Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Kick to the iron plate (one more)

The Medicine King got up quickly, hurried to the door of the temple, bowed down and bowed, "Send Master respectfully."

Xia Qingchen didn't return, and waved his hand: "I said, don't call me Master."

"Yes, Master Xia." Yao Wang's mood was low, and his expression was hard to hide.

I thought that refining the elixir could finally make Xia Qingchen look squarely at himself and become a disciple from a drug apprentice.

Who knows, Xia Qingchen still looks down on him.

There was a silence in the hall, and several palace masters looked at each other, and they all found the confused colors in their eyes.

Yazun of the Cold Realm, the highest refining medicine tower, actually called Master Zu Xiaoqianqi?

Not only that, but also kneeling toast!

What is most incomprehensible is that Xia Qingchen refused to call him a master, and the medicine king lost his face, as if very regretful.

The weird scenes made them all fall into great consternation, unable to understand the scene before them.

Even the cool kings were a little surprised: "Why do you call the other party the master?"

Yao Yao regretted looking at the audience, and it was inconvenient to say, only said: "The cold king should not blame the old man again, don't you see that Master Xia does not allow me to call him a master?"

He sighed and bowed his fists, saying: "As Master Xia said, we only performed poorly and we need to meditate and practice, just leave!"

After finishing his speech, he turned away.

The cool king said with a loud voice: "Taidou stayed behind, and several of my heirs are interested in alchemy. Please ask Taidou to give advice."

Dignified princes and lords, of course, have little interest in refining medicine.

The reason for this arrangement is to deliberately increase the relationship between Taidou and his heirs, so as to easily envelop the heart of Yao Wang and allow him to stay in the cold forever.

Otherwise, if Zhongyunjing knew, he would come to rob the medicine king sooner or later.

Yao Wang laughed at himself: "Even Master Xia was driven away by your son, how dare I point him? Goodbye!"

He said to go away, not to sell emotions.

When the quasi-spiritual pill had not yet been achieved, the face of officials who were still unscrupulous, and now they are already the body of the fighting, naturally, even more careless.

Niseko looked blue and white for a while, but he didn't dare to attack blatantly. He could only smile roundly: "Yaotaidou is always quick and quick."

But, the cool king's slightly indifferent voice came from Jin Jiao: "Take a mouth."


The nine palace owners bowed their heads and looked at the wine glasses on the table.

Jun Qiye's mouth was unnoticeably hooked, and some gloating, Nisuke finally kicked the iron plate.

A figure who must be called a master by the name of the king, but was blatantly chased away by the second son. Gee, it is strange that the cool king is not angry.

"The cool king, the second son is also the king of the medicine, and he drove Xia Qianxiaoqi without knowing it. Isn't it punishable to punish him?" said Shen Si, the owner of the palace of Feng Wang.

The cool king is still indifferent: "When the king teaches the heir, when will it be your turn to interpose? You, palm your mouth together!"

The master of the Feng Palace was stunned for a moment. Today's Cool King is a little strange.

In the past, he always favored the Second Son, and also trusted him as a king.

Today, the two of them are letting themselves slap in front of a group of people with the highest right in the cold environment. Isn't this deliberately suppressing them?

Including Niseko, he realized the purpose of Liangwang in a hidden way-he was very disappointed with Niseko.

Today's banquet should have taken the opportunity to announce the second son as the heir to the cool king.

However, there have been successive failures such as the failure of the Cholera Army Palace of the Supervisory Palace, the Master Alchemy of the Red Dust Master, and the dissatisfaction of the Second Master of the Refining Medicine.

It was only because of this that the Liang King temporarily changed his attention. Instead of proclaiming the heir, he punished the second son in public.

This gives a signal to the world.

There is still suspense in the cool king's succession!

"Children know the wrong and admit the punishment!" The second son did not resist, and immediately gave himself a loud mouth in public.

The Master of the Royal Palace also looked at him stiffly.

In Jin Jiao, the disappointed voice of Liang Wang came: "Today's lesson, I hope you two remember!"

Hearing the words, it was another cold in the heart of the master of the Feng Palace.

There is something in Liangwang's words!

Could it have been speculated that in the event of monitoring the temple, there was Niseko and him involved?

"Get up!" Liang Wang Xingzhi was defeated and got up and left.

The birthday banquet ended here, but the uproar was far from over.


In a dark room, the Emperor returned to practice naked, and **** veins on his chest wriggled, as if the **** centipede was extremely unbearable.

In front of him, kneeling on one knee was a Yu family, quietly reporting on what had happened.

When the Emperor heard it, his eyes slowly opened, and his dark eyes showed a deep color: "I thought it was just a little cricket in Tianyueling.

"But, this is interesting." Emperor Guiyi smiled and said: "When the fairy chess game is alive, I will kill this ant myself!"


At that time, Xia Qingchen was reorganizing the Yunlan battle group.

"Master Xia, I thought I wouldn't see you anymore." Fang Cuihong and others just came out of the prison and wept into tears.

The days of the Temple of Supervision are very difficult because they have learned from various sources that the Temple of Supervision will put them to death.

Xia Qingchen looked at the female soldiers who were crying all over the field and said, "No similar things will happen in the future, I promise."

"No, we are not worried about ourselves, we are worried about you." Fang Cuihong wiped his eyes. "We are just ordinary soldiers. It is not a pity to die, but you are a century-old military wizard. If you die, it is the mourning of the cool king." "

"Yeah, we only want Master Xia to be well, everything will be on duty."

Weeping in tears, a sigh of emotion came: "Then you will cherish the few time you spend with each other, your Xia will soon be promoted to Wan Xiaoqi."

Xia Qingchen glanced sideways, and the person who came was Zhao Feimo, who had just been released from prison.

She looked much disappointed, and looked at Xia Qingchen sincerely: "Thank you very much this time, I Zhao Fei Mo owe you a favor."

"You can do it easily," Xia Qingchen casually said: "General Zhao came, not just to see me?"

Two days after her imprisonment, the Northwest Army was completely in a state of chaos. At this moment, the military should be heavy.

"It's the commander-in-chief, please." Zhao Fei Mo looked more serious.

Xia Qingchen nodded and followed him to the commander's camp.

The camp account has retired everyone, leaving only the commander and a middle-aged man with a face-to-face. Looking at the token in the waist, it should be Wan Xiaoqi.

"The hero is here!" The commander stood up and greeted him personally, stepped forward to hold Xia Qingchen's arm, and his expression was full of gratitude.

Xia Qingchen said: "The commander-in-chief has won the award. This is the unintentional exposure of Zhong Yunjing, not my merit."

The commander didn't think so, and said: "Zhongyun Realm will come. Isn't it the lord that you captured the opponent from?"

He took Xia Qingchen to sit down and said with emotion: "After this incident, the forces of the Yu family were completely emptied from the upper level of the military palace, and the nail of Yu Guitian was also pulled out in the moat.

The heavy losses of the Yu Family this time are difficult to estimate.

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