Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1587: Forget each other

In the manor, in a hall.

Huang Conglong knelt on the ground, bowed his head, and said nothing.

His shirt shattered, his chest was covered with blood stains, and some shocking wounds.

In front of him, Huang Atrium was standing upright.

He looked down at Huang Conglong: "Last time, where is Xia Yuan?"

Arriving at the stronghold, Huang Zhongting really found Huang Conglong.

However, what he didn't think of was that the latter refused in vain and firmly denied that Xia Yuan was here.

He looked up at his **** face and continued to quibble: "Father, what kind of Ecstasy did you eat, and what did the kid named Xia say that you believed so much, I have never seen his father."

As he said, Huang Conglong left aggrieved tears.

But these didn't work in front of Huang Atrium, he took out a whip, and his face was blue: "Stubbornness!"


With a crunch, the whip pulled suddenly, leaving a long blood stain on Huang Conglong's face, running through half of his cheek.

"Father, I really don't know where Xia Yuan is! I really don't know..." Huang Conglong gritted his teeth, just refused to admit it.

He didn't believe it, what Huang Zhongting could do.

Unfortunately, he obviously underestimated Huang Zhongting's determination.

"You disappointed me too much." Huang Zhongting closed his eyes slowly, but the whip in his hand tightened a bit, as if he made a certain determination.

"Since Xia Yuan can't be found, then, as Xia Qingchen said, take your head to exchange Ding's life." Huang Zhongting opened his eyes again, his eyes were cold and unsympathetic.

Huang Conglong is clever and has a bad feeling: "Father, for an unimportant little person, do you want to kill me?"

Huang Zhongting grabbed a palm, and a pure moon power was spitting like flame.

He walked slowly towards Huang Conglong, said coldly: "He is your brother-in-law, not a small person!"

Staring at Huang Conglong, he was already disappointed: "You are hopeless, just exchange your life for Ding'er's life, at least he still has the hope of reshaping!"

Huang Zhongting always felt that Huang Wending had today, all because of Huang Conglong.

It was he who secretly instigated Huang Wending to teach a child with a pure nature to be a shameless person exactly like him.

Huang Conglong's destiny has penetrated into the bone marrow and has not been corrected, but Huang Wending has the possibility of enlightenment.

Feeling the murderous heart from his father, Huang Conglong's psychological defense line finally collapsed and hurriedly explained: "Wait!"

"Finally willing to say?" Huang Zhongting sneered coldly.

The latter appeared panicked and said, "I really don't know where Xia Yuan is."

Huang Zhongting suddenly flashed angrily: "Still quibbling!"

"No, no! I said it true." Huang Conglong grieved: "Xia Yuan was indeed captured by me, but was robbed by someone else halfway!"

In response, Huang Zhongting laughed angrily: "When you are Xia Qingchen silly, will you believe your words?"

You were taken away by someone, and now you are missing, but you said you were taken away by someone else?

Who would believe such words?

"It's true!" Huang Conglong said anxiously: "I swear to the ancestors and ancestors of the Huang family, everything I said is true, and if there is a half-truth, the sky will be thunderous!"

Taking an oath in the name of an ancestor is actually not a joke. The ancestors of the Huang family are gods in the sky.

The oath is likely to be fulfilled.

Huang Zhongting couldn't help but wonder, if Huang Conglong didn't lie, who was Xia Yuan snatched?

"When did it happen?" Huang Zhongting asked.

Huang Conglong sighed bitterly: "Just five or six days ago."

Five or six days ago, it was the moment when Xia Qingchen disappeared. Who would hijack Xia Yuan at this time?

If Xia Qingchen's adversary, this need not be the case.

At that time, Xia Qingchen, who was chased and killed by Yuezun, was generally considered to have fallen.

If the other party wants to avenge his anger, he can kill Xia Yuan on the spot. Why bother to take it away?

Huang Zhongting's face was a bit hard, how should he explain to Xia Qingchen?

He believed Huang Conglong's oath that Xia Qingchen was completely unbelief.

"Father, do you believe me?" Huang Conglong inspected, knowing that he had escaped.

Huang Zhongting's nostrils snorted: "Isn't it your fault?"

He looked around: "Say, what are you doing here?"

At present, Huang Conglong is not in Hell Gate, what is his intention to run here alone?

Huang Conglong hurriedly said: "Father, I am following Xia Yuan's whereabouts, and I have found some clues."

Huang Atrium, who had already given up, rekindled a glimmer of hope: "Where?"

Huang Conglong said rightfully: "Father came just right. I found out that the person who hijacked him has visited a dangerous place. I am so weak that I dare not come near."

After hearing this, Huang Zhongting looked slightly serious.

With Huang Conglong's strength, not to mention the invincible opponent in the cold environment, but few people can beat him.

Who has such a great ability to make Huang Conglong so afraid?

"You mean, Yu Family?" Huang Zhongting's eyes were deep.

Throughout the cool environment, Huang Conglong only cares about two major forces, one is the royal family, and the other is the unpredictable Yu's vein.

The royal family is not self-protected today and is fully committed to dealing with the invasion of the demons. It will never take advantage of it and do meaningless things.

Only the Yu family can understand everything they do with the Xia's holiday.

"Yes!" Huang Conglong said: "If my father feels the need to rescue Xia Yuan, I think I can lead the way."

Without thinking, Huang Zhongting said, "Go!"

At that time.

In front of hell.

Moonlight is like water, Xia Qingchen is sitting outside the camp, looking up at the sky moonlight, his back is lonely and lonely.

His heart is the same as the night sky.

Quiet and empty.

There is only a little starlight, which seems to remain in the past, embellishing the light in my heart.


A drop of dew slipped from the eaves and dripped in the muddy soil, disappearing.

Xia Qingchen's eyes were unsurprised: "Stand up for so long, come up!"

Under the eaves, a young girl in a pink coat, holding a short dagger in her arms, waited quietly.

The hair in front of her forehead was contaminated with the water vapor in the noon, condensed into water droplets, and almost wanted to drip.

"You know I'm here early?" Yue Mingzhu had arrived long before, and had arrived at the appointed place before three shifts.

She whispered, jumped onto the camp account, jumped a few tens of feet and stopped her footsteps, staring at Xia Qingchen: "A lot of people have told me about our affairs."

Xia Qingchen's eyes remained unchanged, only listening to Yue Mingzhu said: "But, I don't believe it."

"Memory, it's not someone else's saying that there is, I haven't experienced it, so it's not." Yue Mingzhu is very decisive: "If you come to me to say the same as them, you don't have to."

As the sage of the dark moon, her heart is very firm, and she always believes in her own judgment.

The words of outsiders will not shake their minds.

However, she was somewhat surprised that Xia Qingchen silently took out the antidote from Yuezun and gently threw it to her: "Take it, then leave, the farther the better."

From the beginning to the end, Xia Qingchen did not mention their past, let alone explain anything.

Because he understood that mention was useless.

Only Moon Pearl will be confused and painful.

The missing memory is forever.

All he can do is let her undo the poison, and from then on, forget each other.

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