Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 820: completely lose hope

Amidst the roar, a thick, substantial dragon emerged from the Yinding.

The dragon's dragon scales are clear, and its facial features are lifelike, like living creatures.

His body was like lightning, flying straight up into the sky.

At this time, Yangding's long airflow was able to fly to the middle. As a result, Yinding's giant dragon later came up and swallowed Yangding's long airflow on the spot with the momentum of swallowing the mountains and rivers.

Afterwards, the Yinding Dragon took a vigorous effort and directly overturned the roof of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, rushing into the sky.

It wasn't until a dozen breaths that the dragon's shadow was not seen.

The midday sun shone down the open roof and shone into the Taihe Hall, falling on every face full of shock.

"Then... that is also a sign of Shuanglongding's Dancheng?" Grand Master Hong Chen murmured aloud.

If it is true, is it too exaggerated?

Such a substantial dragon is at least ten times as strong as his signs!

But is this possible?

The Medicine King is just a loser who can't even make a quasi elixir. She is a great master who has controlled the essence of quasi elixir for many years.

How could she be far worse than the drug king?

"Feng Wanggong, has anyone ever used Shuanglongding?" In the Jinjiao, Liang Wang asked calmly.

Ssangyong Ding is usually stored in Feng Wang Palace, under the care of the pharmacist inside.

The master of the Royal Palace was afraid and said: "How can the cool king heavy equipment be borrowed for private use?"

Liang Wang was slightly surprised: "That's strange."

He has mastered Ssangyong Ding for many years, and has never seen that a pharmacist can inspire such a surprising vision.

Even the Master of Medicine King did not have such a scene.

So, out of ten, there are problems with Yinding.

"Well, Long Fei Yunxiao is just a vision of Dan Cheng, can't explain anything." Liang Wang said: "Let's look at Cheng Dan."

It has appeared many times in history, and the vision is stronger, but the immortality is not good.

The current situation is not isolated, don't worry too much.

What should be cared about is that quasi-spiritual pill!

"Grand Master Red Dust, Gu Lingdan took it out and looked at it." Liang Wang's voice revealed an inexplicable expectation.

Grand Master Red Dust returned to God and said, "Yes!"

With a wave of her robe, she swept away all the smoke above Yang Ding, and looked intently at the furnace, overjoyed.

But when I saw a pink, fist-sized pill, it bounced around the wall in the furnace, just like a living creature.

"Congratulations to Liang Wang, He Xi Liang Wang, is an ancient elixir of quasi-elixir level!" Grand Master Red Dust said excitedly.

Finally, the mission is not insulted, and refining is successful.

Liang Wang's voice was slightly quick: "Take it!"

He can't wait to get the memory of the blood of his ancestors!

As a dying person, he has too many regrets, and the biggest regret is that he didn't learn the ancestor's exquisite "Bahuang Jian Ge".

If you can learn this sword style through the memory of your ancestors, even if you die, you can laugh at Jiuquan.

Grand Master Red Dust immediately took out the Elixir, held it in his hand, and trot to Jin Jiao.

The palace lords on both sides, the princes of the lord, all looked straight.

The value of this Dan is immeasurable!

Especially for people like Liang Wang who have ancestors of super powers, it is an invaluable treasure.

Grand Master Yu Guang of the Red Dust glanced at the Eye Medicine King, and shook his head gently, the proud look was self-evident.

What if the scene when you became a pill is amazing?

The cool king wants his ancient spirit pill, not a meditation pill.

All the people in the hall were attracted by Gu Lingdan.

Only Xia Qingchen, the finger that he just put down, lifted it up again, tucked it in his ear, and hid behind the pillar, but sighed helplessly: "All said, insufficient ability will only harm others."

The hall at the moment is quiet, and its voice is not too big or small, anyone can hear it.

Grand Master Red Dust frowned straightly: "Xia Qianxiaoqi, Dan has become, why are you still here to discredit your old body?"

The palace lords on both sides were even more disgusted. Why is Xia Qingchen so layman so unaware that he always wants to give directions?

Niseko was even more polite, and waved his finger: "Come on, send this appetite down!"

Unexpectedly, the guards on both sides have not yet started to act, and the mutations have sprung.

The pink ancient pill in the hands of Grand Master Red Dust actually released a strange and fascinating red light, flashing brightly and dimly.

Everyone on the scene has seen the world, and at first glance at the anomaly it is not good.

"No, the energy in the Elixir is not balanced, there is a possibility of explosion!"

"The refining of this immortality medicine has all been withdrawn. Be careful to explode immortality!"

Fried Dan is not a trivial matter.

The more immortal potion, the more powerful the explosion will be.

There is no shortage of pharmacists who have been killed by their own immortality in history.

Grand Master Red Dust hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, how could I fail? I have tried it before and it has been successful!"

Xia Qingchen shook his head secretly, and when he saw the materials he prepared, he knew that this panacea would fail.

Gu Lingdan's request to the Danfang had reached an inexhaustible level, and it was a little wrong and failed.

Grand Master Hong Chen pretended to replace several kinds of auxiliary materials. Does it make sense to succeed?

As for its previous success, it must be that it was only refined until Dan Cheng's time, and he did not take out the Elixir from the Dan Furnace as before, so there was no situation of exploding Dan.


At this time, a trace of cracks had cracked on the surface of Gu Ling Dan, and a hot air flow was emitted from the inside, and a hissing sound was emitted, which was a precursor to the explosion.

This scene scared the palace masters on both sides to retreat, and Grand Master Red Dust was at a loss to know where to throw it.

Any identity present is more important than him, and he can't afford to compensate anyone who hurts.

Seeing that Gu Lingdan was about to explode, the cold king in the golden sedan sighed heavily.

Suddenly the car curtain lifted up, and a shocking airflow rolled out from the inside, gently pulling Gu Ling Dan, and then rushed out of the roof that was lifted off.

Look at the ten feet out of the roof, Gu Ling Dan finally exploded!

I saw a blaze that covered the sky and burst into flames, and the blaze even covered the sun, so dazzling.

Even more amazing scorching waves rolled down, igniting many wooden tables and chairs on the field.

Many people on the field were also burned.

More importantly, when the elixir exploded, it produced a powerful sound wave, which shook the Taihe Temple more than once.

Among them, the ears were trembling and buzzing, and many people had black eyes and blood in both ears.

When the explosion subsided, the Taihe Hall was filled with mourning.

The palace masters are powerful and have little effect, but many maidservants and guards have tinnitus and are constantly wailing.

Fires were triggered in all corners of the palace, and the guards outside poured into the fire.

For a time, the wailing wailing, the healing healing, the extinguishing of the fire extinguishing, a good birthday feast immediately chaotic.

As the master of red alchemy alchemist, I was also injured not badly, his ears were constantly buzzing, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

"How could this be?" Grand Master Chen Chen said in amazement.

It's a pity that everyone is busy with their own and nobody cares about her.

There was a panic in her heart, and now it was a question of whether she could say the title of Yazun.

How could Liang Wang treat her with such a great birthday feast?

Soon, the Hall of Supreme Harmony quickly restored order and calm.

The palace lords are quietly waiting for Liang Wang's speech.

In today's birthday banquet, the incident of monitoring the fraud and concealment of the palace was first revealed. Later, Grand Master Red Dust failed to make the Elixir, and the cool King's mood at the moment was only terribly bad.

As expected, in the golden sedan that has been silent for a long time, the tired voice of the cool king came: "You, let this king be too disappointed."

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