Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1586: I have forgotten the king

Xia Qingchen smiled and roughly described the process.

But regarding the **** market and the Jiulong Soul Array, they chose to hide.

After talking, everyone was amazed, and they all lamented Xia Qingchen's luck.

"I left for half a month, but something important happened?" Xia Qingchen asked.

The night master pondered for a while, and there was a little hesitation in his face: "If it is a **** gate, you can rest assured that you are in control for the time being, and there is no harm."

Xia Qingchen heard the implication: "Yejiazhu has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Everyone seemed to be aware of it, and they all fell silent, and some left the camp with a sigh.

Seeing them look so, Xia Qingchen had a somewhat bad feeling.

"Xia Gongzi, next, I hope you calm down." Ye Jiazhu said in a deep voice.

"Please say." Xia Qingchen was mentally prepared.

The night master thought for a while and said, "Please come in!"

There was a commotion outside the camp. Soon afterwards, a woman in a pink dress with exquisite facial features and pleasant temperament, but with a rare purple pupil, slowly came under the eyes of everyone.

She came in blankly and said to the Ye family playfully: "Senior looking for me?"

Ye Jiazhu did not speak, but looked at Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen looked at the woman who came in, and always had a tight smile because of her concern for Xia Yuan, finally showing a warm smile: "Pearl."

The person who came in was Yue Mingzhu.

She heard the sound and looked up, seeing Xia Qingchen, she actually showed a strange look: "This son is?"

"Mingzhu, now is not the time to joke." Xia Qingchen was accustomed to Yue Mingzhu's mischief and gently smiled.

But, the next moment, Xia Qingchen's smile gradually stiffened.

Yue Mingzhu jumped up beautifully, her purple eyes filled with displeasure: "Are you familiar with me? Why are you kidding me?"

That serious look is not a fake.

She is really unhappy!

Xia Qingchen groaned in his heart and turned his eyes to the night house owner, who had a heavy tone: "We are sorry for her!"

Subsequently, the owner of the night house entrusted everything that day.

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but clenched her fists when she learned that Yue Mingzhu sacrificed herself to face the Moon Lord in order to save the powerful mainland.

Only he can understand why Yue Mingzhu did that.

In front of Xia Qingchen, the most inferiority is the past.

As the sage of the dark moon, she had a lot of blood in her hands, just as the female corpse had created many killings, which made Xia Qingchen unacceptable.

Therefore, she chose to sacrifice and wash away past sins.

Hope to be able to keep a clean self and live in Xia Qingchen's heart.

"Later, we went back and found that Moon Girl was actually still alive, just..." The Night Master was in a heavy mood: "She has forgotten you and everything about you."

Xia Qingchen's mind went blank for a moment.

He stared at Yue Mingzhu's eyes, his strange eyes pierced his heart like an arrow.

He could imagine why Yue Mingzhu, who was supposed to be killed, was still alive and lost his memory.

It must be Yue Mingzhu asking Yuezun to release Xia Qingchen. As a price, Yue Mingzhu was wiped out of Xia Qingchen's memory.

Otherwise, with Yue Mingzhu's character, he would rather succumb to Yuezun.

"Yue Mingzhu..." Xia Qingchen called softly, but she was indifferent to it, as if Xia Qingchen called another person's name.

King Zhongyun looked at Xia Qingchen with a very heavy tone: "Before we leave, Moon Girl tells us to tell you, in fact, she is not surnamed Yue, let alone Mingzhu."

"That's just the pseudonym she used to walk rivers and lakes."

Not called Moon Pearl?

Xia Qingchen was stunned. It turned out that she was never a moon pearl.

It's just a scene from "The Sea, the Moon and the Pearls Tears, and the Blue Fields Warm and the Jade Smokes".

"Xia Gongzi, we don't know anything about spiritual accomplishments, so we never diagnosed it." Ye Jia said: "And you are an expert in this area, I don't know if there is any way to restore his memory."

Xia Qingchen was silent and did not speak.

If the human spirit is a stone plate, the memory is the words carved on the stone plate.

I would like to ask, can I fix it by erasing the text?

Yin Wu's memory is only sealed by the evil spirit, not erased.

So Xia Qingchen can release some memories, but Yue Mingzhu's memories will disappear forever! ! !

Seeing his silence, everyone was silent, even Xia Qingchen had no choice!

"Senior Ye, why do you repeatedly say that I am missing Xia Qingchen's memory?" Yue Mingzhu was dissatisfied: "I really don't know him."

With that, he glanced at Xia Qingchen slightly hostilely, and then looked away strangely: "If there is nothing else, I will go first."

"Slow!" Xia Qingchen spoke slowly, his voice dumb and low: "Come here!"

Yue Mingzhu's refusal to resist, Ye Family said: "Go, Xia Gongzi will not harm you."

In this way, Yue Mingzhu came to Xia Qingchen reluctantly, without a good air: "Why?"

Xia Qingchen took hold of her wrist and a ray of moonlight entered her body. After a while, she said: "The cadaver pill is still there."

Yuezun erased Yue Mingzhu's memory, but did not solve the poison on him.

Fortunately, Xia Qingchen got the real antidote for Zuo Nao Wan from Yuezun.

"Come here when the full moon changes, and I will detoxify you." Xia Qingchen said.

The antidote for Zuo Nao Wan is very negative, and it can only play its greatest role at midnight.

There was only one antidote, and he had to be cautious.

"Ze Nao Wan is the unique poison of Yue Zun, how can you have an antidote?" In this regard, Yue Mingzhu expressed full suspicion: "Or, you have something else to do?"

She took a step back slightly and guarded against Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen's heart was cold, and a great sense of loneliness came.

The woman who cared about him the most, cared about him the most, and was the most willing to care for him no longer knew him.

Probably, this is what Yuezun wants to see?

A painful heart spread in Xia Qingchen's heart.

This is ten times more painful than giving him a sword.

He felt that at this moment, his heart was bleeding.

"At three shifts, I'm waiting for you here, don't refuse." Xia Qingchen said with his head down, not tolerant, and then left the camp alone.

He couldn't face the Moon Pearl directly, the girl who had touched her heart, and looked at him with the eyes of a stranger.

The furthest distance in the world is not the horizon, but when you stand in front of you, you don’t know me anymore.

The so-called most familiar stranger, is it true?

Coming outside the camp, Xia Qingchen looked up at the starry sky, his fists clenched naturally: "Yuezun, you are so cruel!"

She did not take his life, but gave his heart an incurable wound.

At that time.

Liangzhou City, a manor.

This place is a temporary stronghold of the Huang Family in Liangzhou City. It is very secret and no one knows.

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