?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Pyrenean Emperor said: "Not much... about three hundred."

three hundred?

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but be surprised: "Isn't it a hundred?"

Several demon emperors once said that it is estimated that one hundred demon emperors would come.

The Pyro demon Emperor waved Xia Qingchen's demon fifth-order ninja-a silver whip, white Xia Qingchen glanced: "You are too small to see the attraction of fifth-order demon ninja."

"Big brothers returned to the demon clan, they just asked the dear clan of the big moon." Pyro demon emperor raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction: "I don't know which one has no mouth, so I leaked the news!"

"Small half of the demon world is spread, there is a god-man who can refine the fifth-order demon ninja for the demon clan, only if he joins his organization for one year."

"In a few days of effort, there are more than 1,200 big moon demon powers, and my five elder brothers are surrounded, and they are eager to join your organization!"

Speaking of which, Xia Qingchen couldn't help laughing.

Comparing the rare giants of the three realms of mainland China, the big moons of the demon clan seem to be like no money.

However, the demon world is different from the Three Realms.

First of all, the former is vast in area, and it is not uncommon for the three continents to be thousands of times larger.

Secondly, the three rich continents, which are rich in resources and far from desolate, are comparable.

Finally, the life of the demon clan is long, and it can take hundreds of thousands of years to practice, and it is much easier to reach the large moon than humans with a life of only a hundred years.

"There are too many people, and my elder brother is good to say that as long as one hundred, the rest will go away." The Pyro Demon Emperor said helplessly: "But they are urgent, besieging my elder brothers, saying they must bring them anyway."

"They would rather stay in your organization for a few more years and come over."

"In the end, my elder brother dared to pick 300 of the highest repairs."

With that said, Pyro Demon Emperor carefully looked at Xia Qingchen's face.

Xia Qingchen said: "How about people?"

She hesitated: "Big brothers dare not come, let me try your tone first."

"Because there are too many people, they are afraid you are not happy."

The difference between refining the nirvana of one hundred and that of three hundred is too great, so the five demon emperors fear that Xia Qingchen is not satisfied.

"I'm not really happy," Xia Qingchen said flatly.

The expression of Pyro Demon Emperor's face was so true.

Who knows, Xia Qingchen's voice changed: "Why didn't they bring the rest of them over!"

That's nine hundred monster emperors!

If they were all brought to Xuexuelou, they would be enough to go to the Kingdom of God to start the school! (Everything has happened in the last few days, all of which are one chapter. Tomorrow will be updated together, ten chapters!!)

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