Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Warmth

In fact, if the commander-in-chief had previously handed over the list of gift envoys of the moat to the Liangwang Mansion, and Xia Qingchen was on the list again, he had already been arrested.

Only because of this messenger identity, the Yu family did not dare to act rashly.

However, when the Liangwang birthday banquet ended, and the messenger's identity was no longer useful, it was the time when the Yu family started.

These forces attached to the Yu family on the table, in addition to being responsible for preventing Xia Qingchen's unauthorized suing, also shoulder another important task-arresting Xia Qingchen!

When the birthday banquet is over, Xia Qingchen will have nowhere to escape.

"Ignorance." Xia Qingchen slowly closed her eyes and said indifferently.

He came today, but not to celebrate birthday!

After waiting for a while, guests came one after another.

No matter what kind of VIP, they must first pass through the open square.

"The Lord of the Palace is here!"

Wow wow wow--

The open-air plaza immediately stood up with a group of people, most of whom were gift ambassadors of various legions.

Xia Qingchen, as the only messenger of the moat, must of course stand up.

They looked sideways, a fierce, majestic old man in plain clothes walked to the Taihe Temple calmly.

Behind him were two women and one man, and the presenter who was present at the military palace, no one knew him.

That is the three heirs of the main palace.

The eldest prince Ruyin and the second prince Yaolan's mouth with a smile, like the spring breeze, attracted the respect of the angels who gave gifts.

On the contrary, the third son, Jun Zhengshuo, hung his head slightly, his eyebrows clenched.

Compared with the two energetic sisters, it is in stark contrast.

His presence was also ignored by the envoys of the martial arts palace, and all his eyes were attracted by Jun Ruyin and Jun Yaolan.

Everyone knows that Jun Zhengshuo cannot be pleased by the palace master, and it is impossible for him to succeed the palace master in the future.

Although Xia Qingchen's banquet was in the corner, it was not far from the VIP road in the center.

Jun Zhengshuo Yu Guang suddenly glanced at Xia Qingchen standing in the corner, his eyes lit up, but hesitantly stepped forward and said: "Master Xia, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jun Zhengshuo was embarrassed when he remembered the deep misunderstanding of Xia Qingchen and drove away Xia Qingchen.

He was already mentally prepared for Xia Qingchen's indifferent rejection.

"Well, the three sons don't come unharmed, the salvation of the day has not yet been repaid." Xia Qingchen smiled softly.

Although San Gongzi was influenced by the sword of the madman in the funeral sword pool, he let him leave first. However, San Gongzi released the siege on the same day and lifted the kindness wanted by the Supervision Hall. He always remembered it.

After hearing this, Jun Zhengshuo's eyes flickered with a wave of fluctuations, somewhat surprised by Xia Qingchen's attitude.

"Master Xia didn't blame me for the recklessness of burying the sword pool. I'm very grateful, but I dare not ask for your return." Jun Zhengshuo suddenly realized that his heart was cheerful, as if thousands of sun rays were falling into his heart, and the joy was overwhelming.

Xia Qingchen lightly smiled: "San Gongzi said something seriously, if he finds it useful in the future, please contact me directly."

Jun Zhengshuo's closed brows spread out completely, his face was deeply excited, and he couldn't help but worship: "Thank you, Master Xia!"

The move could not help attracting the attention of the nearby gift-giving messengers, who were surprised by Ruth.

Why did the three sons give such a gift to a young gift messenger?

How can they not be treated as such as the messengers of various legions?

As he was saying, Jun Ruyin and Jun Yaolan also came to the gift-giving messengers, greeting each other with a friendly smile.

The gift-giving messengers were excited and responded flattered.

This is one of the future masters of the military palace, they usually have no chance to say a word, but now they can talk to them.

"You are the match and drag of the Frontier Corps, I have heard your record." Jun Ruyin is generous, smiling and a gift congratulatory ambassador about thirty.

The latter was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and quickly said: "This is the glory of the general."

Subsequently, Jun Ruyin came to the second gift-giving messenger and said, "Are you the general of the iron tower of the Southern Xinjiang Army? Have you heard the name for a long time."

The general named Iron Tower was flattered and said: "Miss Miss wins the prize!"

She met the messenger messengers one by one and communicated briefly with them.

Seeing her coming, Xia Qingchen standing at the far side, also stopped talking with Jun Zhengshuo and looked at the young lady in the military palace.

Last time, she and Jun Yaolan also sent a large number of gifts to each other, trying to attract Xia Qingchen for their use.

It was just euphemistically rejected by Xia Qingchen.

See you again at this moment, I don't know what she will say.

The happy Jun Zhengshuo saw his elder sister coming, and his heart fell again.

He was still too happy.

With this elder sister in front, he wanted no chance to entangle Xia Qingchen, and he was far inferior to elder sister in every aspect.

But when Jun Ruyin came to him, he just glanced at him, and he was slightly confused: "This is this?"

Since she has the intention to draw Xia Qingchen, can she not know what Xia Qingchen looks like? At least I should have seen its portrait.

"Moat Legion Xia Qingchen." Xia Qingchen responded indifferently.

Jun Ruyin's white chin tapped lightly, and then "Oh", then looked away, and fell to Jun Zhengshuo, said: "Let's go, Liang Wang is coming."

what's the situation?

Jun Zhengshuo was stunned. The elder sister clearly saw the portrait of Xia Qingchen, and knew that he was a sword immortal on earth like the sky, and was the first sword saint in the evening to defeat himself.

How does she think it doesn't exist?

Jun Yaolan walked over and quietly ticked his little finger to Jun Zhengshuo to make him come quickly.

Jun Zhengshuo was confused, and bowed to Xia Qingchen politely: "I want to visit Master Xia later, is it okay?"

"Well, yes." Xia Qingchen said.

In this way, Jun Zhengshuo turned to catch up with the two sisters.

Walking on the long steps of the Taihe Temple, Jun Yaolan turned his head to look at him, sternly reproaching: "Third brother, you are too reckless! How can you talk to Xia Qingchen without permission?"

Jun Zhengshuo was startled, and didn't quite understand: "Second sister, how am I reckless?"

Jun Yaolan was disappointed and shook his head: "Did you not see the situation clearly? Now who catches the Yu family, Xia Qingchen is the next target, as expected, after the banquet, Xia Qingchen will be caught catch."

"In front of all the guests, you openly have a friendship with Xia Qingchen. Do you want to tell the Yu family that our Jun's line will openly fight against the Yu family?"

Jun Zhengshuo only understood the reason, he said silently, saying: "But the second sister, Xia Qingchen won an honor for our military palace. It is too mean to treat him like this?"

In the battle of the buried sword pool on that day, he remembered how badly the military palace was defeated.

Xia Qingchen's sword deterred the first juggernaut at dusk before he embraced the honor of the military palace.

Jun Yaolan's usual gentle and amiable face is covered with a ruthless indifference: "The third brother, as a high-ranking military palace, must manage his feelings with reason!"

"He used to be used by us before, and naturally he has to be treated with courtesy. Now, not only can he not be used by us, but also become a burden for us. We will not fall into this category of people, but we must not be in trouble!"

Jun Zhengshuo shook his fist. Although he thought the second sister was right, he still could not accept it.

Seeing its look like this, Jun Yaolan shook his head and said: "This is where you failed, you, too immature!"

Jun Ruyin, who was at the forefront, did not return his head: "Third brother, you still lack eyesight as always."

I once looked away and missed the sword fairy on the ground, but now I can't see the situation and situation of Xia Qingchen.

How can such a person take on a major role? (More than 12 o'clock noon)

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