Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Ruoyu in the throat (three more)

"I'm going out, and all non-urgent matters are handled by you." Xia Qingchen said.

Sanskrit nodded, his eyes showing a little anxiety.

The news that Zhongyunjing sent the messenger group at the Liangwang birthday banquet has been learned from other sources.

The answer given by the cool king is that as the master of the county, Fan Yinmiao has been assassinated by Yu Guitian.

This news will surely cause an uproar when it is transmitted back to Zhongyun.

It's more than that. For a long time, the influence she built up in Zhongyun Realm will gradually disappear. In the end, even if she successfully returns to Zhongyun Realm, it will be useless.

Seemingly seeing his worries, Xia Qingchen said: "Work with peace of mind and perform well will consider letting you go back."

Of course, there is a precondition for letting her go, and it is impossible to put this clever threat to the tiger.

After hearing that, Fan Yin was overjoyed and quickly said: "Master Xia is at ease, and he will serve you wholeheartedly."

"It's better to be like this." Xia Qingchen said indifferently, and then left for Dongcheng, Liangzhou.

Godsend Tea House.

At the door of the first floor, Li Zicheng walked steadily with positive and negative hands, and Mei Yu was deeply worried.

When he saw Xia Qingchen rushing over, he immediately trot over and said with joy: "Sorry for heaven, Master Xia finally came, and thought you didn't receive the letter.

Xia Qingchen opened the door and asked, "Who is selling Tianhuo?"

Looking around, Li Zicheng said cautiously: "It is said that he is a well-known businessman in southern Xinjiang and has done many big deals."


Xia Qingchen was a little curious, what kind of businessmen are qualified to sell the top grade Tianhuo.

"Go up and see." Xia Qingchen said.

Li Zicheng led the way, and the second floor of the teahouse was already crowded with many people, all anxiously waiting for something.

"Why, these people are buying Tianhuo?" Xia Qingchen asked, roughly ten people were present.

Li Zicheng reluctantly said: "For a medium sky fire such a precious thing, the other party naturally understands the reason of holding the goods and selling, whoever bids high, then who gets the sky fire."

Xia Qingchen frowned slightly, feeling a little unreliable.

None of the people in front of him were extremely prominent, at most from the third-class family.

Since it is necessary to hold the goods and sell, why not invite first-class or even super-class family forces?

The price they can afford is significantly higher.

Looking forward, there was a booming noise from the stairs.

Looking sideways, the visitor is actually Xia Qingchen's old acquaintance-Lin Haonan!

At the beginning, the three armed forces, Lin Haonan led the Greed Wolf Warrior performed well, which attracted the commander's appreciation, and would have won the first place of the three armed forces.

It is a pity that the Yunlan battle group was born, and cut through time and space with an astonishing posture, crushing the other party with strength.

Since then, the Greedy Wolf Corps has disappeared, and I did not expect to see his leader, Lin Haonan, now again.

He found Lin Haonan, who also found Xia Qingchen.

"Xia Qianxiaoqi? A long absence." Lin Haonan didn't have much hostility, but instead showed a hint of smile.

There is no friendliness in the smile, but a condescending meaning.

"Long absence." Xia Qingchen responded and looked away, sitting casually in a chair, waiting patiently for the seller to show up.

Lin Haonan sat down with a familiar face, and smiled a little: "It's rare to sell Tianhuo together, why should you be so out of sight?"

Xia Qingchen's face was faint, he couldn't remember any friendship with Lin Haonan.

From the first meeting, he had no good impression of this person.

"By the way, what have you been doing since the comparison of the three armed forces? Based on your performance of the Yunlan clan, should you have made a lot of credit?" Lin Haonan said.

Xia Qingchen gave him a surprised look. Does Liangzhou City still know the deeds of Yunlan Battle Group?

"Only some trivial achievements are worth mentioning." Xia Qingchen did not want to talk more.

Lin Haonan smiled slightly: "What a coincidence, I have also made some small contributions in southern Xinjiang in recent months. My coyote warfare group is not as good as your Yunlan group, and the credit is not as great as yours."

Everyone can hear that he is false and humble, but he really wants to advertise himself.

Ordinary people would ask casually what credit he made.

But Xia Qingchen was too lazy to ask, he all thought that the Lan Lan clan had little credit, not to mention Lin Haonan?

"Oh." He responded lightly, without asking.

This made Lin Haonan show off his heart, as if he were in the throat.

After a moment of silence, I couldn't help but finally said to myself: "I don't want to hide it. My Greedy Wolf Corps received our top secret mission from Wan Xiaoqi and went to southern Xinjiang to defend those barbarians."

"As for me, I killed ten barbarians in the battle, making the local soldiers of the Southern Xinjiang Corps look at our soldiers in the moat in awe!"

He folded his hands behind his head and leaned back in the chair. He said with emotion: "We protect the Liangzhou City as our duty. We rarely go out to fight, which makes the army outside the Cypriots despise us very much."

"This time our Greedy Wolf Regiment proved the combat effectiveness of the moat and maintained our honor! For this reason, we Wan Xiaoqi also received the commander's praise."

He said his merits with his brain, and he felt more comfortable.

Just turned around and found that Xia Qingchen's face was faint, and there was no fluctuation, so it was funny, it would really pretend.

The Greedy Wolf Corps and Yunlan Corps are the two most powerful war regiments in the Northwest Army, and they compete with each other.

Will Xia Qingchen be indifferent when he learns of the outstanding achievements of the Greed Wolf Corps?

I’m afraid it’s a calm surface, right?

He grinned at the corner of his mouth and continued: "Of course, to say so much is not to boast of myself, but to feel that we should encourage and improve each other."

Xia Qingchen dispensed her chin indiscriminately: "Well."

Ha ha, I will really pretend!

Lin Haonan disagreed, saying, "Yes, my Chief Wan Xiaoqi, Wu Xiong, will come over later, and I will introduce you to you."

Before Xia Qingchen agreed, he said to himself: "Master Wu Xiong is one of the most promising Wan Xiaoqi commanders. It is said that he is likely to be the successor of the next Huangzi Tiantuan."

"No, as soon as I came back today, he was called by the commander to give a special award."

"In the future, if you talk more with these potential adults, you will find your life is brighter, understand?"

Wu Xiong?

Xia Qingchen had never heard of who he was. He only knew that Wan Xiao, who was in the yellow word, was riding Zhou Bendao, and he dismounted.

I also know that the position of the yellow character Tiantuan is reserved for him.

"Teached." Xia Qingchen tirelessly responded indifferently.

Lin Haonan confided the superiority in his heart, and felt a lot more comfortable.

Boom Boom--

Several sounds came from the stairs, and everyone looked around, but a round-faced businessman, with a group of guards upstairs, sealed the entrance and exit of the attic.

"Sorry, Qiu Mou is late." The round-faced businessman is the one selling Tianhuo this time, Qiu Wanjin.

He did come late, half an hour later than the scheduled time.

However, no one complained, but expressed their understanding.

After all, this person is in control of the top grade sky fire! (A lot of previous characters are involved, a bit stuck, and the remaining two pass at 10 o'clock in the evening)

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