Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Cool King Dashou

The world knows that the Yu family is not really huge and indestructible, and there is no need to fear the Yu family too much.

As soon as this happened, it shook the cold land like an earthquake.

Not only is Ting Xuelou openly enemies with the Yu family, but more importantly, the legendary Ting Xue Lou appeared in the world for the first time.

Its cultivation is to reach the mid-month position, even above.

For a time, many forces felt deeply apprehensive.

"It's no wonder that Xue Xue dare to take Yujia's No. 1 Guild Hall and transform it into the headquarters of Xin Xue Lou." In the depths of the military palace, Jun Zhengshuo, who looked soothed, had a ruthless eye.

Below him are two daughters.

Sister Jun Yaolanqiao's face appeared with gloating and misfortune: "Yu's family finally gnawed a hard bone."

Think about how huge the force of Xuelou is. If you really meet the Yu family, the Yu family will have a headache.

"What's so happy?" sister Jun Ruyin calmly said: "Ting Xuelou only rescued Li Linlin alone. The commander of the moat, the general of the Northwest and the high-level are all detained in the hands of the supervisory hall. ."

After hearing this, Jun Yaolan's face became heavy again.

A Li forestry has nothing to do with the overall situation. The current situation, the Yu family still plays a role in deterring the world.

Moreover, all the people who fought against the Yu family in the moat were uprooted. In the future, it will be easy for the Yu family to infiltrate the moat.

Jun Zhengshuo rubbed his temple with a heavy tone: "Listening to Xuelou rescued Li Linlin, but Shi Yanhu could not save them, because the latter was a crime convicted by Niseko himself."

I would like to ask, who dares to compete with Niseko?

It should be noted that he is the future cool king, giving the ten palace lords a hundred guts, and no one dares to question Niseko's decision.

So, the ending has not changed much.

Shi Yanhu could not escape the fate of the scapegoat, Zhao Feiguo could not avoid the ending of the death, the Northwest Army's high-level family will inevitably be destroyed, and the Yunlan regiment will be poisoned.

Jun Ruyin sighed slightly: "Our cold environment has already fallen ill."

Have you ever seen that a force can cover the sky with only one hand, referring to the deer as the horse to capture the first **** of war in the cold realm?

The approaching Zhongyun Realm is a reusable addition to their first **** of war, Liu Fenglei.

On the other hand, the first God of War in the Cold Realm was actually taken to blame.

The Yu family is already a cancer in the cold realm, but the cold king and even his heir, not only does not have the courage to break the wrist of the strong man, but has repeatedly tolerated it.

As for Niseko, in order to gain support from the Yu family, he even completely stood on the side of the Yu family.

It is no intimidation to say that the cold environment has become ill.

Jun Zhengshuo leaned back weakly on the lounge chair and said: "The sun is thin and the mountains are approaching, dusk is approaching."

There was deep helplessness and desolation in his voice.

The dusk of Zhongyun Realm is strongly supported by Wang Zhongyun, and no force is allowed to intervene in the dusk.

Therefore, the internal unity of Twilight is extremely strong and growing stronger.

On the other hand, in the cold environment, there are people from the Yu Family holding important positions, and those people are usually worried.

In this case, there are often people from the Yu clan, such as Hanui Tian, ​​who do things that are indignant for the sake of self-interest.

In the final analysis, the Yu family has never been willing to only loyal to the cold environment, but seek a higher status!

So there is no loyalty at all.

"I really hope that a powerful person can change everything." Jun Ruyin sighed slightly.

Jun Yaolan shook his head and said nothing.

Where to find such a powerful person?

The next day.

The aftermath of yesterday’s execution has not yet subsided, and today we have a cool king.

Today is the fiftieth birthday of the Liangwang, and all high-ranking officials come to offer gifts.

The tenth palace lord, deputy palace lord, representatives in each palace, Shizi, county lord and other characters were all present.

At the entrance of Liangwang Mansion, Xia Qingchen was dressed in a white robe of Xingyue, and his expression stood as if he had never seen it.

As a gift-giving messenger of the moat, he came to participate in the cool king's birthday.

The Liangwang Mansion is as glorious as a palace.

The birthday banquet was held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but only the tenth palace lord and the prince of the county were eligible to enter, drink with the cool king, and celebrate the birthday in person.

As for Xia Qingchen and other gift-giving messengers, they were all arranged in the open-air plaza outside the hall.

When Xia Qingchen rushed to the square, it was already crowded, and the hundreds of banquet tables were full.

Xia Qingchen found his banquet table, but it was a coincidence that the banquet table was in the corner.

On this table, there are still many unofficial forces from Liangzhou City.

All of them looked indifferent, but Yu Guang observed Xia Qingchen from time to time, which implied hostility.

Undoubtedly, this is the Yu Family's own arrangement of Xia Qingchen to this point, the purpose is to prevent Xia Qingchen from making a report at Liang Wang's birthday feast.

The forces on the table are all friends with the Yu family, and they are staring at Xia Qingchen under the trust of the Yu family.

At this point, Xia Qingchen was no surprise, and sat down without a strange face.

"Huh, isn't this the Qian Xiaoqi Xia Qingchen of the Yunlan clan?" A cold voice that seemed to be smiling was coming soon after he was seated.

But in the face of the hall, at the best banquet, Yu Guitian got up and came to this table, holding a wine glass in his left hand and a thick bandage in his right hand.

Xia Qingchen gave him a glance and said indifferently: "There is still leisure to come here, it seems that you are ready for the future?"

Yu Guitian didn't change her face, he sneered: "It seems that many people think I'm dead? I don't think about who I am, listen to the snowlord who killed me?"

Xia Qingchen glanced back blankly and said: "Who said you must listen to the snowlord?"

On that day, listening to the Snow Lord only prepared Yu Guitian for the future.

Yu Guitian was stunned, but did not care, so he said: "This kind of thing does not need you to worry, you still have to worry about yourself! Now you are alone."

There was a deep sneer in his eyes, and now the commander-in-chief, the high-level Northwest Army, the Yunlan clan, including that one man and one dog, were all detained in the surveillance hall.

In other words, it all fell into the hands of the Yu family.

Because of the relationship between Liangwang and Dashou, they have no time to torture them.

But after Dashou, he had time to torture one by one, and it was very likely that he would torture Xia Qingchen's evidence.

Even if there is no evidence, it can be produced.

Xia Qingchen's eyes were sharp, and he said lightly: "The dying person shut up and talked to you very sullenly."

Yu Guitian disagreed and stood up with her arms: "Hehe, Xia Qingchen, I know what you want. Do you want to treat the performance of the Yunlan clan as a birthday gift to the Cool King?"

This is indeed Xia Qingchen's present.

Yu Guitian's mouth twitched gently, and said, "You think you can deliver it to the cool king?"

He turned his shoulders away and laughed with a smile in his mouth: "Today is really a good day to dream!"

The Yu family will not allow the cool king to know the shocking record of the Yunlan clan.

Otherwise, Liang Wang would rise up for a while, and if Xia Qingchen was summoned, many things could not be concealed.

As soon as the birthday ceremony ended, Xia Qingchen was put to death!

(Temporarily make a change, and make up for it the day after tomorrow.)

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