Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1581: Kill everything (two more)

As early as Linlang Island, they had repeatedly revealed this intention, but Xia Qingchen's tough rejection.

Therefore, high-level officials will repeatedly indulge Huang Wending's troubles, even if there are Huang Family Lord, Ye Family Lord and even Zhongyun Wang and Gu Qianhen and other people intercede for Lou Nan, but the tomb-keepers don't pay any attention to it.

To this day, he finally issued the order to remove the person in charge of Lou Nan Army.

"You bully too much!" Fang Cuihong overturned the table case, pulled out a sword around his waist, filled with anger: "We Lou Nan kindly came to help, but you are wolves and ambitious, want to take the foundation that Xiahou worked hard to build. ?"

I have seen shameless, never seen such a shameless scumbag!

Xia Qingchen's bones are not cold, but they miss his legacy.

"Why, you want to rebel?" Huang Wending once again put a big hat on Fang Cuihong.

Bang Bang--

In the camp, the cores of several Yunlan cliques drew their swords one after another: "We are not going to do it, shall we?"

Who is there to ask for?

Since the Righteous Alliance has repeatedly rejected the Lounan Army’s poor transportation, it is better to choose another force!

They are not waiting for Lounan!

"Do you want to be the enemy of the Righteous Alliance?" Huang Wending moved the Righteous Alliance again.

Fang Cuihong got a very tough answer: "For the enemy? Are you also worthy?"

On the real war, is the Righteous Alliance an opponent of the Lounan Army?

Today, Lounan has already become a million-strong army with the Yunlan clan as the core.

Any large army of tens of thousands of people is taught by a senior member of the Yunlan clan, who has mastered the essence of the Yunlan clan and has nothing to do with one enemy.

In a real fight, all the major forces of the Righteous Way Alliance add up, and they are not necessarily opponents of the Lounan army.

This is also the reason why the tombkeeper wanted to take Lou Nan's army under his command.

However, what surprised Fang Cuihong and others was that Huang Wending not only did not feel any irritation, but his eyes showed a beam of excitement.

"Wait for this sentence!" Huang Wending clapped his palms: "Come in!"


The Chinese military account was suddenly torn in all directions, and came in a group of shadow figures. They all wore black gauze on all sides, blocking the true appearance, making it impossible to see clearly.

However, all of them were built to be high-strength, reached the mid-month position, and were extremely insulting.

Looking at them suddenly, Fang Cuihong's face changed slightly, and he whispered: "League of law enforcement?"

The core figures of several Yunlan cliques all have a deep fear on their faces.

There are many personnel to fight against the demons, and there are a lot of fish and dragons. In order to prevent people with bad intentions, law enforcement agencies have been specially organized to investigate and arrest all kinds of insidious elements with suspicions.

However, what everyone of the Yunlan clan did not expect was that they, as regular troops, even became the targets of law enforcement.

No, they obviously underestimated Huang Wending's heart.

"The law enforcement envoys heard that they betrayed the Righteous Alliance, split and fight against the Demon camp, and were unpredictable." Huang Wending Yizheng remarked: "I proposed to monitor the situation and killed on the spot."

Of course, several law enforcement envoys would not obey the identity of a supervisory supervisor in the district. They listened to the advice of the tomb keeper.

Xia Qingchen is not alive. Of course, his disobedient old officials must be eradicated.


The eight law enforcement officers did not have any hesitation, let alone a bit of nonsense, and directly killed.

How can they be resisted by Fang Cuihong's cultivation practices at the mid-month level?

If there is no accident, they will be killed instantly.

Fortunately, the Yunlan clan has such an important position that Fang Cuihong and others have life-saving means.


They each took out a metal ball and smashed it **** the ground, only to hear a bang, and a large white fog broke out immediately in the camp, blocking people's sight.

Fang Cuihong and others have already prepared the correct direction to look for a position to jump out of the camp account.

Aware of the danger, they dare not stay in front of the gates of hell, because they understand that the person who wants them to die is the top of the righteous alliance.

"Chasing!" Huang Wending said neither fast nor slow.

For him, is it important for Fang Cuihong to die?


The important thing is to squeeze out all the core characters of Yunlan Fang, and let them take over the Lounan Army.

"Finally done." Huang Wending stretched out lazily, and walked toward the Chinese army account of the cold army.

At that time.

Fang Cuihong was galloping outwards. She was riding a bird and was walking against the mountainous mountains, hoping to avoid the tracker's sight as much as possible.

It is a pity that the whole land in the west of Xinjiang has no grass and no shelter.

The law enforcement officers did not spend much effort to lock Fang Cuihong who fled.

"Make a mess of the coalition, kill according to the law!" How fast the law enforcement acted, just catching the bird with just a few breaths.

He raised his hand and grabbed the chain around his waist.


There was a scream, and half of the bird that was drawn was smashed into rotten meat, and it fell screaming desolately.

Fang Cuihong, who could not fly, also fell together.

The law enforcer has no intention of stopping, Yu Jian catches up, with a cold eye, a chain abstracts Fang Cuihong's head.

There is no doubt that her head will be like the half of a bird.

But at this moment.

A ray of blood rose into the sky, stabbed from the sky without warning, and went straight to the face of the law enforcer.

The latter was shocked at first, randomly snorted, swinging the unintentional chain, trying to pump blood.

Unexpectedly, the sturdy ninja chain was unexpectedly broken!

The blood casts unabated, and instantly stabs the shoulders of the law enforcer.

He was just startled, dodge in a hurry, and finally passed his shoulders by the blood.

But even so, the powerful sword energy brought by the bloodlight cuts his shoulder blade through half, and a little deeper, enough to cut his shoulder.

"Who is it?" The law enforcement officer roared, covering his shoulders.

The other party was a sneak attack, and with the sharpness of blood, he was not afraid of confrontation.


Another blood gleamed from the horizon, the difference was that there was a person standing on it.

When he arrived, he quickly caught Fang Cuihong in the air, and then fell back to the ground.

"Have you the courage to dare to block the actions of the Union's law enforcers? Take care of your death. Be careful."

Xia Qingchen didn't raise his head, and said lightly: "League Enforcer? What's that thing, I haven't heard it."

When he and the other two giants on the mainland, and the tomb defenders formed an offensive and defensive alliance, there was no law enforcement organization.

"That's your solitary widow..." The law enforcer fell to half, finally seeing the appearance of Xia Qingchen vaguely, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Xia... Xia Qingchen?"

No one who has been to Linlang Island has absolutely known Xia Qingchen.

"Go!" Xia Qingchen said lightly.

Obviously his strength is far inferior to the law enforcement, but the latter's Wen Yin has an inexplicable fear.

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