Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 810: No gift

   inside the hall.

  The tenth palace lord and heirs, all sitting on both sides of the hall.

  Although the dancing dancer danced in the center of the hall, the silk music was beautiful, but their expression was very serious, and they did not dare to show strange things.

   from time to time will also glance Yu Guang quietly to the throne.

   There, the golden sedan stood on the throne. Although the sedan curtain was lifted, it was dark inside, and only one figure could be seen vaguely sitting inside.

   That is the Venerable of Cold Realm, Cool King!

   On such a formal and grand occasion, Liang Wang did not show up or show up in Jin Jiao!

   It's just that the tenth palace princes have been surprised by this.

  Since twenty years ago, the cool king has suddenly been like this, and has never appeared in front of the world.

  Most of the time when summoning the officials, they are all in the Jinjiao.

  Twenty years, no one has ever seen him again.

   At this moment, many gifts from the messenger messengers were brought up, and the dancing girls retreated, leaving the space for those gifts.

  The young man in red robe smiled and said: "Liang Wang, all the congratulatory gifts from the 100 gift-giving messengers this year have been sent. Please let Liang Wang look over."

   Both sides of the palace masters looked around and could not help but marvel.

   Except for the gifts they gave themselves, the rest of the gifts are equally precious, and each has a unique meaning.

   "Well, send it to the treasure house." A tired voice came from the Jin Jiao.

  Somehow, Liang Wang seemed very sleepy and listless.

   Even today is its fiftieth birthday, there is no spirit.

  The young man in the red robe was a little surprised. In the past, Liang Wang had to take a brief look at it and select some of the more dazzling ones.

  If you are in a good mood, you will also call the relevant gift-giving messengers and ask briefly.

   But this time, I didn't even watch it.

  The spirit of the cool king is not as good as one day.

   Both sides of the palace owners exchanged glances with each other, but they were a little helpless.

   There are a lot of rumours in the world today that the cool king is in poor health and is getting worse.

   Actually, this is a rumor.

   The truth is that the Cool King is not bad, but is about to die.

   Hell gate opened twenty years ago. As the first strong man of the cool environment at that time, he personally led many giant powerful people in the cool environment and would fight against the magic palm coming out of hell.

  Unfortunately, he was injured by the magic palm, and the injury was getting worse.

   In recent years, the body has become heavier and heavier, no accident, the next few years, the cool king will probably collapse.

  Now the King of Liang should be in no mood to watch any gifts.

  The young man in the red robe bowed down and waved, ordering the servants to take the trays one by one.

   Suddenly, a weak inquiry came from Jin Jiao: "What's the matter with that empty tray?"

   Liangwang just glanced at will, and any gorgeous congratulations could not attract attention in his eyes.

   But the empty tray was too eye-catching, and attracted Liang Wang to ask casually.

  The young man in the pallet who was inquired shuddered and paused in the footsteps: "Return to King Liang, the gift messenger did not offer a gift."

   This statement undoubtedly caused an uproar among the palace owners.

  The main palace of the royal palace frowned, and asked, "Which palace is the messenger of gifts?"

  The tray young man bowed: "It's...the military palace!"

   Army Palace?

   If the owner of the Royal Palace stared at the military palace deeply, he would not speak.

   This time, the seven-night prince of the palace of the palace, sitting on the wax immediately, quickly said: "Don't the gift-giving messenger come?"

  He was irritated in his heart, and he must look back to investigate thoroughly. Which legion's gift-giving messenger dared to miss Liang Wang's birthday ceremony.

  Isn't this embarrassing him the palace owner?

   "Come." Tray Youth responded.

  Jun stunned for seven nights, since he came, why not give a gift?

   As a ceremonial messenger of a certain legion, he should carry the birthday gift prepared by the legion.

  Jun Qiqi immediately got up and bowed to Liang Wang, said: "Liang Wang, please ask Rong Chen to go to investigate, maybe the birthday gift of the ambassador is not necessarily a problem, and the other party has no offense."

  The tired voice of Liang Wang came from the Jinjiao: "Well, just ask casually."

  He didn't care about a little gift messenger.

  Jun Qiye only wiped the virtual sweat on his forehead and retreated silently.

   However, at this moment, the young man's eyes flashed, and he knelt down suddenly, saying, "Cool King, this slave does not dare to hide, in fact, the birthday gift of the gift-giving messenger is not a problem, but he destroyed himself!"


   There was a moment of silence in the main hall, and all the palace masters and even the descendants all held their breaths, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

   Actually ruined the birthday gift given to Liang Wang at the birthday feast of Liang Wang?

  Does he want to implicate his Nine Clan?

   is as alert as the nine palace lords, bowing their heads one after another, waiting for the anger of the cool king.

  Only Jun Qiye, his body stiffened, his heart thumped and screamed: "Are you talking nonsense?"

  Which one of the legion's gift-giving messengers is not a carefully selected person in the legion? How can he do such a big deal?

  The pallet youth continued: "The gift-giving messenger also asked me to tell Liang Wang a word!"

   The heart of the main palace of the palace of the palace jumped into his throat, and he could guess without thinking. That must not be a good word.

  He reached out to stop the tray youth from speaking out, but Liang Wang said leisurely: "Speak and listen."

  Destroyed the birthday gift to him in public, and let the slaves speak, is this special messenger special?

   Of course, Liang Wang's heart is special and doesn't have any favors.

  Tray youth said: "The other party said, Cool King you... not worthy of his gift."


   In the golden sedan, the sound of tea cracking sounded.

   Both sides of the palace owner and heirs, one after another, came to the center of the temple and knelt down on one knee.

   They were shocked, as if they could already feel the anger of Liang Wang at this moment.

   "What's his name?" Liang Wang asked lightly.

  Tray youth said: "Xia Qingchen"

It's him?

  Jun Qiye was calm, but not surprised.

  A person with a heart of ashes can understand what he does.

  The moat army suffered such unfair treatment. Xia Qingchen had long been disappointed with the moat army, the palace, and even the cool king.

   He sighed slightly and bowed his head silently.

  The cold king inevitably wants to destroy the Xia Qingchen Nine Clan, and he, together with the military palace commander, will probably be punished.

   "Hmm." But unexpectedly, Liang Wang just gave a soft hum, without any indication.

   neither expresses severe punishment nor reveals forgiveness.

  The young leader of the red robe saw it and waved, letting all the hundred trays of slaves withdraw.

   Palace owners and heirs also returned to the seats one after another.

   It seems that Liang Wang seems to be in no mood to worry about a small person.

   "It's really good luck!" Plaza, Hanui Tian who was informed of the news was amazed for a long time.

  Whether it is in his memory or outside evaluation, Liang Wang is not a soft-hearted person.

  Offends his majesty, but it is not that he was severely treated.

   Now with its fiftieth birthday, such a grand occasion, a thousand Xiaoqi riding openly destroyed, Liang Wang actually put his horse, it is incredible.

   is at this moment.

   Outside the Liangwang Mansion, there was a long, high-pitched drink: "Zhongyun Realm Messenger Group, arrive!"

   heard the sound, the guests inside and outside the hall were alarmed.

  How could Zhongyunjing suddenly choose to visit at this moment?

   They must not have good intentions?

(End of this chapter)

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