Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 813: Killing heart

   But they have never seen Liang Wang so angry, this thing touched Liang Wang so much, one can imagine!

   "Wei Chen knows the cause and effect of the incident." Only Zhou Jian, who was fined, was punched.

   Liang Wang said coldly: "Okay, finally there is another one who puts me in the eye! You say!"

Supervisor Zhou is one of the few supervisors who has a decent style of work. He has long been disappointed in what Yang Zhongguo has done. He immediately said: "Returning to King Liang, the reason is that Li Forestry discovered the evidence that Yu Guitian had rebelled in the past and caused the mine to fall behind. "

   "But Yang Zhongguo reversed the black and white, instead of punishing the return of the feather, instead framing Li Forestry was guilty and beheaded!"

   "Then arrested the general of the Northwest Army and many Wan Xiaoqi one after another, which led to an unstable military and eventually led to mutiny."

   "After this incident, Yang Zhongguo was not only safe, but the responsibility was also borne by the commander of the moat, and he was arrested and jailed, waiting for conviction."

Suddenly, Superintendent Zhou said: "General Li Forestry has just returned from the mine. He and Xia Qingchen's Yunlan clan joined forces to kill 100,000 enemies, injure 120,000 enemies, and make outstanding achievements. He was convicted of death by Yang Zhongguo on an unprovoked count."

   "The Xia Qingchen's Yunlan battle group is to be executed by Yang Zhongguo from top to bottom, and to occupy his beautiful maidservant for his own enjoyment!"

   He simply described things, but everything was mad.

   Everyone lowered their head deeper, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

  Because they can already foresee that the killing intention of the Cool King has been brewing to the extreme.

   "No wonder Xia Qingchen destroyed Shou Li, saying I don't deserve him." Liang Wang vicissitudes said: "That Shou Li, in fact, is the performance of Yunlan Group in the mine?"

"The famous general will be criticized, the heroes will be wronged, and all the loyal and loyal people will not be able to stop the slander." Liang Wang laughed: "Tear it well, tear it well! What kind of blind blind king like me is qualified to win the hearts of the world , What are the qualifications to be loyal?"

   He had a bit of complaint against Xia Qingchen, but he was only ashamed at the moment.

  What a hopeless darkness will force a promising young general away?

   As a respecter of the cold, he didn't know anything about it!

   "The Cool King is angry!" everyone said one after another.

   Cool King laughter gradually subsided: "I'm not angry, I just sigh, maybe, I'm really old, not suitable to be the king of cold environment."

   This statement shocked the audience. Was Liang Wang going to announce the heir to Liang Wang?

  Actually, they all expected that Liang Wang would probably announce the second heir as the heir at this banquet.

  I just didn't expect that things came so fast.

   "However, before I abdicate, do my duty and do what Liang Liang should do." Liang Wang's voice calmed down quickly.

  The voice fell, and the whole hall was silent.

  Everyone is waiting for Liang Wang's order, then it will be a **** storm.

   "Yang Zhongguo." Cool King Road.

  The legs of the latter were so soft that he almost fell to his knees and fell to the ground. His face was pale as paper, and he quibbled: "Liang Wang, Wei Chen are for the sake of the cold environment, and there is no dissent."

  The cold king was deaf and ignored himself, and said to himself: "Yang Zhongguo, destroy his ninth family, he will not stay! I, chopped Amakusa, permanently hung the supervision hall, and warned future generations."

   He spoke very calmly, but he was extremely bloody.

  Nine nations are all destroyed, there is no room for forgiveness, how many people should be involved?

   It can be said that Yang Zhongguo was completely wiped out, and no one was left!

   How cool the King of Cold hates this creator, it can be seen!

"Huangyun Valley, this king asked you to be my eyes and monitor the military palace. Since you refuse to do it at ease, it is useless to leave your eyes." Liang Wang said lightly: "Huangyun Valley captures his eyes and is imprisoned in a cold prison forever. pardon!"

  Finally, two sharp energies popped out of the Jin Jiao.

  Huang Yungu has intentionally dodged, but he was shot into his eyes by terrifying energy.

   screamed, his eyes spewed blood, and immediately fell blind.

  At the same time, ten mysterious grey-clothed elders flashed out of the corner of the hall, grabbing Huang Yungu and dragging it down.

   "As for Yu Guitian, if the evidence is true, then it will be executed on the spot!" Liang Wang said again.

   It can be clearly seen that when dealing with Han Yutian, Liang Wang was very cautious and required the evidence to be true.

   But the evidence has been destroyed by the monitoring hall, where can there be evidence?

   "Declare that the world, Shi Yanhu and Li Linlin were acquitted, all the mutinies participated in the official reinstatement, Xia Qingchen... plus official level." Liang Wang finally said.

   The Zhou Superintendent paused and said, "Return to King Liang, Li Linlin has been rescued from the execution ground by Ting Xuelou. Moreover, all five of his sons have been separated from military service and have never been officers in the military."

   heard the words, the cool king was silent for a long time.

What despair did    force a loyal clan to withdraw from the palace?

   "It is the king's fault." Liang Wang sighed: "Don't disturb him again."


   Seeing that things finally subsided, Liu Fenglei sneered in his heart. He had long known that the cold environment was a place of smoke and gas.

   This happened, he was not surprised.

   "Cool King, is it possible for our captives to get along?" Liu Fenglei said.

   Liang Wang said tiredly: "I will give it to the palace."

   Yes, Jun Qiye said helplessly: "King Qi Yuliang, the captive was used as a witness, but was shot and killed by Yu Guitian in the middle. Thousands of people have seen this and there is no falsehood."


  Liu Fenglei shocked: "This matter seriously?"

   Jun Qiye said: "There is no need to lie to you, it is indeed done by Yu Guitian, and there are arrows marks on his face shot by Xia Qingchen."

   Liu Fenglei stayed for a while, clenching his fists: "Hui Guitian! You killed my master of Zhongyunjingyin County!"

   County master?

   is that King Liang is very surprised. He has a hunch that the hostage they came to ask for will not be simple, but he never expected to be a respected master!

  Liu Fenglei was full of anger, and said, "Liang Wang, it was Yu Guitian's help that year that we were able to conquer your barracks! Please let Liang Wang decide for himself!"

   "Let's go!" Then he led the messenger group to leave.

  The voice of King Liang was still very calm. After a long silence, he slowly said: "Seize Yu Guitian and question carefully."

   After all, he was still afraid of the Yu family's forces. He didn't dare to kill him without permission, but he had enough evidence to dare to start.

   Outside the hall.

  Hui Guitian's seat has long been empty.

   It turned out that when he saw that all the people in the monitoring hall were called, he had a bad feeling and retreated first.

at this time.

  Official road, a small car quickly shuttled in the streets and alleys, Mercedes-Benz to the Yu family.

  In the sedan, Yu Guitian was in a hurry, constantly urging: "Hurry up, hurry up!!"

  He has a hunch that things will be revealed.

   Only Yu can save him now.

   As long as he returned to the Yu family, he was safe.

   Ask the world, who dares to break into the Yu family to catch people?

  Mo said that he was only a treason, but what about killing a Shizi County Master?

   It's safe to go to the Yu Family!

   Suddenly, the sedan suddenly stopped, and Yu Guitian frowned: "Who made you stop?"

   But there was no response outside. He opened the car curtain and looked out, but he saw that his four bearers were already lying on the ground!

   And in front of him, a handsome young man with a straight shirt was standing with a sword in his arms.

   That broken sword, residual blood flowing, reflected the indifferent face of the teenager.

   "Xia... Xia Qingchen?" Yu Guitian asked in surprise.

  The force he sent to chase down Xia Qingchen actually let him live?

   No, those forces should be dead.

   The dried blood on the broken knife is proof.

   Xia Qingchen faced him sideways and said lightly: "No matter how big the Yu family is, it's too big for me to kill you!"


(End of this chapter)

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