Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Gift of the Cool King

  Compared with the admiration just now, the fierce face was revealed at this moment, and he grabbed the wolf teeth fiercely, saying: "Laozi just put it on the table, I really thought I was for you? Don't **** and take photos of yourself! Huh!"

  After finishing speaking, he grabbed the wolf teeth and swayed back.

   The contrast of attitudes before and after is surprising, even more helpless and pitiful.

   Xia Qingchen has fallen, and no one wants to be contaminated with it, and even openly draw a clear line of contamination, lest he will suffer.

   After this incident, the banquets in the square are all in joints.

   unknowingly, gradually learned the truth, could not help getting cold back.

   "His! I want to be close to him, but fortunately I didn’t have time!"

   "Gee! This kind of person is still far away, it's too shameful!"

   "Hui's name is to kill people, so far, few people can escape?"


  Not far away, Yu Guitian sneered: "Xia Qingchen, Xia Qingchen, did you feel the horror of the Yu family? Do you regret what you did?"

   "It doesn't matter, what really makes you desperate is still behind!"

   Soon, Xia Qingchen will find that there is no chance for him to stand out in front of the cool king.

   Next, the palace lords, Shizi and the county lord arrived one after another.

  However, unlike the palace prince, Shizi and the county prince came in a sedan chair, and no one saw its true content.

  When all the guests came, several loud and neat shouts were screamed, and they were magnificent and shone over the Liangwang Mansion.

   "The Cool King is here!"


  Whether it is the open plaza inside or outside the hall, all the guests stood up and bowed to salute in the direction of the cool king.

   Xia Qingchen also got up, but did not bow, but just looked quietly at the golden sedan coming slowly from a distance.

   Ten powerful men in the late period, a hundred beautiful maidservants, and a luxurious black sedan chair, slowly approaching the hall.

   From the appearance to the hall, the guests on the square had no chance to see Liang Wang Zhenrong.

   "After all, it's the coldest supreme, we still can't see the true face, it is a pity!" Sai He and other gift-giving messengers sighed.

   Wenyin, many people showed the same expression of regret.

   They were selected this time, and their greatest desire was to meet the legendary cool king.

   You can die without regret even if you only see one side.

   "What a pity? If the gift we presented is good enough, if the King of Liang is interested, he will be called into the temple to ask." The guardian villagers are naturally most familiar with the things in Liangzhou City.

   Many gift-giving messengers secretly said yes, they also inquired before coming, and the cool king would indeed summon some gift-giving messengers.

   But usually very few, at most only three people are called.

   and the gift-giving messengers cover various institutions in the Tenth House, such as the military palace, which has ten major legions, and each legion has one or two gift-giving messengers.

  The ten houses add up to one or two hundred people.

   sent more than 100 gifts.

   All the gifts sent by the messenger messengers must be carefully selected. If you want to stand out from the crowd, Liang Wang notices that it is as difficult as going to heaven.

   At this time, two young men dressed in festive red clothes walked out of the hall. They came to the gift-giving messengers one by one with a cordial smile and received their presents.

  Every young man has a tray in his hand, and the received gifts are placed on it.

   "Guests, the cool king is already seated. If you have a gift, please put it on the tray. If you don't have it, don't let it go." A leading young man said in harmony.

   Many guests came to know one after another, and put the prepared gifts on the tray.

   One of the young men in red came to Xia Qingchen with a tray and said with a smile: "Master Xia, do you have anything to offer?"

   Xia Qingchen glanced at the tray, with Xia Qingchen's name written on it.

  When the tray is presented to the cool king, if he is interested in the gift, he will summon the gift messenger according to this name.

   Xia Qingchen glanced at Yu Guitian in the distance, and the other party stared at him like a non-smile, as if watching a joke.

   Xia Qingchen silently withdrew his gaze, looking at the young man in red.

   If there is no accident, he has been bought by the Yu family, Xia Qingchen put on the gift, in all cases, it will be dropped, and it will be replaced by a very ordinary gift.

   King Liang is unlikely to know the amazing record of Yunlan.

   "Master Xia, what's your gift?" The young man in red smiled as before, but the palm holding the tray moved obviously.

   There was a piece of paper between the palm and the tray. Presumably it was to be used as a replacement for the battle table.

   "No." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

  The young man in red was slightly startled: "What?"

   He thought he had heard it wrong.

   Xia Qingchen took out the war table with no expression on his face, tearing it to pieces in his face, and said indifferently: "As you can see, there is no gift."

   After this remark, everyone nearby was stunned.

  As a messenger, but there is no birthday gift to offer?

   Is he crazy?

  Mo said that the man in the red clothing was Yugui Tiandu stunned. According to his prediction, Xia Qingchen came to present the table of merits.

   Actually don’t send anything now?

   as a gift-giving messenger, but came empty-handed, must be a great disrespect to the cool king.

  He was discouraged, so he wanted to die?

  How could he understand that Xia Qingchen was disappointed with the entire high level of Liangjing, and did not want to pin his hopes on the so-called Liangwang.

   Ting Xuelou is enough to rescue everyone.

   For a while, the young man in red said: "Master Xia, please don't joke."

  He was a little overwhelmed, Xia Qingchen didn't even prepare a gift, so how should I drop it?

   "Joke? Am I familiar with you?" Xia Qingchen said coldly.

   So the young man in red casts his eyes on Han Guitian for a look. The latter nodded slightly, and the young man in red was relieved to write a big "no" on the tray paper.

   means that Xia Qingchen gave nothing.

   "If Master Xia has no other gifts, I will say goodbye." The young man in red retreated.

   Xia Qingchen stood up and threw the scraps of paper in the sky, saying lightly: "If Liang Wang doesn't ask, just ask, why is the birthday ceremony empty, please tell him that he is not worthy of my gift!"

  Finally, he stepped on the broken pieces of paper and walked away.

   this scene attracted a stunned full table.

   Xia Qingchen dared to leave the seat first, and also said that such unreasonable words!

  Is he really tired?

   As for those who were at the same table, they got up after receiving Yu Guitian's eyes and followed Xia Qingchen.

   Yu Guitian mouth corner ticked: "Want to die early, is that not easy?"

  He felt that Xia Qingchen should be violent and self-abandoned, but this would not help, it would only make Xia Qingchen's own situation worse and worse.

   "After the ceremony, send the gift to the hall and watch it by the cool king."

   One hundred gifts were sent to the main hall and handed over to the cool king one by one.

   Generally speaking, the cool king is swept away, and will not look seriously.

   However, Xia Qingchen's empty tray was too abrupt among the dazzling array of gifts, and it was difficult for the Cool King to not pay attention.

   (Tomorrow will be updated two days before the update!!! Ten more!)

(End of this chapter)

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