Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Hometown shock (two more)

Over the years, it has been difficult to know how much money and contacts were spent in order to buy the supervision hall.

In order to push Yuba back to the top, it is even more painstaking.

It’s really popular nowadays.

Xia Qingchen was not so optimistic. What he wanted to remove was not the Yu family's influence in the military palace, but the entire Yu family.

"Oh, at the latest tomorrow, Liangwang Mansion's will will be issued, and you will be promoted to Wan Xiaoqi." Commander said: "There are currently two Wan Xiao Qitian regiment vacancies in the moat."

"One is the yellow character sky group in the mine, but it is temporarily controlled by Wolf Yufei, and the other is the purple character sky group vacated by Yu Guitian. I'm going to leave this group to you."

The Zizi Tiantuan is in charge of Yu Guitian all the year round, and I don’t know how many generals have become Yu Guitian’s heart.

Now Yugui Tianfuzhu, it's time to find a chance to cleanse all the hearts inside.

Xia Qingchen was indifferent: "Yes."

He doesn't care which sky group is better, his purpose is only to meet the requirements of the blood pool.

Next, as long as you strive for more merits.

"After you took control of the Zizi Tiantuan, I'm going to give you a chance to go out and lead troops," the commander said.

This opportunity, once to Xia Qingchen meritorious service, and second, to take the opportunity to get rid of Yu Guitian's remnants.

Xia Qingchen readily answered: "What opportunity?"

The commander pointed to a dismantled urgent letter from the case: "Take it."

In the camp, the middle-aged Wan Xiaoqi immediately stepped forward and took it over to the commander in chief.

"To Xia Wanxiao." The commander said lightly.

Middle-aged Wan Xiaoqi secretly lamented that Xia Qingchen's status today is really extraordinary.

The commander-in-chief is not a subordinate relationship at all for him, but an equal relationship of friends.

This made middle-aged Wan Xiaoqi envious and respectful, smiling and offering Xia Qingchen with both hands: "Master Xia."

Xia Qingchen, Feng Qingqing and Yunyun took it, opened it, and couldn't help but glance at it.

Just look, his eyes change, revealing the meaning of pondering.

"How, you can't take this task?" the commander asked.

Xia Qingchen said: "When should I leave?"

"The day after tomorrow." The commander smiled. He expected Xia Qingchen to pick it up.

Not only because the mission has up to 10,000 merits, but more importantly, this mission is related to its birthplace, Tianyueling!

A month ago, a battle broke out between Tianyueling and Yinhui Lake.

The cause was Duo Yangzi, one of the four masters of Yinhui Lake, who died in Tianyueling.

Yinhui Lake's mash line is asking Tianyueling to give an explanation.

The two sides continued to rub against each other for nearly four months. Before January, the Gongliang ancestor, one of the four ancient families of Tianyueling, was severely injured by the poisoned hands of the people.

In the eight holy sites, the four major families, the three ancient temples, and the two major gates, the strong men who can condense are dispatched collectively, and there is a war with the strong men of Yinhui Lake who have broken into Tianyueling.

During the war, Tianyueling was completely at a disadvantage.

Tianyueling experienced violent turbulence a few months ago, the destruction of the shrine, the destruction of the Situ family and the Shura family. Among the three ancient temples, the Fengyin Temple and the ancient temple of Mitsubishi survived.

The eight holy places are difficult to unite with each other.

Looking back at Yinhui Lake, the mage family is the only one, and it is easy to mobilize the power of Yinhui Lake.

One can imagine the outcome of the war between the two sides.

The latest situation is that half of the territory of Tianyueling has been occupied by Yinhui Lake.

The indigenous strongmen in Tianyueling were all forced to the generations of Xiling and Beiling.

The two sides confronted each other with Zhongling as the dividing line, and decided to start a decisive battle after January.

Xia Qingchen was born in Tianyueling, and was helped by Xiahou Shenmen, Jingyuan Temple, Gongliang Gu's and Nebula Holy Land.

Now they are in trouble and they have the reason to go back to help.

The commander said in a timely manner: "You are going to mediate in the name of the military palace this time, if you do not agree, you can suppress it."

The shore of the soil is the king soil, Tianyueling and Yinhui Lake are all one of the 108 domains in the cold area.

No one wants to see that there is a war between the 100 domains and they annex each other.

Therefore, it is necessary to restore Tianyueling to its territory.

Xia Qingchen nodded: "I understand."

He understands better, what if he regains his territory?

During Yinhui Lake's invasion of the Tianyueling Mountains, will it be safe for itself?

Obviously not!

They will try their best to take away all the resources and wealth of Tianyueling and leave as a winner.

The ones left to Tianyueling will surely be messy and howling.

"Well, you quickly receive the Zizi Tiantuan, and prepare to lead the army to mediate." The commander said seriously.

Xia Qingchen clenched his fists: "Thank you Commander!"

Anyone can hand this task over, and why should Du Du be given to Xia Qingchen?

Didn't it just give him the opportunity to recover the loss of Tianyueling as much as possible?

The commander chuckled and watched Xia Qingchen leave.

"You said, how will Xia Qingchen recover the mountains and rivers lost in Tianyueling?"

Zhao Feiguo recalled what Xia Qingchen did on weekdays and said, "I'm not worried about Tianyueling, but rather worried about Yinhui Lake."

"From my perspective on Xia Qingchen, he is the one who will never lose any money. Tianyueling is lost, and Yinhui Lake will pay back."

After hearing this, the commander also showed a bit of worry: "I hope he has a sense of balance."

Speaking of Xia Qingchen, he has not received a transfer order from the military palace at this moment, and naturally cannot take over the Zizi Tiantuan. He must wait until tomorrow at the latest.

"Master Xia, there are several letterheads for you here." Fan Yin stepped out of the camp and held several letterheads.

Xia Qingchen left the Yunlan clan for a few days, leaving many official duties, most of which were handled by Sanskrit.

She had no right to read confidential letterhead only.

Xia Qingchen turned over at random, most of them came from the secret letter from Xue Xuelou.

After experiencing the robbery of the law, listening to Xuelou's fame, everyone knows that listening to Xuelou is a super-strong person who is more than a fascinating mid-month.

The strong who are willing to join Tingxuelou come one after another!

In just two days, there were at least six lunar powerhouses interested in joining Xuexuelou.

One of them actually existed in the later period of Xiaoyue Realm, and the cultivation base was not much more than the air monster.

This is just two days, as the event continues to ferment, more and more powerful people will join.

The various industries of Tingxuelou finally covered the whole area of ​​Liangjing.

The high-end secret medicine industry of any domain is monopolized by Tingxuelou, and Suxin is now ready to develop into Zhongyunjing.

These Xia Qingchen just swept away.

If the person is not suspicious, he will not be asked more than that.

As for the last letter, it came from the Ling Palace.

Li Zicheng, the master of the Ling Palace, specially gifted by Xia Qingchen, after much communication, finally found a seller who owned Skyfire.

And the Skyfire sold was actually of the highest grade!

Xia Qingchen's gaze changed slightly. Last time, the most grand sky fire in the cold environment, the best sky fire appeared was only medium-grade.

Can you actually find the top grade?

It should be noted that Skyfire babies are only medium-class, and the difference is only one level.

Look at the letterhead again. The prompt above is this evening, Tianzhou Tea House, Dongcheng, Liangzhou.

Look at the sky and you will be late.

(Three points update the remaining chapters)

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