Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 812: Stormy

   "Are you trying to tell Ben Wang that Ben Wang's commander of the moat was taken away, but Ben Wang was completely unaware of it?" Liang Wang's anger, like a real blade, pierced everyone's heart.

   Jun Qiye swallowed slightly: "Yes."

   "Why?" Cool King said.

   Jun Qiye said: "Because of the mutiny of the Northwest Army, as the commander of the moat, he is responsible, and the Superintendent arrested him for this reason."

   "The mutiny? Ha ha ha, you really haven't put this king in your eyes!" Liang Wang laughed, and the whole Jin Jiao trembled violently, with cracks densely covered.

   The military mutiny was so serious that he didn't even ask.

   "The reason for the mutiny?" Liang Wang asked.

   Jun Qiye said: "The reason is that... The middle and high levels of the Northwest Army were all arrested by the monitoring hall. The dragons were headless, and the mutiny was initiated by the intentional people."

  Supervision Hall is another Supervision Hall!

   As the eyes of the Liangwang surveillance army palace, he did not ask him beforehand, and did not report to him afterwards. He arrested the high-ranking army of the Northwest Army and the commander of the moat without authorization.

   It's just that, even hiding him!

  If he had inadvertently asked about it today, he did not know that the moat had undergone such a drastic change.

   "Do you think I'm dying, don't you put me in your eyes?" Jin Jiao made a very calm voice.

   But no one thinks that the cool king at this moment is really calm.

   That is the silence before the storm...

   "Convene the Superintendent of the Hall of Supervision, eight supervisors, come within half an hour, take a rest, and rest the Nine Clan!" Liang Jing said quietly.

  Ping nine people?

   "Yes!" In the hall, a slave humbly said yes, his eyes turned, secretly startled.

  This matter must be notified as soon as possible to Haneda, so that he can prepare early.

   God, it's going to collapse!

   Liang Wang looked at it lightly: "Let you go?"

   The servant's heart trembled, and he immediately withdrew.

  Leng Wang looked towards Jun Qiye and said indifferently: "You go in person!"

  The palm of his hand waved a yellow identity jade from the golden sedan, which symbolized the cool king himself.

  In an emergency, it can replace the troop symbol and dispatch all the legions except the banned army.

   It seems that Liang Wang realized that his military palace had already penetrated by unstable forces, so he gave Liang King such great power.

   "Yes!" Jun Qiye took over, excited.

  Supervision Hall, your good day is over!

   He immediately held the identity token and hurriedly left the Liangwang Mansion. He dispatched the two largest military regions of the moat, and surrounded the military palace with mighty might.

  At the moment, in the supervision hall of the military palace, Yang Zhongguo and others discussed things in the undamaged hall.

   To be exact, it was the deputy lord of the palace who discussed with Yang Zhongguo, and the remaining supervisors were only obliged to obey.

   "Those of the leaders of the rebels, Bai Xiaoqi and above are all convicted of treason." Yang Zhongguo said with a twist: "This action can deter Xiao Xiao and protect the country."

   "As for a small number of soldiers, such as the Yunlan clan, were also condemned to death. They were the first to betrayed, and they should be killed to be effective." Yang Zhongguo said mercilessly.

  A superintendent really can't stand it anymore. It's a pity that the team of Yunlan Clan created a great miracle.

   There weren't many teams in the cold environment that could conquer good fights. Finally, a Yunlan battle group appeared, but they had to kill them all. Isn't that a self-cutting arm?

  He proposed: "Master Yang, the second son said that ordinary soldiers can be saved from death, does this killing against his will?"

  Yang Zhongguo stared at him with saltiness and said: "Master Zhou, I will speak with the Vice-President, when will it be your turn to intervene?"

   There was a trace of indignation in the former. He was a supervisor anyway, so why can't he comment?

  Now the supervision hall, could it be that his surname Yang failed?

   "Go out and stand, take a good look." Yang Zhongguo waved his hand, as if to monitor the owner of the hall.

  Supervisor Zhou was angry and angry, and hated it in his heart.

   It was because Yang Zhongguo acted arbitrarily that led to the mutiny. This kind of person not only did not die, but also returned to the court to continue to play an important role in the supervision hall.

   Really good people don't live long, and the scourge is thousands of years old!

   He looked at Yang Zhongguo, and then looked at the subordinate palace master who was silent, and could only bear the anger to punish the station outside.

  So, Yang Zhongguo continued: "I heard that there are two special Bai Xiaoqi among the arrested people, one is Xia Qingchen's dog and the other is his maidservant."

   had a playful look in his eyes: "The dog was killed, maidservant, there are still a few maidservants in my mansion, so it would be better to become a slave."

   When he counted the arrested seniors yesterday, he accidentally found that Zhang Lianxing was very good-looking, charming, beautiful and beautiful, and a little moved.

   Deputy Palace Master smiled heartily: "Take care of you! What about Xia Qingchen?"

  In fact, he didn't listen to Yang Zhongguo's opinion, but listened to the return of Yu.

  All that Yang Zhongguo said should be the meaning of Hanguida.

   "As for Xia Qingchen, we don't need to worry about us. He can't live tonight." Yang Zhongguo exhaled comfortably.

   The deputy palace lord smiled and nodded. The matter was settled. No one in the world should dare to fight against the Yu family in the future.

   A commander was dismounted, and all the high-level heads of a military area were rolling. With such serious consequences, who would dare to continue to offend the Yu family?

   is now.

   A member of the hall ran in a panic: "Vice Palace Master, it's not good, we are surrounded by the army."


   The two were comfortable and suddenly stood up, showing shock.

   "Some soldiers revolted again?"

   Hall member quickly said: "No, no, yes..."

   is saying, a vicissitudes of sound and loud sounds lingering over the monitoring hall: "The cool king has a purpose, summon the deputy palace master and eight supervisors, there must be no mistake."

   "Jun Qiye?" The deputy palace master's heart eased, frowning: "What do you mean by enlisting troops to surround the monitoring hall?"

   It’s really a soldier rebellion, he still fears three points, but Jun Qiye, huh, huh.

   Others are afraid, he is not afraid!

   "It doesn't mean, are you called or not?" Jun Qiye asked lightly.

   The vice-principal nostrils hummed: "The cool king is called, of course we go!"

   After finishing his words, he led eight supervisors to go.

   is guessing the intention of Liang Wang's summoning in his heart, is it something that has spread to Liang Wang's ears?

   There should be no, Niseko sits down, who dares to shake this out?

   It is more likely that Niseko said good things in front of him.

   Soon, less than half an hour, they rushed to Liangwang Mansion.

   Seeing a joyous jubilation outside the hall, the deputy palace master put down one heart and Qi Yuxuan stepped into the hall and said: "Monitor Huang Yungu of the hall, and lead the eight superintendents to celebrate the birthday of the cold king, congratulations to the long life of the cold king!"

   The palace lords on both sides were quiet, their heads were lowered, and only their ears were raised.

   In the golden sedan, the calm tone of Liang Wang came: "Well, your birthday present is very fond of this king."

   Huang Yungu was delighted. It seemed that the words of the second son really worked, and it seemed to be rewarded.

   Yes, a word from the cool king immediately made Huang Yungu stiff and petrified.

   "Can you tell this king, who are you loyal to?" Liang Wang's voice is still very calm, but the murderous intention revealed in the voice is terribly rich.

   Huang Yungu finally realized that it was not good, and quickly said: "Of course it is Liang Wang, I am loyal to Liang Wang..."


   In the golden sedan, there was a dull sound.

   That's why Liang Wang's angry palm shot on the armrest!

   A terrible ray of vitality flew out invincibly, instantly penetrated Huang Yungu's shoulder blade and knocked it to the ground.

   "Allegiance to me? So I captured the commander of the king's moat, so I captured all the high-ranking of the Northwest Army, so I triggered a mutiny, and kept concealing the king! Is this your allegiance?" Liang Wang shouted angrily.

  Huang Yungu quickly got up and knocked, said: "Cool King, his subordinates did not intentionally hide, but..."

   is nothing, he just concealed deliberately.

   It was just that Huang Yungu initially intended to only target Li Forestry and Xia Qingchen, and did not expect that things would become so serious.

   These things, how dare he report to Liang Wang?

   "Stand aside." Liang Wang took a deep breath and calmed his emotions: "Who still has me in the eyes of Liang Liang? Make all things clear before and after, let this king die as a ghost!"

   The anger in that remark was shocking.

   Both sides of the palace lords left their knees and knelt down: "Seniors are guilty!"

   responded to Liang Wang's loud roar: "Say! Who else put this king in the eyes, and immediately explain!"

   Everyone in the audience was trembling and his heart was beating.

(End of this chapter)

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