Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Capricious

   The third brother is really disappointing.

   Jun Ruyin and Jun Yaolan shook their heads together, from small to large, he didn't have any advantages that could satisfy them.


  Jun Zhengshuo stood behind him, standing on the stairs without moving.

   But the copper bricks with feet on the ground creaked, indicating her inner unevenness.

   "Sister, second sister, what you said is mature, what you said is vision, is not ungrateful?" Jun Zhengshuo said in a deep voice.

  Take it when it's useful, and discard it if it's useless, even if he has done meritorious help or help.

   said so euphemistically, actually it is ungrateful.

   "Third brother, pay attention to your words!" The eldest sister Jun Ruyin turned around and stared at him with dignity.

  Second sister Jun Yaolan also said seriously: "We teach you to be human, but for your own good, why do you just fail to listen?"

  Jun Zhengshuo does not have the talents of the two sisters, but his personality is also quite persistent. The things he believes will never change: "I am just telling the truth!"

   Jun Ruyin gave him a disappointed glance and said, "Let's do it! In short, don't have any public dealings with Xia Qingchen, it will affect our jun family!"

   finished, she and Jun Yaolan entered the hall side by side.

   Only Jun Zhengshuo was left in the back. When he entered the hall, he looked back at Xia Qingchen, watching the other person standing there alone, suffering from the isolation of everyone, and a heart of sadness emerged.

   Hero, should not be lonely.

   Xia Qingchen returned to the seat with a blank expression, a sneer of arc evoked in the corner of his mouth.

   All the world's Xixi is benefiting.

   Now, he has probably been identified as the dead soul under the sword of the Yu family, so even the military palace heir who once wanted to recruit him is far away.

   "Like people drink water, they know they are cold and warm." Xia Qingchen took a sip of cold tea alone and murmured.

   Not everyone is Gongsun Wuji, and will care for grace. Such people are in the minority in the real world after all.

   is now.

   An inquiry came: "Are you Xia Qingchen?"

   Xia Qingchen looked up, but it was the match and drag of the Frontier Corps. He looked at Xia Qingchen with a deep surprise on his face.

   As a frontier legion, who didn’t know that the war in the mine a month ago?

  Xia Qingchen commanded a thousand-person war group to destroy 50,000 enemy troops and injure as many as 100,000 of them!

   On the record, far superior to tens of thousands of troops.

   Until now, that battle has still become a topic of endless discussion among frontier legions.

   And Xia Qingchen was touted by the soldiers of the frontier army as if the **** of war had come!

   only heard Xia Qingchen introduce himself to Jun Ruyin. He couldn't help being shocked, so he came forward to talk.

   Xia Qingchen nodded and looked at him: "Are you?"

  The match and the drag stared at Xia Qingchen in amazement. They bowed their hands and said: "Xia Qianxiao rides on the name, match and drag like a thunder! I can't think of you here."

  Thousands of soldiers from the frontier legion who wanted to see Xia Qingchen's true capacity were countless, but Xia Qingchen stayed in the mine when she was in the mine. She basically disappeared and had no chance of seeing him.

   Unexpectedly, I can see it at the banquet now.

   Moreover, he is exactly the same as the legend, really only less than twenty years old.

   Xia Qingchen said: "The prize is over."

  Sai and Tuhaha smiled: "Sir Xia has a lot of fighting abilities. Today, Ximou is honored to see him."

   He took out a wolf briskly and handed it to Xia Qingchen, saying: "This is the most precious gift our warriors and the drag family gave to the Warriors. Please accept Master Xia."

  Sai and Tuo came from the land of Nanman, but they were native barbarians.

   They have the custom of giving the wolf pendant to the admired warrior.

  Since Sai He dragged him to the Frontier Corps, he has never given it to anyone, because he himself is the first warrior of the Frontier Corps.

   This gift was given to Xia Qingchen, which shows his inner admiration.

   Xia Qingchen thought about it, took it and put it on the table.

Sai Tuo grinned and was about to continue talking. Suddenly, a group of forces sitting with Xia Qingchen stared at him with bad eyes, warning: "Sai He Tuo Wan Xiaoqi, please do not talk to him as well ."


  The game and the trailer have only recently come to Liangzhou City, and it is not known that the upheaval has taken place in Liangzhou City.

   His eyebrows were twisted, and he looked at them sideways: "Lao Tzu speaks to Master Xia, how old are you, and are eligible to intervene?"

   is really baffling!

   He talked to Xia Qingchen, what's wrong with them?

   "Of course we are qualified to intervene." A middle-aged man with scars on his face crossed his arms to his chest and leaned back on the chair.

  Sai and procrastination sneer: "Then talk first, how old are you!"

   But as soon as the voice fell, his sleeve was ripped.

   Looking back, it was Wan Xiaoqi, a member of the Imperial Guard, who also came to the hall as a gift messenger.

   Both of them are fellows from the same domain, but for the sake of chance, one went to the Frontier Corps and the other came to the Imperial Guard Corps.

   For many years, they have kept in touch.

   "What are you doing with me?" Saihe said disappointedly to his fellow villager: "You people in Liangzhou City are so arrogant? Do not allow me to talk to people, ha ha!"

   The fellow bowed to the middle of the scarred middle-aged smile, and then dragged the game and dragged away.

   "Say something if you have anything to do, and the people in Liangzhou City thought I was afraid of them." Sai He dragged off his fellow villagers and never stopped.

  The fellow quickly murmured and said: "Hush! They are all arranged by the Yu family. How many heads do you have against them?"


  The match and drag in annoyance seemed to be thrown into the ice cellar, shaking with a chill.

The anger on the face quickly cooled down and was replaced with a trace of fear, but his mouth was not convinced to lose: "What happened to the Yu family, they can still talk to others!"

  The fellow guards lowered his voice and said: "Oh! It doesn't matter who you talk to, but you can't talk to him! That's the one who will be eradicated by the Yu family and so on. The whole Liangzhou city knows it."

   "You make friends with him now, what will the Yu family think of you?"

  After hearing the words, Sai He dragged his tongue, surprised and said: "Have the family want to get rid of him?"

  The fellow guard looked at the scarred face middle-aged and said, "Otherwise why do you think that group of people are sitting at Xia Qingchen's table?"

   Saihe dragged a chill, suddenly remembered something, and said: "Miss Miss just received Xia Qingchen, her attitude was very cold, and she did not want to talk more. Is it because of the Yu family?"

   "What do you say?" The guard guard said: "In short, there has been a drastic change in Liangzhou City recently. If you don't want to die, or if you don't want to involve the Nine Clan, stay away from Xia Qingchen."

  Sailed and drew a breath, immediately bowed his waist, shrunk back to his seat, and dared not look at the scarred face middle-aged again.

  Lest the other party remembers himself, causing great disaster.

   Xia Qingchen shook his head slightly, glanced at the wolf teeth on the table, and said: "Your wolf teeth, take it back."

   With this remark, Sai He dragged himself stiffly. After his eyes changed, he got up on the table and strode to Xia Qingchen.

(End of this chapter)

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