Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1583: Convention

The three guardians of the tomb continued: "Without any accident, Xia Qingchen found a strong man who could stand up to the Moon Lord."

This is where they worry.

"That's better, let's start with the strength first?" Chen Guang made a vague gesture of wiping his neck.

The voice fell, and there was a long voice over the camp.

"Then, you have no chance."


The face of Dashou Tomb changed slightly, and he heard Xia Qingchen's voice.

But the voice was at least five miles away. With Xia Qingchen's ear power, how could he hear the conversation in the camp?

Unless, his physique is transformed!

Everyone was embarrassed for a while, and while waiting quietly, a breeze blew and opened the camp.

A figure that they were familiar with and could no longer be familiar walked in from outside the camp.

He glanced around and saw the emperor's table in front of him, with a brand name on it, with the words "Young Commander" on it.

As he stepped forward, he came to Emperor Yiyi and said with awe: "Keep off!"

This is Xia Qingchen's position!

The Emperor Guiyi's cheeks squirmed, the heart in his chest accelerated, and the fists in his sleeves were held tightly, with hatred and anger all over him.

"Want to die, complete you!" Xia Qingchen is not polite, holding the sword handle and pulling the sword.

Seeing that both sides would start again, Dashou Tombmen promptly said: "Emperor is one, let go!"

The position of the young commander is not determined by him, but by the world.

Who made the Emperor's oneness inferior to others and could not sit on the throne?

Since Xia Qingchen came back, only Xia Qingchen could sit here.

The Emperor returned to a strong endure humiliation, under the eyes, unwillingly let go, Xia Qingchen sat down.

"Xia Gongzi will have a blessing after his death." The Dashou Tombman laughed casually as if he had just discussed Xia Qingchen solemnly, not him, but someone else.

Xia Qingchen is not salty but not light: "Take everyone Hongfu, fortunately not to die."

The grave-keepers present were guilty.

At the beginning, it was said that they would intercept Yuezun together to protect Xia Qingchen, but as a result, due to the fact that Yuezun's power exceeded expectations, the tombkeeper withdrew early.

In the end, the powerful man who had harmed the mainland was threatened by Moon Zun and almost wiped out.

The phrase "Trust you Hongfu" is a great irony to them.

"Haha, Prince Xia came back just right." The Dashou Tombman diverged the topic: "The Hell Gate changed dramatically yesterday, and maybe the monster will come out soon. There is a lot of information here, you need to know as soon as possible...

However, Xia Qingchen waved his hand and interrupted the words of the Dashou Tombman.

His eyes were cold, and with his muzzle there was an impersonal coldness.

"Official business, I'll discuss it later." Xia Qingchen held his chin in both hands, and said quietly, "I will deal with some private affairs first!"

After a pause, Xia Qingchen said: "Warning everyone present, Xia Mou's private affairs, you'd better not be greedy, otherwise, don't blame me for turning a blind face!"

If others say this, they will only find it ridiculous.

But from Xia Qingchen's mouth, it has to be taken seriously.

Dashou Tombman keeps gram, "Of course, we have no right to interfere in your private affairs."

"That's good!" Xia Qingchen said, his eyes suddenly raised, and his two sharp eyes, like cold wind blades, thrust hard into Huang Wending.

The latter had a bad feeling when he heard "handling private affairs".

He strode forward and hurriedly came to the side of the Dashou tomb to seek refuge.

"Come here." Xia Qingchen stared at each other coldly.

The Dashou tombman mistakenly thought that Xia Qingchen was out for the Yunlan clan. After a moment of pondering, he calmly said: "He is just a small person who takes orders."

"If you have to blame, you can blame us."

It can be seen in its shielding heart.

It should be noted that Huang Wending works for them, so they must protect Huang Wending. If it cannot be protected, who will be willing to serve them in the future?

Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "After the accounts of the Yunlan battle group, after eliminating the evil of the Demon Race, I will make a clear calculation with you, don't worry!"

"I am looking for him for private business!"


The tomb-keepers were relieved in their hearts. As expected by the tomb-keeper, Xia Qingchen would take care of the overall situation and temporarily suppress the enmity between them.

However, they knew that Xia Qingchen was a private matter, did outsiders know?

Let Xia Qingchen deal with Huang Wending, outsiders still think they can't protect someone who works for themselves.

This caused great damage to the majesty of the gravekeeper.

"Islander, save me." Huang Wending whispered for help.

Dashou Tombman twisted his beard and said: "Son, Xia, now the Demon Race, can you temporarily let go of the grudge?"

He didn't even know what kind of grievance, so he dared Xia Qingchen to put it down?

He who seems fair is actually the most indifferent favoritism.

"I said, interfere with my private affairs, don't blame me for turning my face!" Xia Qingchen spit out the numbers coldly.

No one knows what Xia Qingchen's hole card is, but because of this, they make them even more afraid.

After thinking of the film, the Dashou tombman just said: "Someone is not talented, willing to do peace once again. I don't know where Huang Wending offended you?"

As the owner of Linlang Island, doing peace is still very important.

However, he didn't understand the grievances of Xia Qingchen and Huang's family.

"My father was taken away by their father and son, and their life and death are unclear. Are you sure you want to resolve this grudge?" Xia Qingchen suppressed his emotions as much as possible, and his tone was low.


Lin Lang Island stared angrily at Huang Wending.

The most taboo in the martial arts is that the grievances between individuals affect the innocent family members of the other party.

Who has no relatives?

If the powerful warriors vent their grievances to their loved ones, can they be resistant?

If you retaliate against each other, it will be a unilateral slaughter.

In the long run, the warriors are self-defeating and are worried about whether their loved ones will be retaliated by massacre.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule among the warriors-it is forbidden to anger against innocent family members of the enemy.

Huang Conglong and Xia Qingchen had grievances, but they took his father away, which really broke the rules and made the Dashou tombers quite disgusted.

The father and son acted like snakes and rats, annoying.

Huang Wending immediately retorted: "Nonsense! Do you have evidence?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Dashou Tomb said: "Huang Wending is now the Director of Supervision. Can't you just let him bear a bad reputation because of your words?"

The implication is that the evidence is here!

However, after Huang Conglong was clever and after Xia Yuan and Xia Jie were captured at the same time, the whole Xiahoufu was well organized.

The housekeeper, maidservant, and servant in the house did not know that Xia Yuan had been taken away.

Under such circumstances, where can I find evidence that Xia Yuan was taken away?

Huang Wending dared to be so straightforward, that's why he was right.

"Yes, you have to give evidence in everything. Son Xia, you are now the commander-in-chief of a teenager, and you should pay more attention to this, so as not to leave a message.",

"Well, Huang Wending is an important person anyway, and conviction requires evidence."

They bite by piece of evidence, as if eating Dingxia Qingchen, unable to produce any evidence.

However, what I did not expect was that Xia Qingchen raised his eyebrows and slowly stood up, saying, "Is the evidence required? Okay! I will give you!"

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