Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1584: Chicken talk with duck

Huang Wending secretly surprised himself. Is there any evidence for such a thing?

The drip made by his father was leak-free, without any flaws, there was no personal evidence, and there was no physical evidence.

"What evidence?" Huang Wending was somewhat guilty: "I can tell you, don't be oral evidence, that's not countable!"

No matter how he said, he is also the supervisory director of the Union of Righteousness. He must be punished for his crimes.

"Come here, come here!" Xia Qingchen raised his hand.

Behind him, Fang Cuihong immediately took out the pen and ink, and lifted a blank sheet of paper over his head with his hands, and sent it to Xia Qingchen.

I saw Xia Qingchen took over the brush and brushed it a few times. The brush left two big words on the white paper-evidence!

"Give them a look!" Xia Qingchen said.

Fang Cuihong immediately unfolded the white paper and presented it to Huang Wending and the tomb watchers present.

"Isn't that just the evidence? Just write it for you!" Xia Qingchen calmed down but did not lose the hegemony: "Mo said one piece of evidence, 10 million pieces of evidence, can write to you!"

They just understood what Xia Qingchen meant by "evidence".

This, this is too unreasonable, right?

Dustlight dissatisfied said: "Xiahou, are you playing with us?"

Xia Qingchen's backhand was a Dayan sword, and the dreadful sword gas swept over to the face of Chenguang.

The latter had taken the loss of Dayan Jian and was startled and hurriedly avoided.

But Jian Qi swept through his armpits and shattered his sleeves!

Dust light was shocked and angry: "You..."

Xia Qingchen said coldly: "You want the evidence, I gave it, and now I say I'm playing with you. It seems that you are preparing to turn your face now, don't you?"

The dust that was about to be refuted was stopped by the Dashou tombkeeper's hand.

He watched Xia Qingchen deeply, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Okay, your private affairs, we will not interfere anymore."

Wisdom is like him, already aware of Xia Qingchen's intention.

Then insisted on protecting Huang Huangding, Xia Qingchen could do everything, including withdrawing from the Righteous Alliance.

Losing him and Lou Nan Army, the supply will become the fatal weakness of the Righteous Alliance.

If this is the case, it is not worth the loss.

"However, I hope you promise one thing first." Of course, they also don't want their majesty to be damaged as a result: "You solve private grievances, please find another place."

As long as the grievances are not resolved in front of them, the tomb-keepers can pretend not to know.

Outsiders argued that their tomb-keepers could completely hide their past on the grounds of absence, so as not to lose their prestige.

"Okay." Xia Qingchen stepped back, staring at Huang Wending coldly: "You can run nine hundred feet first."

Huang Wending knew that he had been abandoned by the tombkeeper and had to gritt his teeth: "You are ruthless!"

He rushed out of the barracks and ran towards the camp of Zhongyun Realm.

There is only one person who can save and is willing to save him-Grandpa, Huang Atrium.

Every time he had a conflict with Xia Qingchen, his grandfather mediated it, and this time was no exception.

What made him vomit blood was the faint voice of Xia Qingchen in the camp behind him: "Fang Cuihong, take my big bow with a range of one thousand feet!"

Let him run nine hundred feet first, then shoot him with a giant bow with a thousand feet range.

Where is this to put him, clearly cats and mice teasing him!


Without giving Huang Wending the opportunity to revolt, a touch of blood red pierced the camp and the space, and came straight behind.

When looking at the blood red color, Huang Wending's scalp numb.

It turned out that Xia Qingchen actually regarded Dayan sword as a sharp arrow. This arrow was afraid that any defense could be penetrated.

If in the past, with a lucky body, he would not be afraid.

But now, he is lucky to have overdrawn and become an ordinary person. He is really in danger.

When it was said that sooner or later, Huang Wending fluttered forward, rolling for a few weeks, just about to get up, and suddenly realized that his palm was sticky.

Looking down, a wet, sticky horse dung was pressed by his palms.

The smelly smell made Huang Wending goosebumps all over his body, very disgusting.

However, he had no time to take care of it, glanced at the Dayan sword rubbing over the top of his head, and immediately folded to gallop in another direction.

Who knows, just running a few steps, immediately slipped and fell to the ground.

In this way, it is similar to Xia Qingchen. It can be regarded as a handsome face, and it is thrown into another freshly baked horse dung.

The face of horse dung made Huang Wending tremble.

When was Huang Wending so embarrassed?

However, the embarrassed is still behind.

Next, Xia Qingchen shot another arrow, Huang Wending was tired of avoiding it, and actually fell into a horse dung pit.

That's all, he finally got out, and in the process of escape, he fell into the pit outside the barracks!

Huang Wending couldn't be angry, he couldn't understand why he was so unlucky.

That's because he doesn't understand, everything is absolutely counterproductive.

He was lucky before, but now he loses his luck and is bound to be overwhelmed by bad luck.

In particular, Xia Qingchen's divine influence made this disadvantage more prominent, so it was unfortunate.

He felt the pain of Ye Linglong.

The two camps are only tens of miles apart. For a small-month warrior like Huang Wending, it should only take a few minutes.

But now, Leng spent half an hour still on the road.

He stumbled all the way, screaming loudly while running: "Quick! Let my grandfather Huang Atrium save me!"

Perhaps his voice was discovered by intentional people, and Huang Zhongting was notified in time.


A figure flew over Huang Wending's head and rushed in the direction of his arrival.

"Grandpa!" Huang Wending shouted in surprise.

However, what he got was a casual glance by Huang Zhongting, who continued to hurry and search if nothing happened.

"It's me! I'm asking!" he called out quickly.


Huang Zhongting, who was galloping, made a sharp brake. He turned back and looked at Huang Wending: "Are you Dinger?"

It is not that Huang Zhongting does not know his grandson.

Rather, the eyes are covered with yellow and horse dung, and the whole body is filthy and raw maggots, and the smelly people who can't even recognize the body shape can't see the shadow of Huang Wending.

"Grandpa, please help me!" Huang Wending immediately fell down in front of Grandpa, calling for help: "Xia Qingchen, he, he will kill me!"

"What are you talking about?" Huang Zhongting was shocked and extremely shocked!

Upon seeing this, Huang Wending grabbed the life-saving straw and added oil and vinegar: "Yes, Xia Qingchen wants to kill me. This time, Grandpa must not be kind to him..."

Unexpectedly, Huang Zhongting said excitedly: "You mean, Xia Qingchen is still alive?"

"Grandpa, the point is that he is killing me!"

"He really lives?"

"Grandpa, did you hear that he chased me down!"

"Gosh, he is still alive!!!"

"Grandpa, he's chasing your dear grandson!"

"God has eyes, keep him alive!"


Huang Wending was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke.

Are they really grandpa and grandson?

Why is it that the focus is not on a channel, just as a chicken talks to a duck?

(Twelve noon tomorrow, two more)

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