Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1580: Down the Rocks (One more)

Pyro Demon Emperor blinked: "They all call, can you make nirvana? You don't blame me for not reminding you, those demon emperors are all impatient. Without nirvana, they are noisy and you can't control it. "

Xia Qingchen became a man in his chest: "It's enough."

With two months to spare, enough ninjas can be refined for more than a thousand people, and if the small fire is awakened, the speed of refining can be greatly saved after absorbing the sky fire.

"Well, then I will inform the big buddies to send all the people who have brought them in." The Pyro Demon Emperor turned to leave.

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Let your big brother come to the Hell Gate in Western Xinjiang, and the rest of the demon emperors are all arranged to listen to Xuelou, hide their actions, and not be high-profile."

He wants to treat the three hundred demon emperors as a killer!

The force of Tingxuelou is already very strong, except for the dark moon, there should be no adversaries.

However, the recent events have made Xia Qingchen aware that the Three Realms are not so simple on the surface, and there have always been unexpected strong people.

So reserve a little strength just in case!


Xia Qingchen stepped on his sword and headed to West Xinjiang.

At that time.

West Xinjiang, the most wild land of the three continents.

If Zhongyun is located in the north, covered by snow and ice all year round, and lack of resources, it is the most insignificant area.

Well, Western Xinjiang is even more remote than Zhongyunjing!

The mountains and rivers that cover a quarter of a million miles are covered by a quarter of the cold land, but there is no grass!

The mountains with heavy crests are crimson red, all of which are dead.

There is no vegetation, no life, the river is dry, the veins are dead, and there is no energy such as aura or moon power in the air.

The rest is just death.

Don't say that ordinary people, even martial artists, have difficulty surviving without supplies.

Because once the spiritual power and the monthly power have been consumed, there is still physical strength, and if even the physical strength is exhausted, you can only wait to die.

In West Xinjiang, don't dream of getting even the slightest addition.

Here, I can't even find a drop of water!

It is inconceivable that Xijiang was the most prosperous place in the cold environment two decades ago, second only to Liangzhou City.

This place is full of the ancient world spread to the present day, unexplored mountains and forests, countless monsters, genius and spirit treasure.

There are countless ancestors everywhere, and Budo is thriving.

Twenty years ago, when the gates of **** opened, soaring demons swept across the earth, destroying the entire western frontier, and then reduced to a hairless land.

It is conceivable that if there were no ex-people going to stop the monster near the **** gate, it would not only destroy the west, but the three borders.

Twenty years later, the door to **** opened again.

If it can't be stopped, the status quo of West Xinjiang is the tomorrow of the Three Realms!

The central part of West Xinjiang is full of magical energy.

Looking around, the central hundred miles were all shrouded in black magic mist.

The magic mist condensed into a giant door that was hundreds of miles long and wide, lying across the ancient earth.

In the center of the giant door, a dire green crack flickered from time to time.

When the green crack is fully opened, it is the Demon Universe Universe Day.

Outside the giant gate, there is a barracks of the human army with no end in sight.

The barracks in front of the giant gate are the cold army.

On both sides of the giant gate is the army of Zhongyun Realm.

Behind the giant gate is the sporadic Lounan Army.

At present, the three enemies of the mainland are reconciled temporarily and unanimously outside.

Therefore, the armies of Liangjing and Zhongyun are all gathered here, ready to repel the demon at any time.

Behind the giant gate.

The barracks of the Lounan Army.

Today's Lou Nan is no longer the Lou Man's Lou Nan. Instead, it is Xia Qingchen's territory.

In the barracks, they were actually personnel from the former Yunlan clan.

Of course, according to the agreement of cooperation between the three borders, Lou Nan, the most powerful combat force, is only responsible for transporting materials, so most of the army is on the way, and only a few personnel are stationed.

"What did you do in Lounan?" A young man carrying a crystal book in the military barracks of Lounan barracks scolded loudly.

He was no one else, it was Huang Wending.

The person in charge of the Southern Army in Fang Cuihong is Fang Cuihong.

Her face was blue, and she roared at the table: "Huang Wending, I warn you not to go too far, don't think Xiahou is away, dare to be arrogant!"

It turned out that Huang Wending has now obtained the post of Director of Supervision in the Zhengdao Alliance, specializing in logistics supervision.

In case of any disturbance, he has the right to check in time and report to his superiors.

"Humph!" Huang Wending groaned angrily: "Fang Cuihong! How brave you are! The anti-magic war is imminent. You are not carrying out the transportation mission well, and you are also fighting against surveillance. Do you want to become the enemy of the Righteous Alliance?"

Wearing a big hat, Fang Cuihong was dreaded and angry!

Ever since they started transporting materials from all parts of the country, Huang Wending has frequently troubled them as the director of supervision.

On several public occasions, they criticized the slow transportation of materials and the serious damage to the goods.

In fact, the Yunlan clan transported goods through the channels of Xuexuelou at the speed of the first three continents.

As for the damaged goods, is there any reason for long-distance transportation?

Every time they are transported, their losses are within a reasonable range.

"Look, this time, the diamond pills that you transported, this is the core material for the soldiers to supplement physical strength, but how about you?" Huang Wending grabbed a handful of crushed diamond pills: "These are for pigs. ?"

Fang Cuihong is naturally unwilling to show weakness, and strives to reason: "Can you guarantee that the diamond pills needed by millions of troops will not be damaged after long-distance transportation?"

This time only some of the diamond pills were escorted, about 780,000 pills, of which about 100 were damaged.

Huang Wending groaned unreasonably: "I am not responsible for transportation, this is your business! In short, the loss of goods is your responsibility and your mistake!"

He stood up and said: "I can now directly inform you that, given that you have made major mistakes over and over again, the identity of Fang Cuihonglou's Southern Army can be lifted! Zhengdao Alliance will appoint additional personnel."


There are also several cores of the Yunlan clan in the camp, and they were all irritated when they heard this.

"Why?" Cheng Yunjiao whispered: "Our Lounan Army is not under the jurisdiction of the Zhengdao Alliance, we only take orders from Xiahou!"

In fact, this is not the first time Huang Wending interfered with the appointment of the head of Lounan Army.

On several public occasions, he has criticized Fang Cuihong for his negligence, and has also advised the senior officials, that is, the grave keeper.

Only this time, Huang Wending was directly notified.

"You don't have the power to disobey, you can only choose to obey!" Huang Wending said with a cold face: "Now everything is the right alliance, you only have to obey, otherwise you are the common enemy of the right alliance!"

Fang Cuihong's face sank.

She understands that it is very likely that Xia Qingchen has already died, so the tomb guards want to seize the opportunity to seize the power belonging to Xia Qingchen and put Lou Nanjing under control.

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