Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: Not surprisingly

Yue Mingzhu caught the jade bottle in a conditioned reflex, staring at Xia Qingchen.

She guessed that Xia Qingchen could speak a dozen words, but she didn't guess it.

"You want to impress me with this?" Yue Mingzhu pinched the jade bottle, guessing.

Xia Qingchen closed his eyes and said quietly, "Go!"

He didn't want to say an extra word.

Starting today, they have settled down in the world, and they no longer know each other.

Yue Mingzhu's red lips pursed and accepted the jade bottle, and the always repelled look eased a lot: "I accept the antidote, it's a owe to you."

Xia Qingchen didn't say a word, only quietly muttered in his heart: "I owe you."

Without a response, Yue Mingzhu had a trace of complexity on her face, turned her back to Xia Qingchen silently, and whispered: "In the future, find a better girl."


Xia Qingchen opened his eyes and looked back at Yue Mingzhu's back, his eyes slightly fluctuating.

For a moment, he felt that Yue Mingzhu had recovered his past memories.

The difference between the two is perhaps a farewell no longer seen in this life.


A dark shadow cut through the silent parting.

But seeing a tall figure, descending from the sky, his robe fluttered, revealing the color of a fairy bone.

It was the owner Huang who returned.

His left arm was stained with blood, his white beard was stained with blood, and there were many scars on his chest.

"So, my father is dead?" Xia Qingchen rolled his eyes, staring at Huang Atrium, where only one person had returned, his mind suddenly tense.

Huang Zhongting mourned deeply: "I tried my best."

He raised his right hand, and a dripping wooden box was slowly raised.

In the crack of the wooden box, a strand of blood-drenched black hair fell, telling that the wooden box contained a fresh head.

Xia Qingchen's heart quivered slightly. In the end, he still failed to save Xia Yuan.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down the waves in his heart, but he always couldn't help thinking of Xia Yuan when he first came to the mainland.

Such a humiliating and burden-bearing, such a familiar person who silently cared, still left him.

One Moon Pearl, one Xia Yuan.

When we came back to heaven and earth, the two most important people in our hearts left.

"Hehe..." Xia Qingchen smiled, self-deprecating, sad.

No **** can save one at the end!

"Xia Gongzi, I hope you mourn." Huang Zhongting said: "Although Xia Yuan is dead, I have executed Huang Zhongting, and he is to be punished."

He sighed softly and placed the wooden box in his hand on the ground.

The box is not Xia Yuan's head, but Huang Conglong's!

After a long pause, he hesitated and said: "One person is responsible for one thing, Huang Conglong's fault, please don't move your anger to the innocent astronaut, and urge Xia Gongzi to release him."

Xia Qingchen, who is desperate, is in a state of upheaval.

In the past, he had a benevolent mind and could forgive as much as possible without killing his life.

Now, he suddenly understood that he had fallen to the present state, all due to benevolence.

"Do you want Huang Wending?" Xia Qingchen whispered back to the sky and nodded her right foot. The camp under her feet spread out, leaving only the wooden frame.

Below, a shocking picture makes Huang Zhongting's pupils shrink.

I saw that the center of the camp actually boiled this pot of oil, and Huang Wending was **** on top of the oil pot.

Just cutting the rope, Huang Wending will fall into the pan and be killed on the spot.

"What did you do?" Huang Atrium took a breath.

Xia Qingchen smiled, and there were some yin Ying in the smile: "I said, Xia Yuan had a slight injury, Huang Wending would use death to make a guilt!"

Huang Wending in the suspension, has been smoked with sweat, and was hot and hot like a crab.

Suddenly seeing the grandfather above, as if catching the straw for help, he hurriedly called for help: "Grandpa, save me!!! Xia Qingchen is crazy!"

As the commander-in-chief of a teenager, he has done such a cruel thing. How can he convince the world?

You know, Xia Qingchen can win people's hearts, not only is the martial arts powerful, but also is superior in character and trustworthy.

If it spreads, he does such a cruel thing, who will convince him?

Huang Zhongting hurriedly said: "Son, Xia! The culprit, Huang Conglong, has already been laid to death, don't you want to kill the innocent!"

Xia Qingchen lowered his eyes, glanced at Muxia, and said lightly: "Take someone's head and pretend to be Huang Conglong? Master Huang, I said, be careful of your children and grandchildren."

With a flick of his fingertips, a flash of energy flew across and split the wooden box.

What came out of it was neither Xia Yuan nor Huang Conglong, but a stranger with an innocent look.


He had a hunch from the beginning that Huang Zhongting would fail.

It now appears that Huang Atrium should be controlled by the accused demon and insects in order to deceive Xia Qingchen.


Huang Atrium was dismantled, and the expressions on his face seemed to be erased by man, and disappeared quickly without a trace.

The whole face became numb, ruthless and empty.

With a little tiptoe, he rushed toward Huang Wending phantomly, trying to save him by relying on powerful cultivation base.

However, a great Yan sword appeared beside the rope.

With its sharpness, it can cut the rope with just a light cut, causing Huang Wending to fall into the oil pan and die alive.

"You can give it a try, is it that you are fast, or he falls into the oil pan faster!" Xia Qingchen said nothing.

Huang Zhongting stopped expressionlessly in time and flew back, standing on the roof like a wooden puppet to face Xia Qingchen.

"Come out." Xia Qingchen's eyes flowed like a comet, cold and deep.

not far away.

After a certain camp, a gloomy yellow came out of the dragon from the shadow.

It's just that in his other hand, he is carrying a man-Moon Pearl, who has just left!

Xia Qingchen's numb eyes finally flickered with waves.

"It's not just me who has weaknesses." Huang Conglong strangled Yue Mingzhu's neck and dragged it slowly under the camp. The latter was pale because of breathing difficulties.

The two are on the ground and one on the roof, facing each other.

Huang Conglong has no fear: "It seems that we can only exchange hostages with each other."

Otherwise, Huang Wending will die, and Moon Pearl will also die.

Huang Wending died thousands of times, and Xia Qingchen was indifferent, but Yue Mingzhu died once, and he would have a painful life.

How to choose is obvious.

"Don't! You will die." Yue Mingzhu said hardly.

The reason why Huang Conglong's so high strength did not start is because of Huang Wending as a hostage.

If exchanged, it was the moment when Huang Conglong gave Xia Qingchen a dead hand.

Withdrawing 10,000 steps, Huang Conglong could not kill Xia Qingchen. Could it be that Huang Atrium controlled by him would not die?


Xia Qingchen didn't think about it. Dayan Jian passed by and cut the rope in half.

The rope squeaked immediately, as if about to break.

"Dad! I don't want to die!" Huang Wending looked pale and shouted desperately.

Huang Conglong was so anxious that he squeezed Yue Mingzhu and shouted, "Do you want to kill her?"

Xia Qingchen expressionless: "The exchange of hostages killed her."

Due to the unequal strength of the two sides, after handing over Huang Wending, Yue Mingzhu will lose its value and die without burial. (Third noon tomorrow)

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