Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 821: Practice well

The greater the so-called expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Gu Lingdan, Grand Master of Red Dust, had been expecting for too long, but he was disappointed.

Grand Master Hong Chen knelt down in a hurry, trembling: "Old body..."

Suddenly, she was stunned and pointed to the medicine king: "The cool king, this is the effect of the medicine without regret when refining the pill, otherwise, the ancient pill will never fail."

The lords of the palace looked forward to the medicine without regret and thought slightly.

Fang Caiyao does not regret the process of refining, which is really too strange. First, the six-color smoke, and the soaring dragon spirit, saying that it has an impact on Yangding is not unfounded.

Yao didn't regret and said angrily: "Hong Chen, I respect you as a generation of guru, why are you not so responsible? But why do you always shirk to others when things happen?"

Robbing the elixir of eternal youth resulted in poisoning. She didn't blame others.

Now he is incapable of doing his job, forcing alchemy to fail, and blaming him again.

She is nothing but the alchemy level.

At the moment, Grand Master Red Dust only wanted to move the water eastward, and said with forceful words: "It was the way it was! When you were practicing alchemy, you clearly exceeded your control. There is no need to deny that everyone's expressions are in your eyes."

The palace masters secretly nodded their heads, and there was indeed a lot of expressions of consternation, confusion, and panic in the medicine.

It is enough to show that there is a problem with this refining process.

The medicine didn't regret it, irrefutable, calmed down the airway: "But, that has little effect on you."

What Grand Master Red Dust wanted was that medicine did not regret admitting this. She stood up and approached the accusation step by step: "Very little? Don't you know that I am refining Gu Ling Dan? A little influence may give up."

Yao refused to regret being forced to retreat, unable to argue, only to blow his beard and stare.

The former became more and more tight, and said with a sharp voice: "Don't regret the medicine, you are a little mysterious apothecary, and the ancient spirit pill that killed the Liang King is scrapped. Do you know the crime?"

Yao didn't regret taking a step back, kicking the Yinding behind him by accident.

With a clatter, Yin Ding fell to the ground, and a transparent thumb-sized pill, crystal-like, rolled out from inside.

Many people glanced at random, then silently withdrew their eyes.

That should be the meditation pill that the medicine does not regret refining, but it is just a secret medicine-level pill, nothing.

However, the crystal-like pill flew up without warning.

It seemed to be wise, and fled towards the outside of the hall when no one was paying attention.

But in a blink of an eye, he rushed out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and passed away in a flash.

"Mysterious medicine... flew?" Many palace masters noticed and froze slightly.

Immediately, they suddenly realized something, and exclaimed one after another: "Then... that is the elixir!!!"

In the world, there is only one kind of immortal medicine that will fly away after immortalization, that is the legendary...Elixir! !

Seeing that elixir, he must escape and flee.

Suddenly, Liang Wang came from Jin Jiao with a surprise laugh: "Is it really a panacea?"

When he was young, the cool king, when he succeeded to the position of cool king, had the luck to get a magic medicine, so see this medicine flying and know its level!

In the laughter, everyone only felt the sound of a thunderbolt flashing.

There was a faint shadow in the golden sedan flashing out, and then in again.

Looking at the sky again, Lingdan has disappeared.

Xia Qingchen's pupils shrunk slightly, and he was so fast!

Almost shrunk into inches!

Compared with the ordinary mid-moon flight of the sword, it is one level higher.

The cultivation behavior of Liangwang is much stronger than expected!

"Good! Good! Good!" Liang Wang stared at the spirit pill in the Jin Jiao, and said three consecutive words of "good", the joy of his mood can be imagined!

"This is the best birthday gift that Ben Wang has received in twenty years!" Liang Wang laughed.

Since the gate of **** opened 20 years ago, why did the cool king laugh so happily?

The palace princes were also very excited and bowed down one after another: "Congratulations to King Liang, happy miracle!"

Who knows, Liang Wang turned the front and smiled: "This Wang Xi is not the magic pill, but my cold territory, there is actually a medicine refining bucket!"

The spirit pill is important, but can it be compared with the refining medicine that made the spirit pill?

The cool king said happily: "The king of medicine, this king doesn't know Taishan with his eyes, he doesn't know that the refining medicine is in front of him, please forgive me if he is offended."

What is the identity of the cool king?

The Supreme of the Boundary, the unparalleled supreme giant!

However, he did not regret the drug's near equality and showed deep respect.

The terrible four characters of the refining medicine Taidou can be seen!

Fortunately, the medicine does not regret the indifference to fame and fortune, and it does not have a sense of honor or disgrace, and the change is not alarmed: "Thank you for the appreciation of the cool king, but I am not yet qualified to reach the level of Thai fighting."

He didn't understand how Lian Lingdan was refined, and he was ashamed to be a great fight.

"Throughout the ages, all those who have produced the magic pill are all fighting, and you are no exception!" Liang Wang waved his hand, took out a golden scroll, and spread two vigorous and powerful characters on it.


The golden scroll was thrown from the golden sedan and suspended in the air.

The two clear words "Yazun" fell into everyone's eyes.

The tenth house owner is not without envy.

Yazun, the supreme status that can participate in the discussion of important matters in the cool environment, in a sense, is not inferior to their tenth house.

"Billing the world, Yao Wang Feng rewards Yazun!"

"Yes!" The servant took the will and immediately conveyed it.

After today, the tenth Yazun of the Cold Realm was born-a generation of refining medicine, the king of medicine does not regret it!

"Hahaha, come on, prepare the banquet, and today the king is going to drink with the ministers." Liang Wang was really happy.

Although there are two unpleasant things, the birth of the refining medicine Taidou is really a blessing that has not been seen in hundreds of years.

Soon after, Zhongyunjing heard the news, and he was only jealous.

"Haha, the medicine king please come to the seat quickly." Niseko changed his previous cold words, changed his face with Yan Yuese, and personally stepped down from the seat and invited him to take the seat.

Yao Wang glanced at him, displeased.

Wasn't the second son still scolding him for being embarrassing, let him get out?

Now to please?

This reminded him of his apprentice Chen Yingyao, who was even more displeased in his heart, and waved his hand in court: "No, the old man just sits down."

Niseko's face was stiff, and he could only let the drug-refining tower sit on his own.

The rest of the palace lords also warmly invited, but this is Yazun, or refining medicine, do you have a good relationship at this moment?

However, Yao Wang usually disdains their invitation, not to mention the sharp increase in status today?

He swept left and right, and found that Xia Qingchen was sitting alone in the corner, and a deep respect appeared on his old face.

Xia Qingchen bestowed upon him the level of refining medicine and the recipe for refining it.

Xia Qingchen's one-handedness is the only reason to have today's status. How can I not be grateful?

Seeing that the Medicine King walked to the seat where Xia Qingchen was sitting, Nishiko's eyebrows frowned: "Xia Qianxiaoqi, Medicine King wants to be quiet, you let it go! Anyway, there is nothing to do with you here, go back to your barracks!"

Many palace owners also agree that Xia Qingchen's identity is not suitable for sitting here, and it is inevitable to leave the seat early.

Who knows, Yao Wang speeded up and came to Xia Qingchen's desk.

At the moment Xia Qingchen's glass was empty, and he was about to grab the jug and double it again, but the Medicine King grabbed it first, knelt at the table, and Bi Gong pours him a quilt, respectfully said: "Master, please drink ."

Xia Qingchen picked up the wine glass, got up and stood up, wrote lightly: "After going back, practice well, you just did not perform well."

After he finished speaking, he put the wine glass on the table and arched his hand to Liangwang Jinjiao, and then left his peaceful hand to leave the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

At noon tomorrow, five o'clock.

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