Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 819: Elixir comparison

  Nishiko slapped it in the palm of his hand and shot it on the case. He was dissatisfied and shouted: "What the **** are you doing? Don't be embarrassing without skill! Get out!"

  Even if they are not alchemists, they all understand the truth.

   The more delicate the material is selected, the lighter the smoke produced during the refining process will be, and the thicker it will be.

  The medicine does not regret that it is obviously that the material is not selected properly, which causes such a dense smoke.

   Grand Master Red Dust smiled dumbly: "Drugs don't regret it, how come they have followed Master Xia, and have stepped back to the point of being a drug apprentice? No, drug apprentices are stronger than you!"

   Such a huge mistake actually happened to the former King of Medicine, and I felt emotion when I thought about it.

  Digital palace masters are also puzzled.

   "How can a person's skills regress, will they not retreat to such a degree?"

   "What did the King of Medicine experience, have all the basic skills been lost?"

   "It's too choking! Medicine King, if you can't refine it, forget it."


   heard the words, the medicine did not regret the appearance of accosting, hesitating on the spot.

   Fortunately, Liang Wang said: "Continue!"

   So, the medicine didn't regret to continue with a scalp.

   He also felt strange. This meditation pill given by Xia Qingchen, he also tried in the bamboo forest, but there is no such scene.

  Why is there so much black smoke coming out at the moment?

   He could not help looking at Xia Qingchen, who nodded and gave him a certain look, so he continued to refine it without regret.

   But as far as the back, the black smoke does not decrease but increases!

   The entire Hall of Supreme Harmony is already black smoke!

   The air was cloudy, and the ground, the table, and the food were all covered with a thick layer of dust.

  King King couldn't see it anymore, and asked, "King of Medicine, what kind of medicine are you refining?"

  The unrepentant face of the medicine is deeply embarrassed, saying: "Returning to the King of Coolness is a quasi-elixir, a meditation pill."

   quasi elixir?

  Where does the medicine king come from to make a quasi elixir?

   Liang Wang was silent for a moment: "If you are not sure, then stop."

   made his birthday banquet so sullen, it was a bit ridiculous.

   Yao Wang's face turned red, and his heart was very helpless, and he didn't understand what was going on.

   was about to take out the red fire. Suddenly, the black smoke faded away, but the yellow smoke came out instead.

   "Yellow?" Yao Wang was stunned. There was no yellow smoke in the material he chose.

   But then, the yellow smoke slowly disappeared, and purple smoke appeared again.

   changed one after another, and three colors of red, blue and green appeared one after another.

   The dark and heavy Taihe Hall immediately became colorful, like a fairyland on earth.

  Mo said that everyone was surprised, that is, the drug king himself is full of inexplicable colors, colorful smoke?

  What kind of medicine is that?

   Unheard of!

   Liang Wang showed a trace of interest: "Continue!"

   originally stared at the refining of Grand Master Red Dust and others, but at this moment he was completely attracted by the refining of Yaowang.

   "Okay!" Yaowang continued to urge the red fire, and six colors of smoke were continuously released.

   Moreover, there is no pungent feeling at the back, but a hint of fragrance.

  Take a sip and feel relaxed and happy, just like a full sleep.

   "His! It’s amazing! Just Danxiang is full of energy!"

   "The best meditation quasi-spiritual pill in the cold area, the effect of swallowing, is barely comparable to this pill incense?"

   "I don't know what level of Elixir is made by Yaowang?"

   The same is true of the rest of the palace masters. Where can I go to see the boring alchemy of Grand Master Red Dust, and the curious gaze of the magical alchemy made by the medicine king.

  This made Grand Master Red Dust unexpected.

  He asked the medicine to come without regret, but it was the superb skills of her grandmaster, but now she did not regret it, but she became the foil.

   Fortunately, alchemy is coming to an end.

  In her dan furnace, there was already a slight dan incense.

   "Pill is about to become!" Grand Master Red Dust said: "When I heard that Shuanglong Ding came out of the pill, it would produce a spectacular scene of flying dragons rushing to the sky. The higher the level of refined medicine, the higher the flying dragon's impact."

  She is very confident in the ancient spirit pill, and it is marked on the side of the pill.

  Even if her memory is a little unsteady, the immortal medicine made by refining is not a complete product, at least it is at the level of quasi-lingdan.

  Contrary to medicine, do not regret, a waste that has not mastered the essence of quasi-spiritual spirit, what good things can be refined?

  Don't look at the colorful ones now, when he will show up when Dan is revealed.

  Here in shock, Liang Wang turned his eyes to Yangding again, and could not help expecting, "How much assurance?"

   "Ten percent!" Master Red Dust said from himself.

   This pill she tried in advance, it was indeed successful, no difficulty.

   But after hearing this, Xia Qingchen stepped back quietly, until he retreated near the wall, hiding behind a huge pillar.

   At this time, Yao Wang also noticed the sound of the impact of the sound of Dong Dong within Yin Ding, which was a sign of Dan Cheng.

   "Mine has become!" Yao said without regret.

  The two people's elixir was similarly refined at the same time.

   looked at each other, and said in unison: "Let's fire!"

   They opened the Dan furnace cover at the same time!

   Suddenly, two rumbling dragons came from the furnace.

   At the same time, two dragon-shaped, nearly substantive airflows rushed from the furnace to Jiuxiao.

   "All quasi-spiritual pill!" Jun Qiye exclaimed.

  Only the quasi-magic pill will give birth to the dragon-shaped airflow.

   Grand Master Red Dust was taken aback. It is not surprising that she refined the Quasi-Pills, but how could the Medicine King be refined?

   The voice just dropped, and the situation suddenly turned sharp.

  The dragon-shaped airflow rushing out of the Yin Ding immediately rushed out and immediately dispersed.

  In contrast to the dragon-shaped airflow of Grand Master Red Dust, it climbed up steadily upward.

  Noticing this scene, Grand Master Red Dust said with a smile: "Jin Xu is outside, defeated among them, the real strong, not relying on uproar to favor, but relying on real skills!"

  Although her process of refining the panacea is bland, that is its true essence.

   is not like medicine, but of course it attracts a lot of attention, but in the end it will reveal its original shape.

  The cool king and many palace masters also showed disappointment. For a moment, they thought that there would be another grand master in the cold realm who would make a quasi elixir.

  It seems that it is empty and happy.

   In the final analysis, the medicine does not regret it or the qualifications are too shallow to make a quasi elixir.

   Medicine did not regret and secretly sighed.

   Today's refining, he really does not know what is going on.

  Ming Ming was refined last night, he had successfully made a quasi elixir, but today's refining is really strange.

   Only Xia Qingchen stretched out his hands to block his ears.

  The next moment, while everyone was paying attention to Yang Ding, a violent dragon roar suddenly broke out in that Yin Ding!

   The entire Yinding was shaken in place!

   The bursting roar of the dragon made the unexpected people cover their ears in pain and panic.


(End of this chapter)

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